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About Kenstaroni

  • Birthday 04/15/1983

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  • Location
    Murfreesboro, TN
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  • Carry Weapon #1
    It's a surprise
  • Carry Weapon #2
    When #1 runs out of ammo

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  1. This is great to see...I haven't been in one of their stores in a long time and don't plan to go back.
  2. On Target in Murfreesboro has one too, they haven't been allowed to set it up yet though.
  3. You cannot manufacture a silencer or SBR without a tax stamp in any state in the U.S. Firearms yes, NFA item no. I haven't read the whole FFA but I'm not aware of any changes regarding NFA items.
  4. Sorry, just saw this. Use the old forms. Hope you were able to get them mailed. you're not the only one
  5. Just needs to be postmarked 7/12 and dated 7/12 to paper file pre 41f from what I understand. Efile if you can though. I did 3 form 1's last week, I had a feeling the closer to the deadline the better chance the website would have problems..lol
  6. Welcome, congrats on the move.  I think you will really enjoy living in TN.  It's not perfect, but far more conservative than where you came from....lol
  7. I haven't received my Omega yet (couple weeks away from stamp in the mail), however I believe its going to be a very impressive can.  Seems to be well engineered and versitle.   Have you considered a Silencerco Hybrid?  Very quiet but also goes beyond your magnum caliber desires to .338 lapua and 458 socom, plus doubles as a pistol can.   I'm running an SDN6 on my 300blk 9" AAC upper and it's plenty quiet with subs, however there is better technology out there these days in the supressor world.  I haven't done it, however I'd have no concerns about indoors HD situation with this setup and subs.  It would wake the dogs but not the neighbors...lol   As far as layway goes, a local shop to me has no problem doing it for me because I'm a regular customer, however since it's not a public policy I won't disclose who it is.  That being said I'm sure you can find one who will do it, just ask around.  The shop loses nothing in the deal and the likelyhood of you not paying the balance after all that trouble is very small IMO.  From what I understand, until you pick it up they can still void the transfer by contacting the NFA if you're a no show, so why more shops don't offer this is beyond me.    I'm sure YHM cans are good quality but I'd go Silencerco in a heartbeat.  Buy once, cry once.  Don't go cheap on this stuff, especially if it's one of your first items or if you plan on only buying a few supressors.
  8. I took a class with them a couple years ago.  Call it carbine 1, more like "so you just bought an AR, here's how it works"...lol  Class was way to basic for my personal needs, but had a fun time none the less.  Very law enforcement mindset of AR's just need iron sights, and you don't need that Bad Lever thingy, if it wasn't a Colt or Doublestar they had no idea why someone would spend any more money on a rifle, ect.  Anyway, if you want something challenging I'd go to a Tactical Response class, if you just bought a rifle or pistol and have no clue what you are doing then it's a great beginner class.   They may offer more advanced stuff than what I took.  That was just my experience.
  9. If neither state prohibits the sale or transfer (LA / AL / TN) then you shouldn't have a problem doing a transfer at an FFL.  I bought a long gun from an FFL in Florida.  At first they weren't sure they could do it because the states didn't border each other but once they looked into it and realized that the weapon and the sale / transfer was completely legal in both states they said no problem.  I'm not an expert here, just sharing my experience.  I'd contact the local FFL in Alabama prior to the trip to make sure they are good with it (I also have no knowledge of the laws in LA since I never travel there).   If this was a handgun it would have to go to the FFL in the state of residence of buyer.
  10. Elk River from Tim's Ford Dam down is a great float, Harpeth is fun just don't go after a heavy rain until you have some seat time under your belt as it has some fun sections in high water, Duck River, Piney River near Dixson, Caney Fork under Center Hill Dam, ect.  The narrows of the Harpeth are great if you are by yourself because the put in and take out are very close to each other, no need for two vehicles.   My favorite boats....   Native Ultimate 12 or Ultimate 14.5  (about 50-60lbs, awesome all around boat) Native Slayer 12 or 14'  (sit on top, great for fishing or camping, a little heavy at about 80-90lb I think) Jackson Big Rig 13' (Favorite fishing boat, almost 100lbs, so not easy to transport but you can stand up it in all day if you want)   If you don't care much about fishing then some of the cheaper boats are fine.  You do get what you pay for in a Kayak though.  Just don't get anything smaller than 12'...it will steer great but will be slow to paddle...just my $02.  
  11. They are usually all there or at least most on Friday from my experience
  12. "I accept money orders or certified checks and will pay for shipping"  Instant red flag on any ad.  
  13. Tom at Lock Stock and Barrel in Franklin does great work.  Can be a bit of wait for him but we'll worth it. 
  14. I take an AR pistol with me camping and kayaking overnight all the time.  Is it overkill, probably, does that change my mind....not really.  You go armed to protect yourself, guns do absolutely nothing for you sitting at home.  Most of what you could run into in the Smokies are poisonous snakes and bears.  A S&W governor  with snakeshot and .45 LC would be a good all around choice as snakes are most likely to be a problem.  Bear will generally leave you alone if you act properly around them and give them space.  Just read the laws where you are at and make sure you're compliant.
  15. I've had both and the .357 is the way to go. Its much more pleasant to shoot with .38 than the .38 version. I'd go that route plus you can shoot .357. The carry weight is negligible, but the felt recoil is noticeably less in the .357 models.


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