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Everything posted by Kenstaroni

  1. Way to go...I closed mine with Regions a couple years ago b/c they sucked.
  2. I really didn't like how Fox reported on this. They made it sound like no one can cross state lines with a carry permit. Sure you can't do that in states without reciprocity, however they reported as if it was some crazy idea when to some degree you can do it right now and there are no issues. It doesn't allow a free for all on driving with guns as they made it sound like.
  3. I saw some of this at the Outpost today...pretty funny but means nothing to me. For those that love the zombie stuff I imagine this is the coolest thing they've ever seen...lol
  4. This drug is likely one of the worst ones out there. I say decriminalize Mary Jane and focus attention on drugs like meth and cocaine. MJ has never killed anyone, can't OD on it, really doesn't hurt anyone other than a few lazy couch potatoes in their parents basement. I would be all for a minimum stiff sentence for meth on 1st offense. It's crept its way into every town in this country and is destroying families like a cancer through the population.
  5. Yeah, that kind of thing makes sense to me, but a gun store? (it is Kentucky so who knows ) that was what threw me off. If it had happened at Walgreens I wouldn't have been so surprised.
  6. I've bought Lithium batteries numerous times including Surefire's and this was the first time I was ever asked for an ID. I guess this is nothing new but it was to me today.
  7. guilty until proven innocent it seems sometimes huh..
  8. David, I noticed you're now a "Subject Matter Expert".....congrats on the promotion
  9. That's just incredible...I can't imagine why anyone would want to put something like that in their body, but then again I'm not into that sort of thing..lol
  10. I was at a store in Kentucky today that I frequent. I asked the guy behind the counter for a box of Surefire CR123's (12). He said sure but I'll need your ID. I thought he was just kidding with me but he was serious. He said if you buy more than 4 batteries there is a state law that requires a photocopy of your ID. I of course asked why...he said because people make meth with them. I didn't even ask for any more details and said "I'll take 4 of them then, I'm not having my ID copied for batteries". Anyone ever heard of this? Do meth heads really go to gun stores to buy Surefire batteries? Thought I would post this as I thought it was rediculus.
  11. Three places to always check for ammo are Aim Surplus, Palmetto, and SGammo. Brass has come down a little lately and the difference between it and steel isn't as much as it used to be. For the price difference, you could reload the brass or sell it and probably make most of your money back. Good luck with the AR. I shot a buddies Bushmaster several years ago and have been ruined ever since
  12. I went both days and spent $0...just nothing interesting...not even the beef jerky...lol. Last months show seemed better.
  13. +1 I'll admit, I'm one of the biggest shopping whores out there. I do thorough research and shop around a lot, however I do try to keep my money locally if possible. Here's a good example. I have found a certain scope that I want. Store X in Kentucky has it for $896.00. I went to shop Y in TN today (not a TGO supporter). They have $1150 on the sticker. I ask if they will match the price they counter at $1100 and won't budge. I would gladly whip out the extra cheddar for shop Y if I could count on customer service and good pricing, however with prices at full retail I know the latter will never happen and the 1st criteria isn't good enough to warrant the extra money. End of the story I walk out with cash in my pocket and will buy from shop X....What am I getting at? Well, in today's economy if you aren't big enough to compete with price you better be able to offer the level of customer service to make people want to spend their hard earned money with you even if your price isn't the best. That takes sweat, time, diligence, and a lot of work. I know it's frustrating, but the very last thing you do is allow an employee to send an email out like you did. If I sent one of my customers an email like that I would be in the unemployment line first thing in the morning. My company is never the cheapest in our industry, and I mean never...lol, however we are #1 by a huge margin...how? CUSTOMER SERVICE plain and simple. And then you come onto to TGO and argue with the likes of Dolomite...tisk tisk...Everyone on here knows who the star players are around here who have earned their respect through the years. That may not mean much to some but it does to me. A big thanks to all the TGO supporting vendors! I have visited most of them and have had a good experience with all.
  14. You get a lifetime unconditional warranty with Esee, a better sheath, and the comfort knowing if you use your knife as a prybar, Esee will send you a brand new one. I have a 3 and 5...if you want something a little bigger than the izula, take a look at the Esee 3.
  15. Let me know next time you will be in Nashville. I need some supplies...lol
  16. I might show up...did some good trading there last month. Worth driving 2.5 miles from my house I guess..lol
  17. Marlin 30-30 with a 3x9x40 Burris...perfect little setup for the woods I hunt in.
  18. Not to get sidetracked on the topic, but my feeling is that he's the first real genuine candidate we've had in my lifetime, party aside. He rocks the establishment of either party and it wouldn't surprise me if neither party wants to see him win. He's are only hope, Romney is a JOKE!
  19. It's amazing how the current adminstration gets a pass on all the crap they do from the mainstream media but they want to spend all day busting Herman Cain's balls over some B.S. "allegations" of harassement. Truely sad but little do they know that we are all not as stupid as they think and this stuff will come to an end one way or another.
  20. I wouldn't work in IL for any amount of money...lol
  21. Yes, and a lot of their people, like Shelly who is on TGO are great, however the overall attitude is not so great. I've been going there for 4 years and I'm still addressed as "guy", no one except Shelly even knows my name. Places like TCGD and other vendors in Nashville I could call on the phone and they would recognize my voice, even having been in their stores just a handful of times.
  22. If outlet means full retail then yes...lol Can't say I am surprised...the things I've heard them say about thier customers when they think no one is listening have almost been enough to never make me want to go back. My friend, a 5yr Iraq veteran who was medically discharged went there one day. He picked up a pack of magpul mag pulls. One was missing so he went up front to make sure thier should be 3 in the package, not two. They accused him of stealing and made him empty his pockets. I don't believe he has ever gone back. I bet I've spent 2-3k there this year, all on accessories and my parents spent about $800 on a carry gun. I haven't bought a single gun there because thier pricing is full msrp and taking $20 is their idea of the deal of the century. It's their call on the poster, but it would have been a nice gesture.
  23. You may be right, but you missed the point.
  24. So I was on my way back to the Boro this evening, got off 840 onto Broad and looked up and saw a half a dozen troopers about 1/2 mile ahead. I thought it might a wreck, but with no sign of fire or rescue it didn't take long to figure out it was a roadblock. I waited patiently as cars were looked over one by one, many receiving visual inspections with flashlights running through front and back seats, ect. I pull up, officer asks for my drivers license..I hand him my license and permit. He takes a quick look and says "that will do, have a good night.". No flashlights, no fuss. I went through faster than anyone I saw. I wanted to post this as I do appreciate the courtesy given to permit holders by most law enforcement, at least that has been my experience so far. I do however think road blocks and other forced interaction with law enforcement are unconstitutional and although they serve a purpose are just horsesh*t.
  25. Sometimes .22 can be the worst thing to be shot with...just depends on where it goes and how much bouncing around it does.


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