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KahrMan last won the day on January 10

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About KahrMan

  • Birthday 10/21/1967

Profile Information

  • Location
    Nashville, Tennessee
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Hunting, Fishing, Spending time with the kids
  • Occupation
    Penny Pincher


  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military
  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Glock 48
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Staccato P Duo

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Postus Maximus

Postus Maximus (5/5)



  1. I have a lot of friends that do them. They seem to be a lot of fun. It is more of a social outing where you leave with some food for the freezer than a hunt of course. This type of shoot is not everyone's cup of tea but they can be a lot of fun.
  2. This is the one spot in Nashville where I sometimes get road rage. It really is not hard to understand what lanes do what but nobody ever gets it right.
  3. Which ever is easier. If you are coming through Bellevue one day let me know I and i can meet with you with cash. Other wise I can PayPal or mil you a check. Just let know.
  4. Never really got into the fortified wines. In high school it was pga, pure grain alcohol(190 proof), and Tahitian Treat fruit punch drinks from the 7-11 that did me in.
  5. Nope. I saw them in concert in the 80’s with REO Speedwagon. It was a good concert.
  6. Don’t forget Brass Monkey
  7. Now that brings back some memories
  8. I am the second owner of this fine rifle. I bought this from the family of the original owner after he passed. It is a 1953 Winchester 70 Super Grade in .270 Winchester. It is in immaculate condition. There is no scratches or rust on this rifle. It is in such good condition I could never get myself to take it out to hunt with it. It has sat in my safe for the last couple of years. It is time to move this on to someone who will appreciate and use this fine piece of craftsmanship. The last couple of 1953 Super Grades, not in as good of condition as this one, that sold on gun broker went for $3500. Let's keep this one in Tennessee. $3,000. I am in Nashville but will drive some for the right deal.


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