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Everything posted by 1gewehr

  1. Beyonce?  Aside from bouncing around in skimpy clothes, she doesn't do anything that strikes me as interesting.  And there are a LOT more women I'd rather watch bouncing around in skimpy clothing than Beyonce!   At half-time, I never would have guessed that the final five minutes of the game would be so riveting!
  2. I just scanned over those cases and only saw three, possibly four, actual times that a .50 rifle was used in a crime.  The rest were just 'guilt by association' where a .50 cal rifle was present during another type of crime.  And most of these cases did not necessarily involve a 'Barrett', but just some type of .50 caliber rifle.  Over a 20-year period, that's statistically insignificant!
  3. "This official White House photograph is being made available only for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House."   :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: If it really IS a 'official White house Photo', then it is in the public domain and can be used and manipulated for anything you want except for campaign or product endorsements.  I find it amusing that the White House would add that disclaimer, knowing that it's not legal.
  4. Without any 'real' facts in this case, I'll wait to find out what the real story is.  The Feds can charge you with anything they like as a pretext to confiscating your property.  If he was a legitimate collector, that collection could have a HUGE value.  If they find any charges that actually stick, then he will most likely lose the guns to asset forfeiture and the agencies will each get a nice chunk of money after the auction.   Asset forfeiture is just a form of legalized theft.
  5. Not in TN.  The TN State Constitution says that the Legislature has the power to regulate the wearing of arms.  If you want to carry a handgun in any manner in TN, you will need the permit.
  6. Answers: 1)  Stock more ammo.  Save ALL materials! 2)  If you don't know basic chemistry yourself, make VERY good friends with someone who does.  You will have to scavenge for materials, but nitro-cellulose gunpowder is really not very difficult to make.  What IS difficult is to make it safely if you don't know what you're doing. 3)  Fulminated mercury is not hard to make either.  Safety is again the harder part.  Much more important for this than for the powder! 4)  Make friends with a machinist and a GOOD blacksmith.  If you can make new firearms and repair old ones, you will be set for life! 5)  Forget the 'lone survivalist' crap.  One person or family sitting on a pile of supplies is called a 'target'.  When folks are desperate, they do desperate things.  Communities which come closer together with useful skills will find ways to become self-sufficient and defend themselves. 6)  Learn from this current ammo shortage.  Our supply chain only has a couple of days or weeks of inventory.  In a run on supplies, it will disappear faster than snow in July.  This applies to ALL critical items.  One of the smartest things that the Mormons do is require a new family to have a year's food on hand.  I would suggest that EVERY family do this.  With a bit of thought, it is not out of the budget for anyone who actually has a job. 7)  If you do not know the chemistry to make basic materials (acids, refined metals, etc), LEARN!  All of the knowledge necessary is on the 'net.  Read, experiment, and learn to become indispensable to any community.
  7. It used to be that banks were not Federally-insured, and that money in the bank had real value.  So, when a bank was robbed, EVERYONE who had money in the bank was being robbed!  Bank robbery was a very high-profile crime, but also very dangerous.  The James-Younger Gang ended it's career when every one of it's members was either killed or wounded in Northfield, MN trying to rob a bank.   Now, folks don't care about bank robberies unless they are in the middle of one.  Like the poster above said, it's insured, so who cares.  We probably have MORE bank robberies now because the risk is so much lower than it used to be.  I could not find stats on THAT, but eh FBI bank stats for 2011 are interesting reading: http://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/bank-crime-statistics-2011/bank-crime-statistics-2011
  8. The .303 Lee-Enfield was adopted by Great Britain in 1895.  The Lee-pattern bolt-action system was designed by an American.  Enfield gave it's name because of the pattern of rifling used. So, it's now a 118 year-old type of rifle.  And it has a 10rd magazine, so it's an 'assault rifle' in NY!  Capable of shooting down Apache attack helicopters!  Who needs an AR-15?  Get an old SMLE!
  9. You do not have to spend a dime to send them home.  They will send themselves home if we adopt a couple of policies. 1)  Illegal aliens are criminals.  Treat them as such, just like anyone else who steals.  2)  Fine employers who hire illegals.  Make the fines stiff enough that hiring illegals is not economical.  Something like a fine of twice what they paid the illegal since hiring them would stop most of this. 3)  When illegals are caught, sieze their assets.  Use the proceeds to bus them to the nearest border, and drop them off with the clothes on their back and a bottle of water.  4)  Make it VERY clear that the ONLY 'path to citizenship' (or legal immigrant) status is through the legal immigration process begun in their home country.  (There are, of course, exceptions for refugees, political exiles, etc.)   This will never happen as it will be considered too harsh and cruel.
  10. 1gewehr

    Barrel Upgrade?

    Save the barrel upgrade for when you DO wear out the one you have.  Chrome lining usually extends the life of a barrel by 50-100%.  Here's a good idea of barrel life for a normal steel barrel.   http://www.luckygunner.com/labs/brass-vs-steel-cased-ammo/
  11. Go rent a SIG and take the Glock with you.  Shoot them both and compare.  If you like the SIG, get one.  If you don't, then you will have satisfied that curiosity without dropping a lot of money.  You might also rent a third gun as a blind test.  There are LOTS of choices out there for comparison.  S&W, Walther, CZ, Springfield, and others all make competitors for that market.  How many folks will buy a car without a test drive?  So why buy a firearm without the same thing?
  12.   There are LOTS of SMG pouches on the market.  Most will fit either UZI or MP5 mags (both straight and curved).  I measured a Glock 33rd 9mm mag and it was almost the same length as a 32rd UZI mag.  The AR-15 9mm mags are copies of UZI mags, so if the pouch says 9mm AR-15, it should also fit.    My Sterling 34rd mags are both longer and more curved than MP5 mags, so finding pouches was more difficult.  But pouches which fit Grease Gun or Thompson 30rd .45 mags work very well for my Sterling mags. 
  13. I've used TaxAct in the past.  We had some changes, so this year we're using Jackson-Hewitt.   I would caution against e-filing.  It's not secure and there has been a LOT of fraud associated with the IRS's insecure website.  If you use online software, just print out the completed forms and mail them in.
  14. I disagree with background checks, PERIOD!  They are a bad idea and worse than useless. 1)  Show me where background checks have reduced violence.  Some states have a 100% background check law.  Has it reduced crime?  No.  2)  How many folks have been denied on a NICS/TICS check for any reason, and then had it overturned on appeal?  I've never been convicted of anything, been an FFL, then C&R licensee, own machine guns, and have had Top Secret security clearances for many years.  I also am the only person in the US with my name.  Yet, I've been denied twice since 1995, and had to appeal it.  If this happens to me, what about the person who is truly in fear for her life who goes to buy a gun and gets denied?  This happens with alarming frequency. 3)  The NICS and TICS systems sometimes don't work.  These systems go down with alarming frequency.  again, do YOU want to make excuses when someone gets murdered because they cannot buy a gun when they need one? 4)  Background checks are registration.  Theoretically, ATF and other agencies are forbidden to retain this information.  They lie.  This information IS being retained, and when audits are performed, ATF and FBI have been caught red-handed.  And if you don't believe that registration leads to confiscation, you haven't been paying attention.  Katrina, California Assault Weapons, NYC, Illinois, Chicago, and now New York State have all turned registration into confiscation.   Just say 'NO"!
  15. The hoplophobes out there only tell you about 'gun violence'.  But murder is murder, whether done with machete, rock, pointy stick or AK47.  And when good people are denied firearms, they are more likely to be murdered, raped, or robbed.
  16. After organizing a protest outside a Dayton, OH gun show, the organizer was identified as being a convicted rapist.  Jerome McCorry of Dayton has been a very vocal opponent of concealed carry and privately-owned firearms.   I cannot imagine why a 6'1", 280 lb rapist would be against concealed carry.  Can you?  :rofl:   It's official, Liberals and criminals agree that disarmed victims, er, citizens are best!! http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/node/8759
  17. Lots of limbs down.  The phone alarms woke me up, and I watched the news until it was all past.
  18. The Marlin 39 from before about 1995 was a beautiful piece of machinery.  Mine was made in 1952 and has had countless rounds through it.  It was my grandfather's, and if I do my part, it will easily serve my great-grandchildren just as well. My favorite semi-autos are the Remington 552 and an old Savage 7A.  Both are very accurate and reliable.
  19. No.  Shoot it then clean.  Barrel break-in is for target shooter looking for that extra 1/10th moa.  You will never notice the difference. You are more likely to wear the rifling unevenly from running a cleaning rod through it excessively than from bad break-in procedures.
  20. 1gewehr


    The CZ52 is an excellent design but has some eccentricities.  Dry firing is a bad idea as the firing pins aren't designed for it.  They will snap.  Using the decocker as a safety is also a bad idea.  It's not a safety.  It lowers the hammer but does not block the firing pin.  I've seen a CZ52 fire when the decocker was used.    Do not completely trust ANY mechanical device.  They can all fail. 
  21.     Ditto!  A basic .22 pistol is the most useful firearm you can have.  Training done with a .22 will apply to any other caliber.  You can afford to shoot a lot more, and it is easier to not learn flinching, jerking the trigger and other bad habits by starting with a .22.   Whether you want to learn tactical training, hunt small game, or just kill tin cans, the .22 is your best bet for doing all of that economically and with fun.  And in a pinch, the .22 is no slouch for self-defense.  While not ideal, it is certainly better to hit with ten rounds of .22 than to miss with 6 rounds of .357 that you have not practiced enough with.   There are a number of good .22 pistols available for under $350.  There are ranges that offer basic handgun classes and have rental guns.  Rent a .22 that feels good to you and take the class.  After the class you will be better prepared to shop for features that appeal to you.
  22. YES!!! :up: :up:   Nothing irritates me more than a company that makes an item sure to be in high demand and does not make sure that an adequate number are ready for initial delivery.  Yes, I know that it takes some expenditure of cash up front to do that.  But, I believe that it makes buyers more certain that a company will be there later to support that product.   KelTec makes some excellent products.  But their production rate is WAY behind demand, and has been for years.  Yet, they keep churning out new products KNOWING that they won't be able to produce enough.  They currently have wait lists for the RFB, PMR-30, and KSG.  The RFB was first offered for sale at the 2007 SHOT show.  The first rifle shipped in March 2009.  They STILL have not caught up to demand.  THAT is a classic example of poor marketing.   1)  Do not offer a product until it is ready for sale.  All testing and user test have been done and production is running 2)  Do not take deposits until production has started. 3)  Do not ship until you have a significant number ready for customers and production is ramped up. 4)  Do not offer another high-demand product until you have met demand for previous products and can meet requirements 1, 2, and 3 for the new one.   I do not buy a KelTec product until it has been in user hands for at least a year.  This is because they ship before they have finished refinement, and have to constantly stop production to incorporate improvements.  Kind of like how the Germans built Panther tanks in WWII.  Too soon into combat, and no two tanks had exactly the same parts!  They never had enough, and they had a reputation for unreliability.
  23. I re-use the Remington Target 100rd plastic boxes as well as other plastic boxes with the sliding lid.  It allows you to know exactly how much ammo you are taking with you, and how much you have used.  I also like that the sliding lid lets you choose 5, 10, or 15 rds to dump in your hand without having to count them out.   I peel off the original label and use a Sharpie to write what ammo is now in it.
  24. Gun owners were compromised in 1934, 1968, 1986, and 1994.  All of the compromising came from us.  And none of it ever slowed down crime, stopped a single murder, or gave anyone more freedom.  Gun Control is a lie.    Show me ONE PLACE where gun control actually reduced crime or violence!  JUST ONE PLACE!!   You can't because it's never happened.  And don't fall for the BS about only looking at 'gun violence' statistics.  Murder is murder, whether it's done with a .45 or a tire iron.  If murder with handguns goes down, but overall the murder rate goes UP, how is that a benefit?  And that is what happened in Britain and Australia as a result of their gun control.   No more compromise.  Any congresscritter who votes for ANY Federal gun control needs to be voted out in the next primary.  If they will vote to disarm you, then they will vote to take away anything else you have.
  25. So, it's OK for Obama to surround himself with kids for political theater, but it's not OK for the NRA to point out Obama's hypocrisy?


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