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Everything posted by 1gewehr

  1. 1gewehr

    10 MM Auto fans

    No plastic Witnesses in my house! Both are over 5 years old, so I'm not familiar with the new slide vs old. Neither has had any problems. I have a .38 Super and .45acp conversion kit that I use with both the full-size and compact. The .38 Super slide needed a bit of polishing at first, but works flawlessly now.
  2. Umm, wouldn't that be true of ANY projectile that exceeds the speed of sound? In fact, even those that do NOT exceed the speed of sound won't give you enough time to react to move away from the point of impact. From a mile and a half, you would have a difficult time even seeing the muzzle blast of a cannon, much less a rifle.
  3. We love our 99s. I also have one in .300 savage and my wife's is in .250 savage. The .300 Savage is ballistically just a hair less powerful than the .308 Win. Still an excellent all-around cartridge. Not too hard to find, either. Very easy to find good handload recipes as it uses all .308 components except the case. The 99 has been called the perfect hunting rifle as it is sleek, well-balanced, fast-handling, and powerful. If it was really made in 1935, it is more valuable in un-modified condition. There are many variations, and all are collectable.
  4. Sorry, but it is. There is no such thing as Social Security 'insurance'. You paid a payroll tax, and your employer did as well. There has not been a 'trust fund' or any other account set aside for you. All you had was a set of IOUs from the Federal government, and they have the power to change the terms as they see fit. Social Security is a Ponzi Scheme. It depended upon the contributions from those paying to always be larger than the distribution to those getting checks. In other words, Robbing Peter to pay Paul. The country has more debt to Paul than they are capable of robbing from Peter. So they write IOUs to themselves for the difference. It's like getting another credit card to pay the payments on the ones you have already maxed out! You younger guys need to LISTEN UP! Government promises are worthless. If you do not provide for yourself, and plan for your own retirement, you will end up as a WalMart greeter eating Ramen twice a day and a 'wish sandwich' for lunch.
  5. Close. News people these days are generally incapable of coherent thought and writing. Quoting a MPD policeman who is ignorant does them no favors. That is, of course, if they accurately quoted the cop!
  6. I have survived four rounds of layoffs in the past three years, and had two pay cuts. I count myself fortunate that I am still employed. Increased expenses and taxes are not a way to help increase employment. Increasing regulations and government interference in business do not encourage growth.
  7. Hmm, I agree and disagree. In a video, you should do what you do in real life. In other words, you should check every firearm you pick up. But you do not have to make a big deal out of it. Remember, most of the folks who watch these videos are NOT people who actually shoot firearms. Many of them live in places where this is as close as they ever get to actually being able to shoot. Many more are kids who live in 'gun-free' homes. You should try to set a good example when making a video. And that means displaying proper safe habits. After all, "I am the only one in this room professional enough to handle a Glock Forty"!
  8. Having been an FFL, I can tell you that a 'fair trade' is the one both parties agree to. An 'unfair trade' never occurs as one of the parties walks away. The thing I found out was that most people didn't like the uncertainty of not knowing how much trade value their gun would bring. That is where the Blue Book has been a great help. I would offer 80% of the Blue Book value as the trade value. Of course, then we got to argue about whether the gun was in 50% or Like New condition! A cash sale is a totally different proposition. When you want to sell for cash, you are asking the dealer to 'spend money'. At that point, with most small dealers the state of the cash drawer comes into play. The dealer has to ask himself whether he has made enough to pay the rent, employees, his house payment, bills, any note on his inventory, etc. Then he has to ask whether he can actually sell the gun you are offering. The internet has been great, as there are specialty boards where you can quickly figure out a good price to sell almost anything. When I had my FFL, you had to research past issues of Shotgun News to find a good price. Then put the gun in your monthly ad, and hope someone wanted it. That could take up to six months, during which time the gun sat in inventory collecting dust and tying up your money. So why don't YOU tell us what you consider to be a 'fair trade'?
  9. I think that it's amazing that they ask for the public's help in identifying the robber, but the only description we have is 'a man'. How about some specifics? So, we are supposed to look for a tall, short, fat, skinny, bowlegged, pigeon-toed, bald, long-haired, bearded, clean-shaven, Asian, African, white, Hispanic dude who is either wearing any kind of clothes imaginable or naked? And if he had clothes on, 'he' might be cross-dressing 'she'. That really narrows down the list of suspects!
  10. I've got to interject another point of view. Actions have consequences. An adult is responsible for their own actions. If you don't want a child, either abstain from sex or use birth control. As inexpensive and easy as most birth control is to use, there really is no excuse for not using it. And price is not the issue. Women can get free pills, condoms, and in some places they can also get free patches, shots, or implants. Pregnancy is self-inflicted. Aside from the rare instances of pregnancy through rape, nobody is forcing the woman to get pregnant. But when a woman DOES get pregnant through her own actions, it is not the act of an responsible adult to abort that child. And there is no logical way to argue otherwise.
  11. It seems that being a journalist for MSM is one of the few jobs that does not require any skill or thought.
  12. We as gun owners actually believed our elected politicians. Our bad. We need to remember that a politician only stays honest as long as we hold their feet to the fire. For this next legislative session, don't forget that!
  13. I took away the fact that you have two distinct types of 'stops': 1) After being shot once, the person simply gives up. This is regardless of caliber. 2) For a determined attacker that doesn't fit into category '1', larger or more powerful is better. A third fact is that he said that most of the 9mm shootings used ball ammo. If you carry or use 9mm, get a quality hollowpoint cartridge for carry use!
  14. Got out in '99. Back in again in 2004. Out again in 2008. Staying out until next year at the earliest.
  15. 1gewehr

    mas 49-56

    The MAS 45/56 in 7.5mm French is an excellent, reliable, accurate, durable rifle. The cartridge is almost identical to 7.62NATO, but enough different that the cartridges are not interchangeable. The ones Century converted to .308 have had many issues from short chambers, long chambers, rough chambers, gas leaks, etc. If you get one in .308, test fire it first with several types of NATO-spec ammo. Sights seem a bit crude at first, but with practice, you will realize that they are pretty good for a military rifle. Target acquisition is quick, adjustments are easy and positive, and the front blade is a balance between accurate shooting and quick sight acquisition. If you can reload, get it in 7.5mm. If not, factory 7.5 ammo is not terribly expensive from FNM or Prvi. I would recommend one in 7.5 rather than taking a crapshoot against long odds that one in .308 will work well. Mine is in .308, and had a rough chamber and gas leaks from an improperly shortened gas tube. I got those resolved, and now it shoots fine. But it was a pain.
  16. The only problem I've had with my FM M90 HiPower is the crappy black paint finish chips and flakes. I removed the d@mn magazine safety to improve the trigger pull and allow the mags to drop free. Aside from the finish, there is nothing wrong with these pistols.
  17. If it just needs a mainspring, that's an easy fix. If it needs more, you can easily spend more than the revolver is worth. 'US Revolver' is another name for Iver Johnson. They can be very reliable, accurate revolvers as long as you do not load them heavily. Typically, they do not go for much money. Perfect ones might get $200. Less than perfect, but functioning ones can still be found pretty often for under $100.
  18. 1gewehr

    1911 mags

    They aren't sexy, but Metal-Form makes the Colt OEM-supplied 1911 magazines. CDNN has the stainless ones for sale at $15 each. I've never had problems with them. I also have some McCormick 8-rd stainless 'Shooting Star' mags which have been very reliable.
  19. The MAC wins every time. Whether it's a M10/45 with 30rds of .45acp, the M10/9 with 36rds of 9mm, the little M11/9 with 30rds of 9mm, or even the tiny M11/380 with 30 rds of .380 devastation, no PC can stand up to that kind of firepower.
  20. Executive Orders only affect Federal agencies. He can require the ATF to collect that information. He cannot legally require FFLs to comply without changing the law.
  21. It's hard to beat the .260 for target shooting. If the .243 is beating up his shoulder, a .308 will be much worse, especially with 168gr and heavier loads needed for serious target shooting. The .260 is a bit stiffer recoil than the .243, but nowhere near as stiff as a .308. I'd stick with the .260 as a 13yo boy will quickly outgrow lighter rounds. for practice, he doesn't need to run thorugh 100rds each session. Get him to concentrate on each round and take his time. You will soon find that 40-50rds is a good range session. Especially if you use a .22 as a primary practice tool to start each session. A good butt pad will help tame the .260 recoil if it still bothers him.
  22. I hope that was sarcasm. I can't imagine anyone who is actually surprised by the blatant media bias against firearms. When Handgun Control press releases get printed verbatim as a news 'story', it shows a pretty obvious bias. When the TV news segments show people firing machine guns while they talk about banning semi-autos because they look 'evil', it shows a certain bias. And when they totally ignore the head of ATF pointing fingers at the FBI, DEA, and US Attorney General as having knowledge of a program to arm illegals and drug dealers, I fail to see how anyone can call them anything but anti-gun.
  23. I just can't get one done in less than an hour. It's always; get set up, let the dog out, get parts ready to assemble, answer wife's question, assemble a couple of parts, let the dog in, "What was that Honey?", put another part in, etc.......
  24. To me 'common-sense gun control' involves disarming most Federal agencies. Get real! Why does the FDA need armed agents? Protecting themselves against a chicken uprising? Oh, I forgot, 'Cows with Guns'
  25. The purpose of government is NOT to provide social programs. Our Founders went through this debate 220 years ago. Legitimate functions of government are: provide a legal system (laws, courts, etc), protect the borders, keep the peace (quell insurrections, riots, etc). If we kept government within those boundaries, this debate would be moot. As far as this sales tax collection goes, the issue is whether TN can collect from a company which has no presence in TN. The net result will be to force companies selling remotely to go off-shore. Yep, there go more US jobs, investment money, and personal spending. I'm sure THAT will help our ailing economy! Bill Haslam is doing a great job of convincing me that he should be a one-term governor. Raising taxes will have no positive effect. All that will happen is that government will continue to spend to excess. Only by curbing that spending can we get fiscal responsibility. Giving money to politicians is like giving whiskey and a new Corvette to an unsupervised 16 year-old boy. Sure, he MIGHT act responsibly. But would you bet on it? As far as worrying about whether the poor will eat us, that's absurd. The only way that would happen is if government continues to tax and spend our economy into oblivion. Giving them more tax money will only exacerbate the situation.


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