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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. I'd be in for one.
  2. FYI, you can still get the $300 Life Member deal by using this link.   https://membership.nrahq.org/forms/signup.asp?CampaignID=ar15
  3. Many years ago I was riding across the farm with my uncle in his truck one day. I saw him jump out of the truck with his rifle, lay it across the bed side of his truck, sight in on a coyote, and put a nice .30 caliber hole in the opposite bed side. The old bore line versus sight line got him too. What made it all the more amusing was that he is probably one of the most safety conscious firearm enthusiasts I have ever known, and rarely misses anything he ever shoots at.
  4. My Magpul FDE furniture was delivered today and I am out of town. I won't be able to put them side by side until next week, but a few pictures I saw on the net somewhere looked like their FDE and Magpul's were awfully close.
  5. I just got one of their cerakoted charging handles in FDE. I haven't used it yet but it looks to be a quality piece.
  6. I just went through this myself. Phillip Brown (Brown Mechanical) in Portland beat everyone's price.
  7. I just knew you were gonna start a thread here. I got on tonight just to look for it. I'm hoping we get approval to CC inside the building, but trying not to get my hopes up either. I don't really know about such things, but I bet it'll all come down to insurance and liability issues.
  8. I'd recommend Bubba Victory up in Ashland City. He's a old school kinda mechanic, a rider, a super nice guy, and a straight shooter. 615-746-5975
  9. You can't hardly beat the good ole 30-06 for general larger game hunting in our area. It'll get the job done.
  10. I have a medium sized civilian style backpack in a subdued color. Inside it I have a USGI poncho, a heavy duty survival/space blanket, a small green/brown tarp, two pairs of socks, a pair of gloves, a USGI canteen and canteen cup, a decent first aid kit, a bag of dry cotton balls, a bag of vasoline coated cotton balls, an Aquamira filter straw, one freeze dried meal, a Woodmans Pal, waterproof matches in a water tight container, a can opener, a small serrated blade pocket knife, a small flashlight, a Swedish firesteel, a compass, a Tennessee Atlas and Gazetteer, 100 feet of para cord, a small fishing kit, a pair of cheap binoculars, a Gerber multi tool, a small AM/FM/SW radio, and some plastic eating utensils. That is what rides in my service vehicle with me everyday. I also have a Dead On Tools Annihilator wrecking bar that I keep stuck in the drivers side door that I would pull out if I had to ditch the vehicle. I also usually have my Taurus PT709 with a spare magazine as well.
  11. Why don't you roll your own. It's not hard to do, I thought it was a lot of fun, and you learn a lot about the platform in the process. Mine is a Yankee Hill lower with a DPMS LPK, BCM M4 stock and buffer tube, a BCM BFH 16" mid length upper and BCM bolt carrier group, Cavalry Manufacturing handguards, with an Eotech EXPS2 sitting on top of it. It was so much fun, I am thinking of building another. Seriously, if you can change out a roll of toilet paper, you can build an AR. Especially if you buy your upper complete.
  12. This.
  13. I have a Rock Island Compact Tactical that I bought from Phil at Bellshire Hardware on Dickerson Road. The first round that auto loaded didn't go all the way into battery, I had to bump it with my thumb to finish the job. The next 199 rounds that I have put through it so far have all been flawless, but they have all been FMJ's. Haven't tried to run any hollow points through it yet.
  14. Brandon


    Already have both. The shorts came highly recommended by several different folks when I was first looking at getting into cycling and my bike came with clipless pedals so I just went ahead and bought the shoes to go with them. I figured that if I really got into it, I would want them anyway.
  15. Brandon


    Alright, 8.26 miles at a 13.1 mph average. Not too shabby for an overweight out of shape middle aged dude that recently quit smoking IMO.And this was my first after dark ride, it was very different. I am gonna go pass out now.
  16. Is there a chance that a grandchild might have taken it? If there is, I think that would concern me more than anything. A lot of young kids are enamored with guns and if they hadn't been raised around them and taught to respect their power, there's no telling what might happen.
  17. Brandon


    Just saw this thread. I went and bought a new Trek 520 this summer, so yeah, I am a cyclist. Albeit an overweight and out of shape cyclist. I also didn't realize the time commitment necessary to become proficient. I ride when I can, which isn't nearly enough, but at least it's a start. I think I am gonna go for a ride tonight.
  18. Come on in, the water is fine.
  19. I was in Walmart yesterday, so yes, the Wally Walk is complete. One thing I did notice, I usually get really pissed off in Wal-Mart. Yesterday I was OK the whole time.
  20. Did you call the number on their website? The way I understand it no one ever answers that line. You need to call two five one - eight five nine zero. That's the local line and someone will answer. I called Monday and they told me I was "in process". It was in the mailbox on Thursday. I have heard it said that a phone call to check up on it may possibly help to hurry them up a little. I don't know if it's true or not.
  21. Sent in paperwork and got fingerprinted 8/31, got my HCP in the mail today 9/16. Seventeen calendar days but it was only twelve working days since there was a holiday in there. I giggled like a little girl when I pulled the mail out of the mailbox and the only thing in there was an envelope from the TDOS.
  22. Excellent find! It's now bookmarked in my favorites. Thanks for posting.
  23. I wouldn't mind coming out to lend a hand but all four dates are out for me. Maybe next go around.
  24. I got 74,000 out of the factory Long Trails I had on my last Nissan Frontier.


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