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Everything posted by Kenstaroni

  1. Ha Ha...nice
  2. The show at the fairgrounds is one of the worst shows I've ever been too...a close tie with the one at the AG center in Franklin. One thing I miss about Knoxville are the gun shows as they are all pretty good. The Murfreesboro show is pretty decent...and it's 5 minutes away so that helps...lol
  3. I had one a long time ago...seemed decent for the money. I sure wouldn't trust my life on one, however for something for plinking it should be fine. I'd take a look at an Eotech or Aimpoint Micro for something you can count on.
  4. Kenstaroni

    .300 BLK?

    Man that rocks the steel plate...I love the ability to use standard AR mags and a regular .308 bullet....that makes reloading a lot more appealing.
  5. One of the best Seinfeld episodes ever...lol that and good naked and bad naked...lol
  6. Shotguns are one thing that I don't mind a long barrel on, the only SBR shotgun I'd want would be a Saiga as you wouldn't loose any round capacity by shortening the barrel. However, dude has a nice toy, although goobered up with fun boy tactical gear...do you really need a red dot on a SBR shotgun? It's not like you are going to be able to hit anything that's too far away from you...lol
  7. If you want a good deal check out Cals Sporting Armory | Go further for less! they have great prices and have been good to me so far.
  8. Wow, I won't even grace their website anymore...lol
  9. I ordered a bunch of stuff on black friday and Midway had my stuff to my door Tuesday. Still waiting on everything else...lol I called Botach 4 times about a scope I was interested in. They didn't return any of my calls so I gave up and said screw it I'll buy it local. My messages said I was ready to order just needed to check whether or not it was in stock...basically all they had to do is call me back and they would make a $900 sale....guess it wasn't worth their time.
  10. Bill passed 93-7...now to Obama's desk for his signature. This is the most in patriotic piece of legislation ever passed....truly upsetting.
  11. Unloaded start sounds good to me....the Saiga has no problem with that situation
  12. Yeah, they retail for $799....go buy that thing or tell me where it is so I can go buy it...lol
  13. I guess...I'm hitched so I can only look anyway
  14. They have a few with Sig slides that look nice. The girl that works there is nice to look at too
  15. By passing this in a nut shell they are declaring war on American citizens which is treason. Terrorism is a tactic and a war on such can never be won, thus this would suspend citizens rights for an indefinite amount of time. Absolutely unacceptable. It seems like all the real important bills are passed in the dark of night. Interesting how that works.
  16. Springfield TRP Operator...hard to beat for the money. Keep in mind that Kimber's warranty sucks balls while others have excellent service.
  17. Welcome aboard!
  18. Grabbed a TRX VTAC 13" Rail, a pack of mags, and some stickers....great deal!
  19. Great looking stipling job. It takes a long time to do it right but can change the whole feel in your hand. It can get rough on your hands if you shoot a stipled gun a lot, but for carry it sure makes it easier to grab and hold onto.
  20. Joe, Hey, welcome aboard! To post in the classifieds you'll need to become a "benefactor." There is a small fee associated with it but will give you full access to the classifieds forum. I would recommend that you give the rules, ect. a glance just so you are aware of how this place operates before posting. You can include pics through imageshack or other file hosting sites.
  21. Aim Surplus is having a 10% sale on all accessories. Let's keep the deal thread going!...lol
  22. I had two Millet DMS-1's once upon a time. One was perfect and the other had an issue with the lens coming loose inside and would rattle and not hold zero. Both were purchased new and saw very light use and were never dropped. I'd take a look at the Leupold Mark AR or Nikon M223. I haven't had any of the Burris low power scopes but the Fullfield and the XTR I have work great and are solid optics. If you can save up for a while longer get a Trijicon 1-4x Accupoint (~$700)....truly outstanding scopes and worth every penny.
  23. I work from home so no rules but my own here at the office and carrying is welcomed! When I did once upon a time work in an office, I would keep a snubbie in my computer bag. I never told anyone so therefore I was never questioned about it. The office was only 25 or so folks and not a retail store or a huge office building so it was quite a bit different than where many people work.
  24. I'll be in a deer stand....better than Best Buy any day...lol
  25. +1 for D&T only been there once and was treated very well....they took my money but other than that it was great I will say my only visit to G&L went the same way. I picked up some 5.11 pants and a sling and went to the counter. The sales guy was signing some people up for a class and for some reason after 15 minutes no one else seemed interested in ringing me up as I was standing right by the register. Those tac-lite pants got kinda heavy so I returned them to the shelf and left. I don't mind waiting in line but no one even seemed aware I was there.


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