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Everything posted by CrazyRay

  1. Net yet - haven't had time to play outside for a few hours trying different combinations and ammo to nail down a "why". I will update for sure when I do
  2. Another thing - make a promise to yourself you won't set foot (or drive through) another fast food place again, and you'll instantly be ahead of the curve. I know it's tough -especially if you are a road warrior, but your gut will thank you in the long run.
  3. Bravo for you! I got tired last summer of the "steady creep", and after hitting a personal high of 236, I told myself "no more". So I started hitting the eliptical at the gym like a madman, and lifting again, and just cutting back on eating. Nothing crazy as far as diet - reign in the empty stuff like breads, etc. By late summer I had dropped about 22lbs, and October 31 I ran my first 5k race with a pretty respectable time. I've slacked a bit lately due to adding our 3rd child and adding on to the house, and after climbing back above 220lbs this past weekend I'm getting back in gear and going to push to get back down to a nice fit 210. I actually did my best when I stopped worrying about the weight number, and just focused on getting fit... go figure.
  4. Fixed that for you
  5. lol... They said "burgled"
  6. Crap... now that I think about it - I guess I do
  7. Again, forgive me if I don't put much stock in these types of "drive by" posts, like yours. If you're gonna say it can happen, don't run scared when someone asks you to defend your position.
  8. So you can't or won't detail HOW it could happen, you just want to continue to insist that is can happen... cause you said so? Forgive me if I don't put much stock in that line of thinking. Consider it an exercise in critical thinking, if you will. Assume you have the serial number to one of my guns, and the information posted about me here on TGO. What exactly could happen, should you decide to claim that gun belongs to YOU? -Do you just call up the police station and report the gun as stolen by some internet guy in Brentwood, presumably named "Ray"? -HOW did I steal your gun? -When did it go missing? -Where/when did YOU buy it? -Did I break into your house, or did you just lose it in a boating accident? -If you claim I broke into your house or car - why was there no police report? -How do you know "CrazyRay" stole your gun? -Can YOU prove chain of ownership? -Can you in any way prove to the police that the gun us YOURS, not mine? At this point, you would have to fabricate a story to ALL of that, enough so that you convince the police they need to contact the admins here at TGO to reveal who I am, for the police to pay me a visit. IMHO - that is about as far as this is gonna get. Because once the police come knock on my door - you are placing an awful lot on the assumptions that I have poor purchasing documentation, don't keep receipts, etc. For all you know, I may have my FFL on speed dial and can verify chain og ownership in mere minutes. And assuming I am able to verify chain of ownership, you are now guilty of filing at least one false police report of theft, and likely a few other charges in there as well once the police realize what you just tried. So you really think it's worth all of that, with all of those assumptions, to effectively steal a sub-$1000 gun you saw on the internet? Is that really something you think a criminal would risk for such a petty return? They would have better odds trying to mug someone on the street.
  9. So you actually think I can be arrested based on nothing more than someone knowing the serial number to one of my guns? Please people... either share specific instances of this stuff happening or stop typing this stuff like it actually happens that way
  10. Mmmmm... ok They are free to retain whatever silly rationalizations and justifications but a car is still just a car Other than for pure humor, why on earth would I bother myself with picking on someone silly enough to permanently mark their flesh with something as arbitrary as an automobile logo? I'm pretty sure that bowtie is the equivalent of a fluorescent road sign to the effect of "CAUTION: Irrationally biased opinion ahead" But seriously folks... I said "a car is just a car" for the purpose of keeping the car buying choices perspective. It's all well and good to have preferences, but blind emblem aliegance can cloud your vision and get in the way of you making logical and economically sound decisions. The OP isn't looking to invest in a show car, or a collector vehicle - he's looking for daily transportation... Just keep that in mind
  11. And I could easily make life VERY difficult for them as soon as it is easily shown they just filed a false police report. Let's assume I post a picture here of one of my weapons, serial number easily visible. What is someone gonna do? Call the Brentwood police and say "CrazyRay" stole my xxxxxxxx, serial number yyyyyy? What is the rest of their story for how I magically stole their gun? Maybe I don't even live in Brentwood proper? I'm pretty sure my TN DL doesn't say "Crazy Ray" either But hey.. maybe I'm wrong? If anyone can lay out a scenario of how a situation like this could play out and have the actual picture-posting gun owner get burned, I'm all ears.
  12. Thank you Obamanomics! Hundreds of thousands of perfectly good used cars - that were already built so by default (As long as they run halfway decent) are *better* for the environment than building another NEW car... But that doesn't boost the American debt machine, so Obama couldn't have any of that, could he? One of my cars is an '03 Mazda Milenia. Been a good car, but now over1 140k on the clock, the maintenance is starting to add up and makes me wonder if something a bit newer would be better after doing all of the math. I think trying to focus on just *that* care you are looking for is going to make your quest considerably more difficult, so I'd suggest broadening your search to two, maybe 3 models you wouldn't mind driving. Just don't lose sight that it's only a CAR... and it is a depreciating asset at that. Getting you from point A to point B is the primary objective - everything else is just "how fluffy do you want your pillow"
  13. What ever happened to "do your time"? I personally think it's absurd that we continue to punish people after they have supposedly served their time as the state deemed necessary based on the crime they committed.
  14. Weekend trip to Pickwick State Park, day trip to Ms., seeing a good deal on a pink KelTec for the wife... but being in Mississippi and shipping plus local FFL fees would have brought it right back up to local pricing
  15. Ultimately it will go back to the mfg - whether you do it, or the dealer does. What this really boils down to is that particular dealer is clearly not interested in retaining your business as a repeat customer, therefore sees little incentive in coordinating the return process. Yeah, it sucks... but given the nature of the transaction (traveling gun show table vendor to a random customer), I'm not really surprised.
  16. +1. Easily a half day's worth of fun. And make sure you get some range time in while you are there... You get to shoot some viruses :D:D
  17. I have an AK74 kit w/ a Nodak receiver I still need to get off my butt and assemble... does that count?
  18. LSN used to be awesome until they had to divest themselves of the gun section. Every since then, I rarely check either one. I can't give out all of my sources, but If you want "deals", look for 2 things: 1. majority LOCAL usage 2. average or below-average internet skilled users Savvy internet users are better at pricing their stuff, meaning the deals ain't so hot. CraigsList can be ok - but you gotta check and reply fast, and you gotta have your search terms nailed down. HINT: search misspelled terms... and be creative. I have a few online sources like this that have continually given up some nice little treasures over the years.... if you have cash in hand and are ready to move on a deal immediately. Good luck!
  19. Local Sales Network - find local products and services in the mid south! - Go LSN! ?
  20. CrazyRay


    BTW, don't forget about Deals.Woot : One Community, Every Deal (SM) - there is a pretty decent group there who is keeping gun and gun-type deals posted up and on the forum to find.
  21. CrazyRay


    I've gotten 2 BOC's, but it's been years ago - before they started tossing the BOC into the middle of multi-day woot-offs.
  22. Wow... you sound bitter. I've been investing in the market for about 20 years now (all of my adult working life and then some), and I can say without a doubt I have made money on my investments over that time.
  23. As an employer, I'm pretty attuned to how 401k matches are structured Even at a 100% match of 3% of your income, that is an immediate 100% return on your money from day one. That means you could effectively lose half of your investment the next month, and you are still not out a single penny.Like I said - I'd like to know where else you can get an immediate 100% return on your money, because I'd like to start investing there along with you
  24. Dick's printable coupon $10 off $25 - SlickDeals.net Forums You should be able to find the link @ the first post to that thread. I used one of these a few weeks back - I think I got it for filling out an online survey after making an in-store purchase. FYI - mine was *my* coupon, I'l try to find it and compare the bar code for differences.
  25. I agree - I consider a search of my employees' vehicles a "game ending play".


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