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Everything posted by FJCrusing

  1. 22 has been fairly plentiful the past 6+ months. Haven't had much trouble finding it for the most part (mostly online). Now I don't have to worry so much about putting it to use on a regular basis with the election results.
  2. Liberty Fatboy Jr 48 Gun Safe + 240 rounds of PMC .308. All delivered this past Friday.
  3. Haven't had a problem finding 22LR lately. Mainly online but I was at Cabela's in Charleston, WV a few weeks ago and bought a couple bricks of Remington Golden Bullets (525 round packs). They had a lot of 22 and no purchase limits. Have seen a lot of the Browning 22LR at Academy's in Middle Tennessee.
  4. Definitely looks like a change. Sounds like a question for TWRA.
  5. TWRA Fluorescent "Blaze" Orange Requirements: Hunters must wear on the upper portion of their body and head a minimum of 500-square inches of daylight fluorescent orange (blaze orange), visible front and back, while hunting big game except on archery-only and turkey hunts. (A hat and vest fulfills requirements.) Blaze orange camo is legal if it contains 500 square inches of fluorescent orange. In those areas where the archery-only deer season dates overlap with another big game gun season (i. e. bear or boar), archers are required to wear 500 square inches of daylight fluorescent orange (TCA-70-4-124). -- The wording above does not seem to distinguish or indicate any exception short of archery-only and turkey hunts. Deer can't see it. Better safe than sorry to wear it when the orange army starts to come out between Muzzeloader & Rifle season.
  6. How'd it taste?
  7. Glock 20 Gen4. I pretty much only shoot Underwood & Atlanta Arms Ammo. Both feed great!
  8. Glock 20. Can use for personal defense and hunt with it if SHTF.
  9. Hopefully the turkeys will be fired up on a cold morning tomorrow.  Breaking out the cold gear for tomorrow.    They were densely packed last weekend when I army crawled several hundred yards onto a flock.  I took a longer than normal shot that I would have normally not taken last weekend and missed.  Better luck this weekend.  
  10.   Gen4 SS Guide Rod with the high polish finish (LoneWolf).  Also have a Streamlight TLR-1 HL attached to it. 
  11. Have done some work to my G20 Gen4.  I carry in the woods also.  I put on a LoneWolf SS Guide Rod / Spring in it and MeproLight Night Sights but thinking about putting a Burris Fastfire III on it.  If you get a different shooting barrel take a look at KKM Precision Barrels.  Going to pick one of those up soon also to shoot hard cast, reloads, etc.  I've had good luck with Underwood and Atlanta Arms ammo and have heard good things about Buffalo Bore also.  Hunt/Carry Underwood JHP 180gr XTP. 
  12. Already dropped 25lbs since September so not as concerned on the whole weight loss new years goals.  My plan is to see and hang out with friends more often.  With life, kids, work, etc. I feel like I've let friendships slack and want to do a better job of maintaining those friendships.  Also going to take a newbie hunter out into the woods in 2016 and show him the ropes. 
  13.   Catoosa WMA sure is a long way away from south of Nashville.  Have you checked into Yanahli WMA in Maury County or Cheatham Wildlife Management Area? 
  14.   Agreed.  Lots of misconceptions around trying to control a deer populations genes.  Regardless I'm not going to criticize someones reason to harvest a deer but want to make sure they are informed.  Everyone decides to to harvest a deer for different reasons (food on the table, trophy hunter, etc.).     https://www.qdma.com/articles/why-we-cant-manage-deer-genetics
  15. Well, today was a bust (not completely).  The rut is in full swing in Maury County and none of the deer even stopped for a single second.  All on the move and running.  I saw at least 7 or 8 does and 2 bucks and not one never paused a single second to get a shot off.  Then around 10AM a bush hog came in and started work.  I am on my uncles private proverty.   That pretty much sealed it.  To make matters worse on my way out I had a call from work as I am on call this weekend. The plus side to the story is that I took this coming week off work and will be hunting quite a bit and have until January 8th in Maury County (Unit L).  I let too many walk during bow season.  Good luck to all the hunters this rifle season! 
  16. Agreed. He's a shooter. Not real certain on his age. Maybe 4 or close to it. He looks to be about the oldest of the herd on my trail camera. Lots in the 2-3 year range. Sent from my SM-T310 using Tapatalk
  17. Picked up some Easton Carbon Bloodline aarows last weekend at BPS.  We'll see how they do. 
  18. Looking forward to archery season. Tons of does on my camera but a couple decent bucks. Heading out to put up another ladder stand and check cameras again this weekend. [/URL]">http://[URL=http://s1245.photobucket.com/user/tyree326/media/HUNT0130_zps7hawzn1q.jpg.html][/URL]
  19.   Your best bet between inbetween Lipscomb University (from which I am an alum) and Brentwood is the Nashville Armory at Harding & I-65.  Otherwise the others are a little bit south of Brentwood as mentioned below.  Everything Weapons and Franklin Gun Shop.  Guns & Leather would be very much out of your way (north of Nashville) but a good gun shop none the less. 
  20. First bird of the season (Jake). Harvested late afternoon today. Arrived on my hunting property and there was a flock of 12 cruising around. No time for decoys and they weren't responding to the calls so I stalked them as close as I could and then hit the ground and army crawled another 100+ yards and was able to take a shot only about 20-30yds away. The grass was just tall enough that I was able to crawl without being noticed. Was an exciting hunt. Started the minute I arrived. 16.8lbs and 3.5in beard. Was a good size and I've pretty much determined that there are no Tom's on the property after several weeks of hunting. Have yet to see any but a pack of 9 jakes were cruising the property when I got there.
  21. Is it time to put away the decoys or are they still effective at this point in the season?  Seems like they really attracted a lot of attention the first few weeks of the season but have since leveled off and somewhat ignored.  Maybe it's just the same flock I keep seeing and they have figured it out.  I hunt the outer boundries of a large field. 
  22. Nothing but hens and jakes so far for the 2nd weekend in a row.  Going back out tomorrow afternoon.  The tom's gotta be trailing behind somewhere. 
  23. Congrats! Nice looking bird.  What kind of shells and choke do you use?
  24. Apparently the storms on Friday really separated and broke them up so they spent most of the day trying to find each other and regroup.  I never saw a flock bigger than 3 all day.  Did see 10 hens, 4 jakes and 9 deer.  Took one shot at a larger / mature Jake but missed.  Probably go back out tomorrow.  Good start to the season considering how many turkey I saw.  Hope everyone else did well. 
  25. Nothing over here either. 


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