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Everything posted by KahrMan

  1. Have you ever been to one of their auctions? I wonder if the guns go for a decent price. They have quite a few guns for sale. To bad it is on opening morning of deer season.
  2. I figured it was something like that. I am strong believer in the phrase you get what you pay for. It has taken me a long to realize that sometimes it is "cheaper" to buy the higher quality more expensive item. Thanks
  3. The only experience I have with ARs is with my .308 Bushmaster. I have been wanting to get a .223/5.56. My question is this...What is the difference in the 5.56 ammo I have seen for sale. Example - ammoman.com sells 1000rounds of russian for $269 shipped but Federal XM 193 sells for about $100 more. What is the difference in the ammos? Is the russian stuff crap or the Federal just that much better? Thanks for the help.
  4. I think it is The Saddle Shop.
  5. I say carry what you are comfortable with and can shoot accurately. Of course I have always liked the saying: A nine may expand to the size of a 45 but a 45 sure as hell isn't going to shrink to the size of a nine....
  6. Very cool pics!
  7. Does anybody know where I can get a replacement stock for a model 100? Boyds doesn't carry one and I haven't been able to find one. Thanks.
  8. There are some monsters out at Radnor. They are so accustomed to people you can get really close to them. Cant wait to see your pics.
  9. My daughter and I were driving through Percy Warner park this afternoon. I spotted this buck bedded down in a grown up field. He was about 100 yards away and didn't have a care in the world. i got out of the truck and took several pics. He never got up. To bad you can't hunt in the park.
  10. Got this in an email fron Sig today: THIS DEAL IS HOT! From now through December 31, 2008, get FREE SIG SAUER accessories worth more than $200.00 when you purchase any SIG SAUER Classic* or 1911 pistol. Simply send your sales receipt and a copy of your 4473 along with your name, address, email and phone number and we will send you a SIG SAUER Tactical Light, SIG SAUER Dual Retention Holster, SIG SAUER double magazine pouch and an extra magazine. Hurry, offer good through December 31st 2008 or while supplies last. Remit to: SIG SAUER, INC. 18 Industrial Drive Exeter, NH 03833 Attn: HOT DEAL *Classic pistol includes any: P220, P226, P229, P239. Click here to visit our website.
  11. 53,020
  12. KahrMan

    Mark X Mauser

    Hmmm, that workbench looks familar....
  13. I should have figured that out.
  14. That seems to be a good price and turnaround. Most places now a days are 300-500 for a shoulder mount.
  15. Nothing in blue book under Carsen Arms.
  16. Thats the reason the instructions gave for doing it a section at a time. You are able to control the length of the chemical reaction better for more even results because the length of the reaction determines the color. I did the .22 in 3 or 4 sections.
  17. Go see Joe at Hermitage Archery. I believe he is the only dedicated bow shop left in Nashville. He is at 4319 Central Pike. He has a fully stocked shop and range behind his house.
  18. I used that set you are talking about. I reblued an old rusty mossberg .22 rifle for a friend. A little messy but worked ok. Started out by cleaning off all the rust. Then you use the blue remover which strips the clean. After the barrel is clean you start the blueing. The blueing agent causes a chemical reaction with the metal to get the color blue. You rub it on a small section and let it sit for a minute or so then pour cold water over it. You have to pour water over it to stop the chemical reaction. I used a very fine steel wool, i believe it was 0000, to spread the blueing on. It helps blend the blue between sections to make it look continuous. Overall the blueing looked pretty consistent. There was a spot on the receiver that had a lot of wear. I never could get the blue to look right on that spot. I took a couple of days for the blue to "set". After that she was good to go.
  19. Just had some great bar-b-que for lunch. Went to a place called Martin's in Nolensville, Tn. Great little place to eat. Had the redneck taco. Thats a piece of fried cornbread topped with barbque and slaw. Nice order of fries on the side. They have a couple of sauces. i like their vinegar based sauce but their tomato/molasses based sauce is good also. So what are some of your favorite hole in the wall bbq joints?
  20. Hi, my name is Kahrman and I am a deer-gun-aholic. Here is a list of deer guns that I used to have until I sold them to a guy down on Dickerson Road. TC Encore .243 Tikka T3 .270 Winchester 70 7mm mag Sako .30-06 Weatherby Vanguard .300 wthby mag Weatherby MKV .340 wthby mag Ruger African .375 ruger Marlin 1895 .45-70
  21. KahrMan

    Old Shep

    That is funny. I can just imagine the people that try to stop him.
  22. KahrMan

    My new 642

    Nice. I love my 638.
  23. I used P.C. Taxidermy. I have mixed feelings about recommending them. The guy that owns it is Eric Mattar. He is a super nice guy and does great work. The problem is that he, in my opinion, doesn't run his business very good. It took me 2 years to get my bobcat. The problem is he is in demand and doesn't say no to new business walking in the door. When I went to him he was a one man shop. If he has added some employees, turnaround might not be an issue now. as of 2 years ago: Eric Mattar P.C. Taxidermy 320 Tyne Court Old Hickory, TN 37138 615-758-7162
  24. Here he is mounted...
  25. Thanks. I have it mounted laying on a branch. I will try to get a pic of it tonight and post it. He was decent size for this part of the country. He was 29lbs and 33" inches from his nose to his butt.


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