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Everything posted by Kenstaroni

  1. Asking for a quick disconnect mount that will hold your optic tightly enough to hold zero, return to zero, and trust your life on and then complaining about a mark on your rail seems like a little too much to ask.  I've had great success with their mounts and other products. If they mark up the rail its up on the underside of the rail where you barely see it anyway.  I'm not sure there's a way to mount anything to a rail that will guarantee it will look like you never touched it.   American Defense has also been good for me but I think LaRue returns to zero better.
  2. Collect some of your dryer lint and put it in a ziplock bag.  That stuff lights great.  You can also go to Wally World and grab a couple fire starter sticks or pack in one of the smaller logs.  It's cheating but should work.  Strip bark off any wood you think is too wet and that sometimes helps too.
  3. http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=327216565   Here's one.  Heck last time I looked on Gunbroker were a couple dozen half rails on there but that was a while back so guess the supply is slim these days.   I would call some of the TGO vendors to see if they have one.  Guns and Leather may be a good place to start as they usually have a good selection.
  4. Guns and Ammo in Memphis had one last time I was there.  Think it was $1569 plus tax.  A buddy of mine picked one up at the Outpost a month ago for $1599.  They may have another one but I haven't been there in a while.  They can be hard to find but they pop up every now and then.  Those are the only two I've seen actually in a store during my usual rounds across the state this past couple months.  You should find several for sale on Gunbroker if you're up for shipping and a transfer.
  5. You could maybe check with Lock Stock and Barrel in Franklin, TN.  Ask for Tom and see if that's something he could do.  He's the only true gunsmith I know of in the area. 
  6. They make some awesome stuff and a buddy of mine has ordered alot of small parts, optics, ect from them.  I don't know on the accuracy of lead times but all my buddies orders have been 100%
  7. I'm glad Im not the only one....lol. I think he uses the business as his personal collection if you will. The point of a business is to sell stuff.. last time I checked anyway. He must like to have semi cool stuff on his wall more than money in his pocket.. lol. He may think keeping the cool stuff on the shelf gets customers in the door, but when they get there and cant buy, I bet many are like me and just dont return. I knew it was a lost cause when the last time I went in to buy the KSG there was another customer there getting the same run around. That sealed the deal for me. When I get ready to buy something, Im generally ready to buy it and dont have time to go to a store where I have to do multiple counseling sessions with the owner to convince him to sell me something. Ill just go to the Outpost and pay a little more and get it over with.
  8. He said he was getting in a Keltec KSG and sone Sub 2k's months ago. He was supposed to call me when they came in, promised he would a couple times on the phone and once when I stopped by in person and didnt. I stopped by again and they were in. We already discussed a price on the KSG. I went in to buy it with cash in hand and he said he didnt know if he wanted to sell it or not. This went on for about two weeks. I stopped by two more times and got the same run around so I gave up. Hes a nice guy but I am never going to waste my time in their again. He doesnt want to sell anything just show it off. He also lies on his posts on GOC saying he has 100's of guns in stock when he probably has 20 in the whole store. I was hoping to have a nice local small store to buy from but oh well.
  9. I have one of the new G33 magnifiers and it's awesome.  It focuses like a binocular, has adjustment knobs to center the reticle in the view, and the flip to side mount has retention so it doesn't flap around like the older one's would.  I highly recommend spending the money on the genuine Eotech unit over a knock off, however I think Vortex makes a magnifier for Eotech's also that's less expensive.  I can't attest to the quality of it as I've never held one in person.  I have been happy with some other Vortex products I own though.   Good luck!
  10. http://www.vsp.state.va.us/Firearms_Transporting.shtm
  11. He will probably meet up with you in Nashville...he's pretty good about it.  No need to pay to get into the gun show.
  12. You need to contact David "dlm37015" here on TGO.  He's a supporting vendor.  He has the best prices on reloading stuff and I bet would save you 40% or so off the prices at the outpost.  
  13. Very nice.  They build some great 1911's.
  14. Yeah, it's better than Franklin.  I think its the best show in Nashville actually.
  15. Stay home..I wish I would have saved my $8
  16. I would join the range in Norris, TN. You get a yearly permit and a key to the gate from the Norris Police Department. You have daylight hours access nearly all year except for a couple weeks when the police do training and during part of hunting season. It used to be $30 a year but I think it's gone up a little. It's still the best value around and it's almost like having a private range to go to as there's no range officer or anyone bothering you (unless you go on saturday...it's busy during nice weather). Cease fire's are called by whoever is there and it's usually a pretty easy getting along with everyone. If you go weekday's you should frequently have the place to yourself. They have a 25yd pistol bay, 50, 100, and 200 rifle under covered shooting benches. Welcome to Ktown...I lived there for 4 years it's a great place with lots of great TGO'ers! Oh, and there are IDPA and 3 gun matches at ORSA each month. Only $15 for non-members and alot of fun. Go to ORSA3gun.com. I still make it out there a couple times a year.
  17. A friend of mine called me when he saw Hummer's next to interstate 65 North outside of Columbia with guys with rifles slung over their shoulders standing by the road. He also saw a sign near the Hermitage exit that said "convoys exit here". I went down 840 yesterday twice and didn't see anything. I was wondering if anyone would post about it.
  18. Thanks for the supplies David. Hope the show goes well for you the rest of the weekend!
  19. I have a pair of the binos and they are great. The range finding one's are a little expensive but the regular military one's are great for the money. Super clear, looks like you are standing right in front of whatever you are looking at. I use them at the range and for hunting. A little heavy but great overall.
  20. Did any representatives from TN vote for it? Just wondering for my own info.
  21. I watched this on TV and was furious. His info was so absolutely false and uneducated and made him look like a total idiot. I usually watch Fox but if we can't count on them to at least be fair and balanced as well as "FACTUAL", the the hell with em'. I'll stick to Drudge Report.
  22. Sounds pretty dumb. I got harassed by security companies when I moved into my house in the boro. I finally told the last couple guys that I had already contracted the 2nd amendment security company. It took one guy a few minutes to get it as he asked me if he could try to beat their prices..lol
  23. That's cool, I'll just make it at home. Like if the patsy hadn't been able to buy ammo online this would have never happened...whatever. Did he use all 6k rounds?...don't think so, so what's the point here. This whole thing sticks to high heaven...way too many questions out there. Think they were hoping they could sneak the UN treaty in before all the facts come out on this thing. All the Dem's are going to do here is piss us off even more and we will voice those frustrations at the ballot box....landslide Republican victory enroute.
  24. I don't think they do any distributorships with anyone, you have to order them direct from LaRue. That being said the Outpost did have some in stock that they ordered. I think they have some OBR's left. I picked up a Predatar from them the day they came in and it is the best AR I've ever owned. If you do order one from LaRue I don't think they charge you until it ships so at least your money isn't tied up for 7 months...lol
  25. My Surefire Defender rides in my pocket every day for the same reasons described above. It's an awesome defensive tool and at 200 lumens will definately temporarily blind someone. I usually walk to my car in a parking lots, ect with it in my left hand. I bought a smaller but still bring little streamlight for my wife and it sits in the top pouch of her purse with her little pink Spyderco knife...lol


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