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Everything posted by Kenstaroni

  1. A good friend of mine has been recently put "On Vacation" from TGO. He did not recieve any info as to why his account has been suspended, nor how long the suspension is going to be for. Could someone shed some light as to how long this will last? I will not list his name as to not create any more issues so if a mod wants to send me a PM about it that would be appreciated.
  2. I have some rural land in Middle Tn. Me and my buddies go shooting all the time. We've had 6 AR's firing at the same time at a bunch of clay pigeons....nothing like the sound of 180 .223 rounds going off in 15 seconds...lol
  3. I have some land, but it's in Middle TN...lot's of fun and 115 acres of room, but too far away unfortunately. I'd be down for a private shoot. I go to Norris almost weekly, so that wouldn't be as appealing to me, plus we would have to deal with non-TGO'ers
  4. I think we need to go bobcat hunting this weekend at your place...lol You're not going to have any ducks left before too long if we don't.
  5. A mid-length has a longer gas tube than a carbine, but shorter than a rifle...hence the term "mid-length". It still uses a 16" barrel instead of a 20" on a rifle. Both are going to be reliable, the differences are that the recoil will be smoother as the gas has a longer travel time to the bolt and forend will be longer giving you more room to mount goodies. It looks a lot better than a carbine in my opinon. I love mid-lengths myself as I think the carbine gas system is a little violent, carbine's look funny b/c the barrel sticks out so far past the handguard, and the carbine handguard limits room for bipods and grips together.
  6. Kenstaroni

    My new Baby!

    Glad you found one. Prepare to fall in love with the best polymer framed .45 on the market. I consider mine my combat handgun and would have to be highly motivated to ever sell it. It's accurate, light, has a great grip, and 14-15 rounds in the mag....."Oh your 1911 is out of ammo already....so sorry to hear that"...lol I have the USG Dark Earth one which is just personal preference. I run the Federal .45 in the maroon box from Wally World. Several people say the Winchester won't feed right. The federal has been 100% for me and it's a little cheaper anyway! It should come with 2 14 rounders and a 15 round mag. It appears you have another 14 rounder in the gun, meaning you might have gotten 3 14 rounders instead.
  7. PM Sent. I'll donate one to you if money is tight. I have an extra 2 man dome tent that I don't use. I have some backpacking tents that I take and this one was one I bought so a couple could go with me and my girlfriend on a trip one time and it has only been used once. By the way to the backpackers....I have had a couple Big Agnes tents and they have been great. The latest one is the Seedhouse 1 Ultra Light. I'm 6' 4" 220lbs and it's super roomy for a one man. My gf is so small that we can actually both fit in it..lol
  8. I have a "thunder carry" pouch thing that you wear under your pants in the crotch area. You can wear tucked in no problem as it doesn't sit anywhere on your belt. It has it's own waist band that velcro's in place. You put your undies on, the thunder carry, then your pants. All you have to do is pull the front of your belt out enough to grab the butt of the gun and pull it out. I carried a Kimber Ultra Carry II and a Glock 27 in mine very comfortably. I would fit a larger gun, but it will begin to get uncomfortable depending on the type of pants you're wearing and the "room" you have in that area...lol I used to travel alot for work and would frequently be in a dress shirt and jeans. This was my favorite way to carry as it was comfy while driving and I didn't have to fiddle with holstering, tucking, etc. every time I stopped to get gas or a bite to eat. Check out this type of holster, I think you'll like it. It has two pouches, one for the gun, and one to hold extra mags. This also gives you the option of which side to carry the gun depending on if you're right or left handed. The only thing that shows is it looks like you have a slight bulge in your crotch area....not excactly something someone is going to notice nor think is out of the ordinary...especially the ladies I have solved the issue now because I carry a Sig P238 Equinox that fit's in my pocket easily and creates less of a bulge than my wallet.
  9. I think some people who aren't into guns really are more comfortable buying something from a big retailer. The gun stores scare them I think. They feel like they are getting a good deal because they are buying from a big store, however when it comes to guns it is quite the opposite.
  10. I used to go to the one in Brentwood, TN and the one in Greenville, SC when I traveled for work. I stopped by the one in Chattanooga a couple days after it opened as I happended to be driving through there. I picked up a new gun safe on a great deal because they had mis-marked the safe I wanted and had put the price of the lower model on it instead. I didn't realize it until I got home and took it out of the box. I called them and said that the safe I got was not the one I had asked for. They found the pricing mistake and honored what I paid on the better safe. It was a difference of almost $200. They even offered to drive the replacement safe up to me in Knoxville on a Saturday no less!!! I appreciated their kindness so much that I saved them the trip and took it back down that evening since they were open until 10pm. I really doubt someone from Gander mountain, Dicks, or Bass Pro is going to drive 3 hours round trip to deliver a product that someone accidently got instead of the one they wanted, let alone one that they didn't pay the right amount for, and a freakin gun safe of all things. I couldn't be more pleased with Academy. If they came to K-town I would never go to Bass Pro again..lol
  11. I have an HSA and after January 1 2010 Obama has made it law that HSA's can no longer be used to pay for over the counter medicine and the penalty for withdrawl for non-medical related purchases is going from 10% to 20%. The main reason I have an HSA is so I can go to Walgreen's and buy over the counter medicine when I'm sick. This is very helpful during alergy season as I have two to three months where I have to take allergy medicine. So how in the world is this going to cut down on healthcare costs...now if I get sick it will make more sense to go to the doctor....rediculus! I'm considering converting to a traditional insurance policy and withdrawing the 2k I have in my HSA. That will pay for my premium for over a year. I see no real benefit in keeping my HSA after December 31 of this year.
  12. I have an FNP .45 and it's awesome. Picked it up on here. I also had a FNP .40 but traded it because I was tired of dealing with three calibers. I picked it up off Gunbroker for $420! Check out Gunbroker before you blow your money at Bass Pro. Quality of the FN is great. What you would expect for a polymer gun, but with 1911 features you won't find on other's. They shoot good, the FNP 45 is so soft to shoot and big enough that you can really hold onto it. You won't be dissapointed as the FNP's are probably some of the most overlooked pistols on the market but some of the best in their segment.
  13. Gander Mountain is a terrible place to buy a gun...lol I saw some poor schmuck in there gawking over a Ruger LCR. They had it on sale for $449.00 and they were all excited about it. I was playing with a Remington 870 until I saw the price that was $100 more than what I saw at the gun show for it. I really don't buy much there because they are high on a lot of stuff. The best place is Academy Sports....why we don't have one in Knoxville I have no idea.
  14. My premium is going up already. I haven't even filed a claim or been to the doctor since I started my policy. The healthcare bill is all about taxing. I don't even buy the sharing of the wealth, it's just a way to stick it to the middle class. The poor can't afford health insurance and don't deserve it if they aren't going to work. They are proposing taxes on non-diet sodas and other drinks at $0.03 per ounce. Get ready for a 20oz coke that cost $0.89 when I was a kid back in the 90's to cost $2.00+ and that's just a start...who knows what else they will tax that's "un-healthy." They are going to tax us, tell us where we can go to the doctor and when, tax our food because it's un-healthy, and who knows what else. There's absolutely nothing about this healthcare plan that makes any sense. I can't wait for November!
  15. I was there for a while today. Low turn out as far as vendors...the room isn't even full of tables. I did have some luck selling one gun and found another that I had been looking for. All in all it was worth going for me. No screaming deals anywhere but maybe worth walking around if you have nothing better to do for an hour or so. The last one was much better, probably because they hadn't had one in a while before then.
  16. Oh, he's not muslum....he's..... African American.....oh wait....maybe he's not that either...uuumm.....maybe he will provide his birth certificate so we can clear this up. Oh wait that might mean he's not allowed to be a president because he might not have been born here...Oh who the hell knows, I just can't wait till he's gone!
  17. I'm not sure about the copper situation you may have to do some research on the net or call savage. You can leave some Hoppes in the barrel overnight and see if that helps. Another option is to use a bore brush or bore snake. You might need some sort of brush to loosen the copper, then follow with a patch. Try wet patch, leave for a while, wet brush, wet patch, dry patch, then check again. As far as accuracy I think it's on par. I had a model 10 Precision Carbine and it shot similarly. I put shots through the same hole on occasion, but for the most part it was 3/4 MOA. To get consistant .5 MOA groups you're probably going to have to hand load. My .308 hand loads with Hornady A-Max bullets are more accurate than the Federal Gold Medal Match I've used and I'm no expert re-loader. FGMM is the best factory ammo out there other than maybe Buffalo Bore Sniper, however hand loads are always king as you can match the load to the rifle and find what gives you consistant accuracy. Another thing to consider is the bullet weight. The 168 HPBT Sierra is a great bullet, however your rifle may do better with something else, maybe 175gr. If you're shooting .75 MOA (and this depends on what distance you're doing so as .75 at 100 yards is not the same as .75 at 500 yards, as that's much more challenging) I think you're doing fine. Most of the Savage rifles will shoot better than you and I likely can. I just picked up a 10FCP HS Precision. I am hoping for .5 MOA, or one large hole will do
  18. I'll be at the gun show tomorrow for a bit in the morning. Need some re-loading supplies......Welcom e to TGO by the way!
  19. That choked me up a little...lol
  20. .....+1...read above....thread concluded...
  21. Sorry to hear. It would take a lot of "motivation" to get me to live in Illinois. I understand the situtation though and if guns take a back seat for a year or two, oh well.
  22. I agree. I think in a few ways the M&P is a better gun, aside from the trigger which needs some help but is an easy fix....The G19 is just one of those pistols I'll likely never sell. Nothing like a 33 round mag of 9mm to cheer up your day...lol
  23. The snosberries taste like snosberries.......littering and?........littering and?........ Awesome movie.... I've seen it way too many times because I still laugh my arse off every time I watch it.... I can't believe I've been on TGO nearly daily for almost a year and still only have a couple hundred posts....I guess I just make em' count...lol
  24. I've heard nothing but good things about the M&P's. I won't trade my G19 for one, but I will likely get a M&P to sit along side it in the safe someday.
  25. The scope needs to be where you feel the best eye relief is for you. Set the butt stock where you like it, then adjust the scope from there. Most scopes wouldn't be as far back as yours is, however you have a small scope, so it might need to be back that far to give you proper eye relief. If you were to go a different route with a traditional scope, you could get a Burris PEPR mount and a flip up rear sight. The PEPR mount will give you enough height to clear the rear sight when it's folded down, however bring the scope back for proper eye relief. The fun part about AR15's are that you can do so many different things with them. The not so fun part is that your wallet will be wondering what happened...lol


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