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Jose Guerena Shot 60 times by Swat in his Home
1gewehr replied to JG55's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I'm sorry , but the ONLY justification I can see for violent entry into a home is when you have a known active shooter (shots already fired) or a hostage situation. Otherwise, police should knock on the door and wait until someone answers it or they see obvious evidence of violence. For the police to be the ones to initiate violence like this cannot be justified except as a blatant exhibition of force. And how is the average citizen to know a police SWAT team knocking down his door from a gang of home invaders knocking down his door? It took me five seconds to pull up pages of examples like these: Fake cops in custody after home invasion attempt | abc13.com Fake Police Officers Stage Oakland Home Invasion Robbery - News Story - KRXI Reno Authorities search for 'pseudocops' in Edinburg home invasion : News : ValleyCentral.com How many of you guys can wake from a deep sleep in the comfort and safety of your own bed to correctly identify cops from crooks as they break down your door within 18 seconds? As they break down your door, will you gamble on not having a weapon in your hands? If it's cops, you die. Will you gamble on NOT having a weapon? If it's crooks, you AND your family are at their mercy. Tough choice. I'd love to hear from some cops on how the law-abiding citizen is to deal with this life and death conundrum. -
This should warm the hearts of GOP legislators.
1gewehr replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I find it interesting that private schools have no trouble recruiting and keeping good teachers while usually paying less than government schools. Perhaps tenure is less about keeping 'good' teachers than it is about protecting union members. Most private schools in TN are church or community schools with per-student expenses of between 1/3 and 1/2 that of government schools. Student performance and SAT scores are much higher on average as well. It seems that the concept of tenure for government school employees is not one that benefits students. And if it does not benefit the students, then it is an unnecessary expense. -
Here is a good article on Planned Parenthood's services. Must-see graphic: Planned Parenthood’s Abortions vs. Adoptions | CatholicVote.org Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger with the expressed purpose of racial eugenics; aborting all non-white and 'defective' babies. They have been very successful in promoting abortion as a form of birth control. While they are expressly forbidden from using Federal funds for abortions, it merely means that they can use Federal funds for all other expenses including pre- and post- abortion care and counseling.
Early WWII .50 BMG. We shot some of that a few years ago and each round looked like it was shooting black powder. Huge brown powder smoke clouds! After a 5rd burst from Ma Deuce, we had to wait for the smoke to clear so we could see downrange. But it all fired reliably, and seemed accurate enough. The good thing about recoil-operated firearms is the powder residue doesn't get in the action as much as with gas-operated weapons. It still took forever to get that M2 clean.
Aguila is the former Remington ammunition plant in Mexico. I haven't had any bad Aguila ammo yet.
Since the main problem for you will be pulling the slide all the way to the rear for loading, two general rules are going to come into play here. The first is that the more powerful the caliber, the more powerful the spring. We are going to assume that you are looking for a locking breech pistol, not a pure blowback with a fixed barrel. A 1911, Glock, or similar has a locked breech where the barrel recoils with the slide for a short distance before unlocking. The second rule is that a shorter slide needs more a powerful recoil spring(s). Applying those two rules, you can see that the Glock 17 full-size 9mm will be easier to load than the compact Glock 29 in the powerful 10mm. I am using Glocks as examples because they are common, well-known and easy to compare between models. With that knowledge in hand, my advice would be to visit a large gun shop when they are not busy and get a salesman to spend some time letting you handle as many models as you like. Test the pistols for how easy they are to load, how well you can move the controls (safety, slide release, etc), and how suitable the weapon is for your favorite mode of carry. go when they are not busy so the salesman can spend some quality time and not feel like he is torn between customers. If possible, try to get to a range that rents the model you are interested in. Rent the pistol and see how well you like to shoot it. You do not want to spend a lot of money on a pistol that you hate to shoot or cannot comfortably operate. I would concentrate on 9mm models. The 9mm is probably the cartridge which will give you the greatest choice of pistols which can be comfortably operated by you. There are some really excellent 9mm+P defense cartridges available these days. And 9mm practice ammo is less expensive than most other rounds.
Barrel length is not an issue for accuracy. the only way it affects accuracy is if you are using iron sights, then the increased sight radius is more accurate. It is an issue for velocity. So our main question is what will you be hunting? Personally, I prefer the 20" barrel for all-around use. There are some critters out there that I like to have maximum velocity when using a tiny little .22 slug. Hogs come to mind. Velocity also gives a flatter trajectory if you are killing woodchucks out to 200 yards with those little 45gr varmint bullets. The only advantage I can see to the shorter barrel is for comfort. It's lighter. Unless you are hunting in buildings or from inside a vehicle, I'd stick with a 20" barrel. Longer barrels have less muzzle flash and blast as well!
Send it back. I just looked at both of my 9mm Witnesses. One is older (1992 TZ-75), and one is newer (2005 Witness). The throat is about .1" according to my tiny ruler and a strong light, but noticeable. And the rifling is a definite ramp as opposed to starting out with full-depth rifling. Your pistol should work like both of mine do; with pretty much any factory 9mm I have ever found. (Israeli SMG primers are too hard, and British L7 is made for arctic use and develops very high pressures in normal temps) These are not finicky guns. They should work with anything made to US SAAMI or NATO specs. Send it back.
Ammo is rare and generally considered a collector item. It used a special cartridge that looks like a short .30 carbine round. The French actually liked the cartridge and adopted a modified version of it as their service pistol cartridge as the 7.65 Long. The Springfield 1903 MKI rifles are not really scarce, and are easily recognized by the oval ejection port on the left side of the receiver. Every now and then you find the 40rd magazines for sale as well as the tan canvas pouches for the magazines. The US Gov't made over 100,000 of the devices, and in the late 1920s decided to destroy them all (except a few for museums and reference). The accessories (mags, pouches) were sold as surplus which is why they can still be found. A few enterprising individuals saved some from the bonfire, and these are the ones in private hands. If someone did make a replica, I'd grab it in a heartbeat if I could afford it!
Looking into the barrel, does the rifling begin immediately at the end of the chamber? It sounds like the barrel was made without a throat. The rifling should have a ramp-like area that starts about .3" after the end of the chamber. If your barrel is not properly throated, you need to send it back to EAA. Sometimes serious competitors will order a barrel with no throat so they can set it up themselves for their pet load. Your pistol may have accidentally gotten one of those barrels. Quality control should have caught it though.
Here is the question that each of us must ask ourselves: "What qualities MUST I see in a candidate for office in order to earn my vote?" For some people party affiliation is enough. For others, a candidate must meet some very specific requirements. Obviously, the second group is very likely to be disappointed. The political process is one where your choices become more constrained by time. This Spring, we have had the chance to choose between a dozen or so Republicans. Many of those have already been weeded out. We may see some more appear on the scene, but the choice is likely between four or so between now and November. By next March, we will likely be down to two. So, if you have a favorite, support them NOW, or the chance to do so may be lost. Remember, if you cannot find a worthy candidate now, it is very unlikely one will magically appear in the next several months. You can afford to be picky now, but as time goes on your choices will be fewer. Do you want another McCain? And by next summer it will be the Republican candidate or Obama. And while Obama looks likely to lose now, do not underestimate his campaigning skills, fundraising ability, or the legions of dedicated supporters he has.
This should warm the hearts of GOP legislators.
1gewehr replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
As usual, the Commie Appeal mis-states things a bit. Part of the problem was the NRA-sponsored one-size-fits-all 34-page parking lot bill. It was poorly written to mesh with existing TN laws. This caused a lot of confusion and led to it's not passing. The school-carry bill the CA refers to was a situation where the sponsor was promised plenty of votes to get it out of committee, and then back-stabbed by a RINO. It might have helped if gun owners had been more vocal in their support of these two issues. Other good bills were treated in similar fashion. The 2012 session will be better and you should expect to see both parking lot and school carry bills pass. Our new leadership had a lot to learn about how the legislature works and got sandbagged a few times by sneaky RINOs. Still, if you have not contacted your state rep and senator about these issues, you need to show your support. -
I'm sorry your pistol has had issues. Since it works well with factory ball ammo, I suspect it's just a break-in thing. A couple of quick questions. Are the problems all failure to feed? Did you clean and lube the pistol before going to the range? Sometimes the preservative grease makes imported guns gummy. My first CZ75 had similar issues because I was too impatient to shoot it and didn't get the preservative out of it first. If it coninues to give problems, don't hesitate to send it back. EAA has a good warranty, and has been pretty responsive lately. It may be a rough feed ramp or chamber since it won't even feed some ammo. Last possibility is a bad magazine. Did you try it with both magazines? Was one better than the other? MecGar makes great magazines, but you still may have gotten one with bad feed lips.
For me it's very simple why we should support Israel. They are the only 'sane' country in the region. No dictatorship, reasonably free country, free press and speech, hard-working people, an example of what hard work and dedication could make EVERY country in the Middle East into. Flying into Israel in the Spring is an eye-opener. Brown as far as the eye can see except for Israel. You can tell where the borders are from 32,00 feet by where the land is green and where it is desert. Look at Israel in Google Earth for a graphic display of this.
Chrome bores typically last 50-100% longer than standard steel. If you are not worried about .05" differences in your group size, you are better off with chromed bores. I buy chromed bore barrels whenever the cost is less than 50% more than non-chromed. To me it's a no-brainer decision.
I've got a Galil I built on an Ohio Ordnance receiver. The receiver was fine, and I used an excellent condition parts kit. It runs perfectly. Here are issues with the Galil: It's HEAVY for a 5.56mm. Not nearly as ergonomic as an AR15/M16. (But better than an AK) Magazines are expensive and heavy. Sights are better than AK sights, not nearly as good as AR15/M16 sights. Balance is not as good as an AR15/M16. Get you spare parts now. They are hard to find and won't get easier. Don't waste your money on an 'issue-type' Galil scope mount. Get the one which replaces the gas tube cover and use a red-dot or scout scope. From prone, you will not be getting close to the ground. Likewise when shooting behind cover, careful of the magazine length.
How so? US troops (aircraft, etc) are in action in Libya. Congress has not approved it. Seems pretty clear to me.
According to the War Powers Act, Obama had 60 days to get a declaration of war or remove US involvement. The 60 days is up tomorrow 5/20. Obama is trying to say that it is not a 'US war', but being waged by NATO. But the War Powers Act prohibits US military involvement after 60 days without congressional approval. The media is keeping a low profile as this will only further embarrass their socialist messiah. The Republicans are unlikely to make waves on this as they want to keep teh attention on the budget.
"Century Arms R1A1 with a "16 bbl, railed receiver cover and an AK style Muzzle Brake. It is an Inch receiver" Some of the railed receiver covers are a bit flimsy. If you don't put too much weight on it, it won't be an issue (don't put a monster scope on it). The Century 16" barrel rifles can be a bit finicky. Some do not have a the correct gas port size for the shorter barrel. That may require you to have the gas set to an extreme setting. The inch receiver means that you can use either metric or inch magazines. All other parts are interchangeable. The inch magazines won't work in the metric receivers as the inch mags have a larger front lug. I'm not sure what you mean by an "AK style Muzzle Brake". If it's an AK-74 muzzle brake, it's going to be a LOUD beast and will raise the dust from the prone position. The AK-74 brake also creates a pretty large fireball. If you want a flash-suppressor and less blast, look into the standard FAL 'combo device' (flash suppressor, grenade launcher, bayonet mount). As said above, visit the FALFiles. Pretty much anything you could want to know is available there.
Rush hour is basically from about 7-8am. The closer you get to 8am, the worse the traffic will be. As mentioned above, taking Briley Parkway will avoid the worst part of the traffic if you are running later than 7:15 or so. Going north on I-65 out of Nashville at that hour will present no problem.
Had a M2 .50 cook off just as we were clearing it. I was standing about 7ft away and caught brass in my forearm, upper chest, and face. My glasses caught a few pieces or I would have lost my sight. Fortunately, nobody was leaning over the gun.
If you don't have a .22, get that first. A Ruger, Browning, Beretta Neos, or similar is an excellent first pistol. Here's a radical idea, though. While I love my CZ75s, the EAA Witness is a cheaper alternative that has an enviable reputation for durability and reliability. You can get a 9mm/.22 combo package that has both the 9mm pistol and a .22 conversion unit. This package should be under you $500 limit. Do NOT use aftermarket magazines with the Witness as they really suck. Factory mags are made by MecGar, and run about $25 each from EAA.
I have a M39 and a M59 also. I bought the M59 brand new in 1979. While I appreciated the lightness and decent double-action trigger, the grip design was awful to me. After many thousands of rounds through the excellent M39, I never did get used to the different grip angle and straight backstrap of the M59. Others really like the grip design, so make your own mind up about it. The lock-up design is not as inherently accurate as other competing designs (CZ75, SIG, etc). Accuracy seems to vary a good bit between guns as a result. Even the worst of them are sufficient for normal duty use, though. I retired my M59 when I got my first CZ75 (1981). The CZ75 was so far superior a weapon to me (accuracy, ergonomics, design) that I just quit taking the Smith to the range. But I still think the S&W 59 is also a far superior weapon to any Ruger 9mm.