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Everything posted by Kenstaroni
Recently there was a guy running all over Knoxville with fake $100's. He came to my girlfriend's work but they didn't notice it until he was gone. It was 100's re-printed onto real money so the money pen's showed a genuine bill. That's probably why the guy asked for ID, although it's B.S.
As far as K-town, I'd shop around. A good deal would be $480 ish. Mike's gun shop in Tazewell has a $505 sticker on there's but they have sold me one for $479....all you have to do is haggle. If you want to head up to Mike's I'm going tomorrow. I'll call ahead and make sure he'll honor the same price for you. I know he has a few 26's in stock. Mike's is the best kept secret around Knoxville. Who else in the area will show you thier dealer cost and sell at 10% over? Good luck!
I call it a fanny pack, but it's basically in the shape of a fanny pack, but has two pouches in the front. It has a waist band that goes around and velcro's in the back. This may not work as scrubs are really loose and it needs to be sorta tight to you otherwise it will flop forward. Mabe a belly band would work. Heck with a Keltec .380 you could carry it on your ankle if you wanted. If you have a bag that you keep with you then that would also be a good place. The Keltec is so small and light that you have a lot of options. I believe the advice above is correct. As long as you have a permit and you are invited into the house you're fine. If the firearm is noticed by the homeowner and they ask you to leave then you must do so. Personally I would ignore the "employee handbook" and not ask about carrying. If you feel that you need to carry due to a risk towards your life, then what's more important.....your life or the employee handbook? That's up to you, however I would choose me first and my job second.
I started out with broomhandles and graduated to AFG's. Mount it as far forward as possible and you'll see a dramatic difference in your ability to control the weapon. I would have an AFG on my SCAR, but there wasn't enough room on the rail for my GG&G bipod The Tango Down is working pretty well though. I had an AFG on my Ruger SR556 and I was really impressed. When I bought it I was skeptical about whether or not I would like it but that was cured quickly. I'd invest in some Magpul back-up iron sights. If your optic fails in the field you'll basically be shooting an AK-47 . Also look into the Magpul BAD Lever...a very nice addition for $30. I also hung everything I could find off of my first AR including lights and lasers. Once you realize that you don't need them you'll take them off and be much happier...lol If you do use it for home defense (please buy a shotgun...lol) then the light is good to have. To each his own, if you like all the gismos than cool. If you have to have a light, I'd get a Streamlight TLR-2 and mount it in front of your forward grip. A nice laser/light combo in a very compact package. This will reduce the bulkiness of the rifle and there's no pressure switch to deal with. Nice rifle, much better than my first AR-15!
I'm not sure either man. I don't know of any laws that would prevent this as long as the homeowner doesn't request that you not carry.....which I would presume they have every legal right to do so. I don't know what your job is, but if it would not be precieved as "normal" for someone in your line of work to be carrying, I would keep it concealed in such a manner that it would never be exposed. A good solution is a Thunder Carry fanny pack style system that you wear under your pants in the crotch area. I used to carry my G27 and Kimber Ultra Carry in one all the time. I would stop at industrial plants and other facilities for my job and always had a tucked in dress shirt on, so that's the only way I could carry comfortably and well concealed. The only thing that is noticable about it depending on the size of the gun is it makes you look like you have a nice bulge in your crotch...not exactly a bad thing...lol
I have a serious problem with a moderator - - -
Kenstaroni replied to a topic in Feedback and Support
This thread was crap to begin with.... -
I have a serious problem with a moderator - - -
Kenstaroni replied to a topic in Feedback and Support
As usual Strel, no one has any idea what you just said....Let's just drink a beer, eat some popcorn, and watch this thread the rest of the day...lol -
Fire at Tenn. Mosque Building Site Ruled Arson
Kenstaroni replied to Oh Shoot's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I agree, it's not what "we" did so much as what our government did. I don't think the American people as a whole want anything to do with a lot of the battles our military fights, it's the governement and thier agenda that give our country a bad rap. Thier religon breeds hate for everyone besides those who share the same belief. No matter how peaceful they are, you cannot overlook the basis of the religion and it's intentions. -
Fire at Tenn. Mosque Building Site Ruled Arson
Kenstaroni replied to Oh Shoot's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Sounds like anyone working on the Mosque sight should be getting hazard pay....lol -
I have a serious problem with a moderator - - -
Kenstaroni replied to a topic in Feedback and Support
I was not trying to say that you did or did not lock the thread. I just said it is currently closed. I am not arguing whether or not you did anything wrong Daniel. I thought your comments were fine (even though I didn't agree with them, but that's a non-issue). I only commented because I wanted to know why the thread was locked (by whoever locked it). I have no problem with you man, I don't let the TGO stuff get under my skin like some of the other members....lol -
I have a serious problem with a moderator - - -
Kenstaroni replied to a topic in Feedback and Support
I'm not going to try to get in the middle of the argument here, however I did notice the thread was closed. I thought Glenn Beck's speech was a very positive thing no matter whether or not you like the guy. I think the thread, although had gone somewhat away from topic, was an informative thread. I like Glenn Beck a lot, and it was interesting to me to see how many people dis-liked him. It has not changed my position on the guy at all, however it was interesting to read why people dis-liked him and as with anything I like to hear both sides of the story. I would like to know why the thread was locked? Also, in regards to the above post about not questioning a moderator..... if a moderator is going to actively enter a discussion then the members should be able to continue the debate regardless of the debate including a moderator. Either join the discussion actively, or stay out of it all together. -
Fire at Tenn. Mosque Building Site Ruled Arson
Kenstaroni replied to Oh Shoot's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Look guys, I am no expert on Christian churches in muslum countries, I stand corrected to some degree. Christians have always crusaded for thier beliefs, sometimes to a detrement to the cause. Iraq having a baptist church is great if the people want it, however my point was that Saddam would have never let it happen and the only reason it's there is because we were at war with Al Queda and took a detour into Iraq for some unexplained reason. The church is there because the U.S. is there. If the people want to be muslum then I'd rather see them do that than have Christianity driven down thier throats. I don't support any religion as the true gospel, there's no way to know that information. You can only take the best that any religion or practice offers and use it to help live a positive life and have a positive impact on others. I have no problem with Muslum people or thier religion, however as a minority you should be aware of the big picture and if you push the buttons of the majority, expect at least some resistance. I don't agree with what's happened in Murfreesboro, however I am not surprised either. -
Fire at Tenn. Mosque Building Site Ruled Arson
Kenstaroni replied to Oh Shoot's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
And you think that would have happened with Saddam in power? -
Fire at Tenn. Mosque Building Site Ruled Arson
Kenstaroni replied to Oh Shoot's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I'm no expert on the issue. Just any mosque building of any kind with them building one next to ground zero should be expected to be met with resistance. -
Fire at Tenn. Mosque Building Site Ruled Arson
Kenstaroni replied to Oh Shoot's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
I was in the Boro this weekend and one of my friends who lives there (I did for 4 years) said that the locals stood up and fought against the mosque. Many people made comments that they would burn the place down. I would not put it past good ole Southern folks to let some common law justice ring out against any pro-muslim buldings in the area. Just because NY bends over and takes it, doesn't mean that they can start building mosques in the Southern pro-Christian areas without some resistance. If you travel outside of the Boro' especially towards Woodbury, I have friends who have run across burning crosses and KKK rally's. Not that I support that at all, but you have to realize the type of people your dealing with in the area. Even the quiet one's aren't going to take kindly to a bunch of towel heads no matter how civilized they claim to be, especially with the NY mosque so blatently slapping the U.S. in the face right now. I have no problem with freedom of religion, however the muslum's need to realize and RESPECT the fact that this country is a Christian nation. You don't see us going over and building churches in Muslum countries....it would be an outrage. However they are just fine with bringing thier religion out so publicly in our country. I'm sorry, but this is a Christian nation that is "tolerant" of other religions because the bible tells us to be, however when you want us to be tolerant of you, better be respectful of us. This country seems to be going in the direction of extreme tolerance of religion passing the buck to the constitution, however the line is going to be drawn at some point.....I feel like it already has with the Ground Zero mosque. The only reason it doesn't piss me off that much is that I don't think radical Muslums were behind 9/11 -
Ha ha....there's some truth to that....
IRAN fueling thier Nuclear Reactor, then testing an un-manned aircraft capable of delivering long range weapons a day later......They have ignored sactions, etc. and Russia is helping them....not exactly our good buddies. Not to be a paranoid person, but lots of my research has pointed towards a potential WW3 in the not too distant future. A lot of the chess pieces are falling into place....much faster than many had thought unfortunately. I am going on with my life and remaining as prepared as my finances allow. I have some local friends who have suitable places to flee too, and I have 115 acres in TN that is livable if I hunt deer, turkey, etc. frequently. There's a creek that flows year round and a few natural springs. No matter where you bug to, doing it alone is going to be tough. You're best bet is to band together in manageable groups of common minded people who can compile resources and manpower for food, shelter, and protection. Urban areas are going to be the worst places to be. I'd feel sorry for people in large cities like Atlanta, NY, LA (especially...lol), etc. Just my $0.02 without going overboard on details.
I hear ya on that. I get it from Mike's Gun Shop in Tazwell, TN. It's $14.99 per can. It's cheaper that Brownell's if you factor in shipping...even cheaper with the additional $10 fee. I was there today, and he's got OD Green, Desert Tan, Flat Black, Earth Brown, Grey, just about every color except Coyote (thanks to me...lol). He is ordering some more Coyote for me so I can finish up the vertical grip and I might do the mags.
No, the recoil on the FNAR isn't bad. Less than a bolt gun for sure. It helped it quite a bit though. I'm used to the added noise as I have PWS comps on my .223 guns too. It keeps the rifle from wanting to hop up in the air off the bipod when shooting from a bench, in fact it completely cured that issue, and keeps the scope on target for follow up shots. It was well worth the money and effort to get it done. I had the same PWS comp on a DMPS LR-308. That was the softest shooting .308 I've ever pulled the trigger on. It felt like an AR with a standard A2 flash hider....lol
Make sure you take it out before your girl does the laundry....
Thank you for the offer, but I would like to keep my shoulders intact....I would like to see you actually shoot it sometime
Ha ha, I bet I could find something laying around your house that would interest me...
The pusher that me and Desert Rat buy from is Mike's Gun Shop in Tazewell, TN. He and I did it one evening a few weeks ago. It's a motha getting the barrel screws out as they are locktite'd in with some crazy locktite. We stripped the allen head off one and had to use an easy-out to get it out. I ordered some new screws from FN and replaced them both the next week. Other than that, it went well.
The Aluma Hyde is supossed to be very durable. It's an epoxy paint, a lot different than Krylon. It's like duracoat or ceracoate, only you don't "have" to bake it on like the orginal aluma hyde. The trick with the Aluma Hyde is to make sure it's prepped right and cured properly. It's not a big deal this time of year, but in the winter when you would have to cure it inside it could take 2-3 weeks to fully cure. I put the small parts in the oven and baked them for a couple hours, I hung the reciever and forend in the garage and ran a space heater around them for several hours. I also made sure my car was warm and pulled it in and left the door closed in the evenings. I'd say the temp in the garage with the car and heater going was 90+ degrees. From what I've read it should only take 2-3 days to cure in those conditions. I'm going to leave it out in the sun when I'm home this week and probably not shoot it until sometime this weekend at the earliest.