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Everything posted by KahrMan

  1. Somebody needs this...
  2. Estate sale
  3. Picked up a new to me S&W 629-1. It has been shot but not very much. Looking forward to getting it out and putting a few rounds through it.
  4. Just picked these two up this week.
  5. Welcome to TGO
  6. I love my Anaconda in 45 Colt. They made a small number, relative to the amount of 44s, back in the 80’s. It’s a fun and accurate gun to shoot steel targets with.
  7. Cool I will be expecting a call letting me know what I won.
  8. I was interested when I heard about it but keep forgetting to look for it on tv.
  9. I agree. I really like scout scopes on lever guns.
  10. Usually a 12 ga shotgun shooting 3" or 3.5" shells BB
  11. Welcome to TGO and TN.
  12. Very nice score.
  13. Somebody please buy this and put me out of my misery.
  14. You guys crack me up. And yes it has been sold. I snatched it up yesterday before the snow got here.
  15. I’ll take it. Sending pm.
  16. That is a good deal. GLWS
  17. Looks like Silas had a great year. That’s awesome!
  18. That looks like one happy boy.
  19. That’s awesome. Where are the birds?
  20. This will make somebody a great light weight hunting rig. I love the Kimber light weight rifles.


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