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Everything posted by Kenstaroni
There's an XD 45 tactical in the forums for sale. $500!
I have a SOG powerassist multi-tool that's great. I also have some CRKT knives that have been great as well.
I grew up there...welcome!
Guns in parks issue comes up for new vote in Williamson Co.
Kenstaroni replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I grew up in Williamson County...you have to remember that the town used to consist of good ole' folks but over the past 15 years has been invaded by snobby rich people who worry more about whether or not thier 2 million dollar house is on par with thier neighbors than they do about the 2nd amendment. They think..."oh nothing bad can happen here" because it's a beautiful town with nice restaurants and malls, etc. When you don't have to worry about money I guess you can spend your time stripping away your citizen's gun rights. It was not too long ago that some kids from Brentwood shot at police and were breaking into houses. While I was in highschool a buddy of mine was throwing a party while his parents were out of town. Everyone's having a good time one minute, and the next thing you know 4 guys bust into the house with guns...I wasn't there thank goodness, but it just goes to show that just because your town is one of the richest in the nation doesn't mean crime stops at the next town and doesn't come into yours. The gun toting hood kids were from East Nashville and made the trip into Brentwood without any trouble. I guess all the criminals know they have free reign at all Williamson county parks now. I have a family member who is on the Brentwood city comission. They have spoken to the Brentwood police on many occassions. The police department has said that there is a lot of crime in the city, it's just that many people don't see it. A lot of it is domestic fighting between couples, but there's a lot more going on than meets the eye. I'm glad I moved away after high school....every time I go to Brentwood I get a disgusted feeling in my chest driving by all the mansions. What used to be a beautiful area with good hardworking middle class people is now a town full of filthy rich folks. Before you say..."oh not everyone is that way"...I agree, but I spent the first 18 years of my life there and I've seen the transformation in the town and it's people first hand. -
For thin paper a .223 is ok, for thick paper you'll want a .308 Ok, seriously both are going to shoot fine and will be accurate at 100 yards. I'd make the decision based upon what else you might do with the rifle. Are you going to hunt with it? Are you going to shoot further than 300-400 yards? Is ammo price an issue? These questions and others come into play. Personally I love .308 bolt guns. The Remington 700 SPS tactical that's mentioned above is a fantastic sub MOA gun right out of the box. It could use a better stock, which might make it a sub .5 MOA gun with the right ammo.
I've seen Glock videos where the .357 SIG creates a fireball out of the barrel it comes out so hot...lol Hold on tight!
I had an SPS Tactical in .308. It was a fantastic rifle. 20" barrel, Houge Overmolded stock. It's ultimately going to depend on what caliber you want and what the purpose is.
Lol... I like the sign. I'd much rather see that on a businesses door than the terrible slashed out gun symbol... Also, I appreciate gun shops like Hero Gear not forbidding carry in their stores. It kind of bothers me that a gun shop of all places would ban carrying loaded in thier stores. They are selling the 2nd amendment but not supporting it...doesn't make any sense. I can understand some saftey aspect, but anyone toting a gun on their hip should have a carry permit and should be responsible with thier weapon. Anyone coming in the store with a loaded weapon and bad intentions probably could care less about a sign on the door prohibiting loaded weapons. Didn't mean to get on a rant here. Way to go Hero Gear
Glad we could all make it out. I had a great time braving the heat with you and Mike. I have no problem sharing my toys, so you're welcome to shoot em' anytime. I think the range is 10 degrees colder in the winter and 10 degrees hotter in the summer...lol
No ...that's bad ! Nice purchase J...now the whole board is jealous
FYI: I don't think they will let you bring the ammo into the show. I know that applies to loose ammo anyway. If you're going to try to sell it as a package I'd bring a small backpack and throw the ammo in it. Don't walk up to the check in with a box of ammo in your hand...lol I wouldn't worry about doing any paperwork, just use your best judgement. If the guy looks like a gangbanger (very rare at gun shows...lol), then don't sell him the gun. If he looks like a decent guy, maybe wearing and NRA hat (just a joke), and shows you a TN ID, preferably a HCP, then you're in the clear. The law says that you cannot sell a firearm to an individual if you have reason to suspect that they reside out of state, are a convicted felon, under 18 rifle, 21 pistol, or are otherwise prohibited from owning a gun. This isn't word for word, but you get the idea. Individuals are not required to do background checks, etc. If someone will not at least show you their ID I'd walk away. If you want to be super sure about the deal then you can ask a dealer at a table if they will do a firearms transfer for you. They will do a background check on the buyer for you. This will likely cost $20-$35 and is really overkill, but is an option. Something that might help you with the sale. People will notice the Springfield box you're carrying around and will probably stop and ask what it is. I would recommend creating a Word document on your computer and printing out something that says "For Sale" or "XD 9mm For Sale & .380 ammo", ect. Fold it in half and tape it to the outside of the case. This way you are a walking advertisement...lol Sometimes I put the price, sometimes not. It seems better if you get someone to stop and talk to you, hold the gun, ect. Once they get a chance to see and hold it they might be more apt to strike a deal with you. Also on the ammo, look around for people with .380's that they have bought, or are carrying around. Ask them if they need any .380 ammo. This might be hard to do, but you might walk by a table while someone is wrapping up a .380 purchase and be in the right place at the right time. Good luck man!
How classy of you Hero Gear to support a new shop near you! I'm impressed.
I watched the episode on www.history.com It's a pretty cool show.
Great, finally we can protect ourselves while sitting down to a nice dinner. Screw Bredesen, way to go TN House!
My M&P 15-22 has been awesome. I think I've had 3-4 Failures to feed due to stovepipes in 1k rounds. I'm not going to argue with that at all. I had a Ruger 10-22 and the Butler Creek mags would FTF 2-3 times per mag, it was very frustrating! I think the S&W is the best 22 AR on the market. The hold open bolt feature is great and it is the closest to a real AR in a .22. It's very light too being that it's polymer. I kinda wish it wasn't because it feels like a toy, however it's a lot of fun. 550 round packs of Federal from Wally World are $19.00....that's a cheap afternoon of fun
When will Wamp or Ramsey tell the truth?
Kenstaroni replied to K191145's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I watched the debate the other day on TV here in Knoxville. It may have been a re-run, but I ran across it anyhow. I like Haslem, however I definately won't be voting for him if he's anti-gun. He sounded modestly moderate on guns in the debate...(kind of a joke there). I didn't like it nor was I pushed away by his comments. In my opinion there is nothing more un-patriotic and un-American than siding against the one fundamental right that has kept this country's fabric together for centuries. Even those who are not necessarily pro-gun should realize that the right is important and failing to preserve it will affect them, possibly more greatly than gun owners. Anyway, does anyone have any info or links to info online on Haslem's history of Anti-gun support so I can take a look for myself? -
+1 for Hornady Critical Defense. The way their round is designed to fragment the same every time makes me feel good. I would say do some research, but I have yet to see Hornady sell a product that wasn't top notch.
Snakeskin is pretty easy to do... Spray rifle sections with randomly dispersed desired colors....lay a laundry bag liner (avaliable at walmart for a couple bucks) closely over the area to be painted. Paint opposite or different colors back over the painted areas. Example....paint area Tan....lay liner over area....paint area brown...you get brown scales outlined in Tan. Doing a rifle is sometimes tricky because you need to get the liner close to if not laying directly on top of the rifle to get a good pattern. Too far away and it looks cloudy or you will get no pattern at all. It's a good idea to pick up a bag of clothespins to help hold the material close to the surface. Painting the picatinny rail was interesting to say the least...lol It took me about 4 careful hours to paint the rifle above. I was very meticulus though. Even the charging handle and trigger have a pattern on them...lol I did my rifle above with Tan, Green, and Brown. I would recommend trying some different color combinations on a test area like a cardboard box or something to see how much of which colors you like. I like to follow with a Matte finish acrylic. This keeps the paint from being damaged by gun cleaners. If you do Duracoat you might not have this issue. I used Krylon Flat Camo colors from Wally World. Total materal cost was less than $30. Good Luck!
Add in a laundry bag liner and you get Snakeskin Camo
I was at Hero Gear about a month ago and I think I remember them saying they couldn't get the June show put together as planned. Your best bet would be to call Hero Gear and find out. I haven't followed up on it because I'm not driving to Winchester for round #2 of Guns and Gear even if they put one together.
WTF? at Knoxville Expo Center gunshow
Kenstaroni replied to Dolomite_supafly's topic in General Chat
I'm going tomorrow for a few minutes in the morning. I'll try my best to get both officers names and badge numbers for you. No promises but I'll try. -
WTF? at Knoxville Expo Center gunshow
Kenstaroni replied to Dolomite_supafly's topic in General Chat
That's the rookie I mentioned...lol I figured it would be him. That's funny I pointed him out earlier in the thread and didn't even know it was him that took it from you. Yeah I know not all KPD are bad guys, I just had a gut feeling about that one and it turns out I was right. -
WTF? at Knoxville Expo Center gunshow
Kenstaroni replied to Dolomite_supafly's topic in General Chat
We'll those are the rules, but that's an unfortunate way to handle the situation. I would have just said "no" to the ammo or mag question, but you're apparently a more honest person than me...lol They could at least have held it for you until you leave. What's stopping someone from buying a box of ammo, hitting the bathroom to open it and loading up a mag.....uhhh not much. I noticed one of the cops was some young rookie kid about 120lbs soaking wet. He looked like a typical arrogant kid who barely got out of high school and now has a badge and thinks he's king sh*t. I guess you'll know next time, although I'd be pretty pissed about the way the situation was handled and might not want come back to another show if it were me. -
I came for a few. I was after a couple magpul items and was pleasantly surprised to find them. Sporter Express and J&T Distributing got all my money. J&T always gets most of it since they carry all the AR goodies I like. Good turn out from what I saw.
Couldn't resist....