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Everything posted by Kenstaroni
I'm not too worried about it. I'll just leave my loaded mags in the car. See you guys on Saturday...I need some re-loading supplies so I'll likely be lugging a few boxes out full of brass and bullets.
I've had cases get stuck because of running steel then brass ammo, or in some cases just from running steel then letting the rifle cool before running steel again. I'd get a chamber brush and some Hoppe's and clean the chamber and bore really well. Then lightly lube the bolt where necessary, but don't soak it down with oil. Try running the gun again and report on ammo. If you're running steel then that's likely your problem as some rifle handle it without issue and other's don't run it well. If it's all brass ammo make sure it's new and not reloaded. My buddies Colt didn't like my reloads while my two rifle's eat them like candy....just a tighter chamber on the Colt I guess. Good luck!
AR-15 cold weather issue, anyone ever have problems?
Kenstaroni replied to THE COOP's topic in Gunsmithing & Troubleshooting
I ran about 300 rounds through my Ruger SR556 on Sunday in the snow. Ran 100%. It's about the coldest weather I've shot the gun in and had no issues of any kind. I can't recall any issues with any AR's running poorly in the cold weather. I would recommend inspecting everything...even disassembling the lower and bolt carrier to make sure everything is right. Good luck! -
My notifications haven't been working for a few weeks, however they have been back on the last couple days. I still don't get notifications on all my PM's though, just most of the thread posts.
I watched an episode of Alaskan State Troopers a while back and a Trooper came across a fisherman and went to check on him to make sure he was ok since he was by himself out in the middle of nowhere. The guy was carrying a S&W 500 revolver for bears....a huge caliber is great as long as you can actually hit something with it. Not sure I wouldn't scale it down a bit and have something I know I could shoot well, especially for the bears in the Southeast as they are nothing like a Grizzly. I fell just fine with a 9mm or .40 in the Smokey's...should take care of anything that comes my way. I'll take the trade off of having 17-19 rounds of 9mm in my Glock 19 which I know I can put round after round into something the size of a baseball at a good distance than a 5 shot revolver shooting .357 that I could just hope I connect with one or two rounds.
I think to use this as an excuse to censor the internet....and they probably will as they are trying hard to pass such legislation, would be more treasonous than the reason for doing so. I am glad this info leaked because it at least shows some 100% true documentation of what is going on in certain parts of the world. We can't trust the media so I am glad to finally get to read some information that is unbiased. If our government isn't going to protect it's documents then they have only themselves to blame. I'm all for transparency as the under the table backroom stuff is why this country is involved in conflicts they have no business in and why the American people can't trust the decisions of a government who hides behind a biased media who only prints what they want the people to hear. Get it out in the open and let the American people see what our government is doing.....less secrets...more facts...better U.S.A.
I wouldn't be worried about over penetration for a self defense situation from an animal. It's not like you're worried about shooting a wild dog and the round going through the dog into a tree....lol Either one is fine....I'd probably use something you trust and that feeds 100% in your gun. I would be more worried about my gun failing as a wild dog is approaching then whether or not I shot it with HP or FMJ.
I'd recommend walnut media over the corn cob.....you can pick it up at petsmart in the bird section. You can use some liquid metal polish as it does help, however it will sometimes cause the media to stick inside the case....I've broken a die before because of this. I now only use the walnut media with no polish unless I'm re-tumbling after loading. +1 on do not tumble after de-priming. Also do not tumble after re-priming and before loading. Either as a first step, or a last step, or like me....both....just depends on how dirty the brass is.
I personally don't have a problem with the HCP system. I do have a problem with the fact that you have to pay money to exercise a constitutional right. The permit should be free and it should also waive any background check fee's when purchasing a firearm. I think the background check and training course are fine and should be mandatory so that people who assume the responsibility know the laws involved. I can definately see the police officer view of the situation and understand thier side of it, however the argument in that case is similar to any argument about carrying a gun anywhere....the criminals will do it whether or not there is a law or not...all it does is restrict good citizens from protecting themselves while traveling. I feel that no employer should ban an employee from keeping a loaded firearm in their vehicle while on the property. A gun in a locked car can't shoot anyone so what's the safety concern? TN Robocop...thank you for recognizing that the good guys need a break every once and a while and not ticketing HCP holders. I was pulled over in Georgia for tinted windows. It was 11pm at night and I was traveling home from a job site for work. I was doing about 5mph under the speed limit in the right lane and the officer pulled me over. I guess being near Atlanta and driving a BMW with aftermarket wheels on it made me look suspicious...lol, but once I gave him my HCP as I keep it with my license and notify officers immediately upon contact that I am armed (out of respect as they have a dangerous job and I have no personal issue with not being forthright about having a legal firearm in the car) he was polite and said that my windows looked dark but that I should have a safe trip and that was the end of it.
I stopped a guy today who was carrying around an M1A with a scope on it. I asked him how much he was asking and he said $3,000!!!....lol
If you check the internet prices on those scopes you'll be blown away. Those guys sell at very very high prices. I just walk by their booth and laugh. I bought one from them one time at bit on the $50 off deal. Got home and checked the net only to find I paid $75 more than I could get it on the net.
I agree OS. It seemed that prices were more "reasonable" than they have been in the past. I think the economy is catching up a bit with the gun dealers and they have finally begun to realize that they aren't going to be able to sell at the inflated prices they could a year ago. After numerous shows with slow sales I think they have got the message that high volume low margin is better than slow or no volume and high margin. Ammo is more plentiful and prices are were not internet prices by any means, but not ridiculous like they once were. I haven't bought ammo at a gun show in 2 years. I buy re-loading supplies, but all my loaded ammo comes off the net. I saw new Glock's at T&T for $469.99....I picked up an OD 26 . Found a Sig P226 Tac Ops, actually two of them and bought one from the same place as the Glock. Traded a gun for a Sig 1911 and some Kimber CT grips. Brought one rifle, left with 3 pistols. Went immediately to Norris to try them out...lol KY guy....I always ask for a TN DL when doing a private sale. I won't do one without it unless I know the person. That way you are in the clear unless the person is wearing a visible ankle device Gonna head back in the morning and walk around with the FNP 45. I spent all my money on guns and didn't have enough to stock up on re-loading supplies for the winter.
Either that's the smallest XD I've ever seen, or the biggest folding knife I've ever seen....lol
Glad I could join you today to watch you put her through her paces. Nailing plastic ammo holders at 100 yards with iron's ain't bad at all!
I've never shot a P220, but I have a P226 Tac Ops and it is an amazing pistol.
I'm coming Saturday in the morning....gonna tote my Sig 556 around and look for any bites. Hope to see you guys there!
"Official" East Tn TGO Fall "Meet & Shoot"
Kenstaroni replied to Bubbatn's topic in Events and Gatherings
I saw a camera in your hands a lot more frequently than a gun, so I hope you have some good pics for us....lol -
"Official" East Tn TGO Fall "Meet & Shoot"
Kenstaroni replied to Bubbatn's topic in Events and Gatherings
Nice.....bringing the .308 then -
"Official" East Tn TGO Fall "Meet & Shoot"
Kenstaroni replied to Bubbatn's topic in Events and Gatherings
Packing the gear....see everyone in the morning! -
I bought a Savage Edge about a month ago. I ended up selling it to help fund another .308 project and never shot it. From what I could tell it was a decent rifle, and a great buy for the money. I've had some other high end Savage rifles and a lot of the good qualities of those rifles, which shot through the same hole consitently, seemed to be present in the Edge. It doesn't have the acutrigger or acustock, but for $300 I wasn't going to complain a bit. The stock is pillar bedded and the trigger is very acceptable for a hunting rifle. I wish I had shot it so I could give you some more detailed info, however I did read and watch the review from Gunblast and he tested the .243 version. He said it shot sub MOA with factory ammo, and 1/2" with handloads. I don't know what other rifle in this price range can do this. I don't think you'll be dissapointed in anything that Savage makes...I've been pleased. Good luck!
I've had a couple of the Sightmark reflex sights and they have all worked great. A little difficult to get sighted in due to the inconsistency of the adjustment knob. Once I got them zeroed in they always held zero. Had one on a 12ga shotgun and it held zero just fine, other was on a .22.
David, thanks again for the supplies. When I make it back to Nashville I'll take you up on your offer to join you for some shooting at the range you're a member at. Let me know when you get some more SS109 bullets in....I'll take another 1k off your hands. I'll give the WC844 a try and let you know how it does. Any recommendations on amount of powder for the SS109's? I'm starting at 23 grains per the info I could find (62gr wasn't in the manual you gave me).
I went this morning. Good crowd and lot's of vendors...upstairs was open too. I picked up some re-loading supplies and visited my buddies at J&T distributing. I picked up a few things from them. After that I left as I was out of money...lol I went to Norris this afternoon. Had the place to myself for almost 2 hours.....on a Saturday!!