I picked up my copy yesterday and sat down for a couple of hours last night to play.
The story, so far, is great. Really makes you think with current events as they are.
The controls are just like COD games. Makes for an easy transition.
Guns are cool with all the different sights. I also like how you have to pick up different guns from fallen soldiers. I feel this adds to the realism of an occupied America.
Grenade throwing. When I threw my first grenade it looked like I threw it on myself. The way the graphics are really make it appear as an unnatural motion.
Character tracking. What I mean by this is all enemies are on a track. They move the same way, everytime. When you die, you know exactly where each bad guy is. This is also annoying with the good guys. When your next move is to go up a ladder or crawl through a whole, you are tracked as the last person to do it. Your entire group has to do it first and then you can. Just annoying if you wanna go ahead some.
All in all this game is great. The story line is really what's good about it. It has nothing as far as controls on COD though. The one thing I don't like about COD is how short of a game it is. We will see about homefront.