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Everything posted by Sandman

  1. I actually laughed out loud. That's saying something.
  2. I can do that too. Should I post a video?
  3. Anyone going on Sunday?
  4. Wow. That's awesome. Sounds almost iron-manish.
  5. That person walking got jacked up...along with the motorcycle rider...along with the guy who hit the pole...along with the 2 firetrucks...moral of the story is people cannot drive and I'm kinda scared to drive home now. I bet all these people were driving Toyotas . Thanks for the post!
  6. I have a Springfield Ultra Compact that I carry daily. I also added the Crimson Trace grips on it. I did change the springs out shortly after purchase to add a heavier pin strike. I have never had a misfire, FTF, FTE, etc... since the change. I sighted in my laser to 15 yards and can hit just about anything with it. I'm a huge fan and highly recommend a ultra compact 1911. It's not for everyone though. It took me awhile to get use to the cock and locked carry.
  7. I will go Saturday. If there were 10 last year, there will be 11 now! I know this is no help to you, but thanks for the info!
  8. When is it? Where?
  9. Springfield Ultra Compact with CT Laser Grips in a DB Dual Carry Wallet Keys Gerber Pocket Knife Leatherman Wave Multi-tool Citizen Skyhawk Solar Power Watch with E6B Flight Calculator Blackberry Storm
  10. Wait...you mean your guns don't have gold and diamonds? Pssshh...losers.
  11. Can't make it on Saturday. You guys have fun! Maybe I can come next time.
  12. I may join in depending on the time...Gotta spend some time with the Mother ya know?
  13. Keep us informed!
  14. Ha ha ha ha ha.
  15. Maxpedition Falcon II. I read about them through another thread...researched it and got one off ebay. Fantastic little bag. What's in it? Search the essential items 1st thread and that's where I got started.
  16. After reading the "Bug Out Discussion" thread, I have my own question. If something happened, aka SHTF, how far away is your "safe" location? I have been preparing a location but it's fairly close, about 30 mins or so. If it does go bad, I figure my other location would go bad too...so the question is, how far away are you preparing to go?
  17. Any suggestions on a good replacement extractor (should I stay Remington?) and/or someone to fix it for me?
  18. I have a remington 700 (bolt action). I went shooting today and after firing a round, I would pull back the bolt and the shell would not eject out. I would manually have to pull it out before loading the next road. It's not a HUGE deal as I practice controlled shooting so I'm shooting one round and shooting it slow. I would like the gun to function properly however. It also seemed that sometimes, the bolt would hold onto the casing, but not every time. The only thing constant is the casing would not eject. Thoughts?
  19. Sandman

    Flat top AR

    Yes and no. To have an accurate AR you need to sight in the iron sights first. Once sighted, then you sight in the optic using the front sight. I have an eotech with a flip up back sight and I sighted her in last week. You want the holograph barely floating above the front sight. Almost like a lollipop. But it needs to be sighted in to irons before you do the optic. I'm sure everyone will have different opinions, but this is the way the air force does it. Hope this helps.
  20. Wow. Thanks everyone!
  21. It is my understanding that since North and South Carolina have reciprocity agreements with Tennessee...I can carry there. Is this accurate? I'm going on vacation and would like to bring my gun with me...
  22. I looked at all that, but if you go to the magazines for compact (they all fit ultra compact springer) you can either get 7 rd mags or 8...will they both fit flush?
  23. I also have a full size 1911...I guess the same question applies with the 8 or 10 round magazines.


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