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Everything posted by KahrMan

  1. The Nashville Hot at Publix is legit. Not the hottest but fantastic flavor. The will do wings, tenders or a 8 piece in hot if you ask them. Will get a couple of 8 pieces in hot and put it in the fridge. Heat it up in the air fryer and it is great.
  2. I absolutely love my 336 in 44 mag. You can not go wrong with either but get the 44 mag.
  3. Welcome to TGO.
  4. That Vortex is sexy.
  5. Hybrids can be a lot of fun on Priest. Have not fished for them in about 20 years but still remember the fights. Good luck and post some pics of what you catch.
  6. Damn. That was intense and impressive.
  7. Glad she is ok and was not there today.
  8. I was cleaning the garage this weekend and had to move one of the tools I got from you right before you moved and was wondering how y’all were doing. It’s good to see you back.
  9. Welcome to TGO
  10. Welcome to TGO
  11. He was a pioneer in big bore handguns. From Big Horn Armory: John Linebaugh passed away on March 19, 2023, at his home. A fellow Wyomingite, Linebaugh was an American gunsmith who gained international renown for creating custom revolvers in the largest calibers in the world. He invented the .500 Linebaugh caliber — the first successful .50 caliber revolver (and cartridge) in 1986. He is also credited with inventing the .475 Linebaugh cartridge, which he perfected in 1988. "John was a pioneer in the use of big bore, heavy bullets in handguns. He predates Smith & Wesson's 500 S&W by almost 20 years. They probably would not have created the X Frame guns without his inspiration,” commented Greg Buchel, president of Big Horn Armory. He continued, “his handguns were near perfection. The first time I fired one of his guns many years ago was at a range event he and I both attended. He handed me his gun out of his holster. The first thing I noticed was how perfect the fit and function were. It wasn't necessarily the prettiest gun I ever saw, but even after years of use and who knows how many rounds it fired, the gun was mechanical jewelry." The friendship between our team and Linebaugh began at the Wyoming Outdoorsman Annual fundraiser several years ago when Linebaugh approached Buchel at his table. After chatting for a while, the idea for a collaboration was born. The idea was discussed several times in the following months, and one night over a couple of bourbons, the two decided to produce a limited edition, super-premium boxed set containing one 500 Linebaugh lever gun and one 500 Linebaugh revolver. Included would be exhibition-grade wood, octagon barrels, and color case hardened receivers all packaged in an oak presentation box. “John’s work and friendship will never be forgotten. We have truly lost one of the greats. Our entire Big Horn Armory family sends our deepest condolences to his family and to all who were blessed to know him,” said Buchel.
  12. Dude that looks awesome. Nice job!!
  13. Welcome to TN and TGO
  14. I wish it was but unfortunately it is one of the later ones.
  15. Take care of yourself and get better soon.
  16. If you can get a list of the guns and some pics there are a lot of guys here that could give you real world values.
  17. The 41 was the predecessor of the 91. Supposedly less then 400 were imported into the US in the late 60’s early 70’s.
  18. Nice. Currently I only have one HK rifle but it is a fairly rare one. HK 41
  19. You into HK rifles as well or just pistols?
  20. Asylum Street Spankers is a funky little band that has some great novelty songs. Leaf blower is one of them.
  21. KahrMan

    Bank Run

    I agree. That's why we have several accounts at several different banks.
  22. KahrMan

    Bank Run

    I can't imagine how many conversations were had this weekend like the one I had with the others on our management team. We keep our company's working capital in several different banks. Within each bank we have several bank accounts. I spent some time this weekend moving money around to try to make sure no accounts have over the 250k FDIC limit. It is a hassle keeping money spread over so many accounts. Some companies are not going to be able to make payroll this week because their money disappeared. We are a small company. I have no idea how all the medium size companies are going to manage their working capital.


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