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Everything posted by FJCrusing

  1. Took a doe on Thanksgiving morning. Was hunting out of state in West Virginia on family property that's overrun with does. I would not normally take a yearling or what appears to possibly be a yearling on the QDMA property that I hunt in Tennessee. [img]http://i1245.photobucket.com/albums/gg583/tyree326/Thanksgiving2012Doe-1.jpg[/img] Also wanted to share this. Here is a link to a great example on how to age deer on the hoof. [url="http://www.tndeer.com/tndeertalk/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=594403&page=1#Post594403"]http://www.tndeer.com/tndeertalk/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=594403&page=1#Post594403[/url]
  2. [quote name='sigbrown1297' timestamp='1353470411' post='849019'] how soon after the kill do you have to field dress it? [/quote] Immediately.
  3. Must have been some type of genetic deformity. Glad you took it out as we definitely don't want that buck breeding.
  4. Great looking bucks and love the blind setups!!
  5. [quote name='BlessTheUSA' timestamp='1353634029' post='849594'] Hello, I am not new to firearms but have never hunted. Wanting to learn to hunt deer, etc. I see a Remington 700 Varmint on sale, with 4-12 scope, in various calibers. Would this be a good hunting rifle - or is the varmint version not a good choice? Would 30-06 or 308 be a good choice? Would something as small as .243 make sense? [/quote] I own a Remington 700 Varmint in 308 and it is an excellent hunting rifle. Took a doe this morning actually. 30-06 ammunition seems to run a little less than 308 just FYI. Either will work great though. The scope that comes on it is not great but a good starter scope. I recently replaced that same one that came on mine with a Leupold VX2 3-9x40. World of difference. Have you completed the hunter education course? I would begin with this as a hunting education course must be completed before you can purchase a hunting license and legally hunt. Plenty of information can be found on the TWRA site.
  6. Had one several years back. Not reliable or dependable as a carry piece. Failed to fire more times than I can count. I sold it and never looked back.
  7. Nice looking bucks. A little jealous. Here is one off my camera from recently but I'm going to let this one go if I see it again. He needs to mature.
  8. My son isn't old enough yet but I went out to check my trail cameras and a big doe jumped out in front of me. Trail cameras were looking good also. Lots of activity.
  9. Tried to early vote a few times to send the renters back to Chicago but the lines were too long and I could not wait it out as I had my 9 month old son with me. I may just wait until election day.
  10. Looks great. Just curious, why did you go with high rings? I just recently purchased and mounted a 3x9-40 Leupold VX2 and went with low rings on my Remington 700 SPS Varmint in 308.
  11. The only POTUS to hide his college records, passport and birth certificate. Makes you wonder what he is hiding. The truth will eventually come out.
  12. We are just in the process of rolling out Windows 7 where I work which is a very large enterprise. Microsoft is already pushing us hard on Windows 8 but it's not going to happen anytime soon. We are putting together an OSD QA image of Windows 8 to have ready by March of 2013 but mostly for testing. I don't see a big rush to Windows 8 at this point as it definitely seems geared toward tablet interfaces. At least Microsoft finally got around to encryption on mobile devices. That will be embraced at my organization much sooner as Windows phones have been blocked out due to that fact.
  13. Find a random indiscreet closet and change out the door knob with one that requires a key. This will do until you have a permanent location that you can put in a safe.
  14. I was curious how busy the library on Edmondson Pike was for early voting. I am going on Saturday but it could be a different story with some long lines. I'll just try to get there early. I have no doubts for whom I plan to vote for.
  15. I've got that same trail camera. Been happy with it. Looks like the big buck is definitely a shooter. Possibly 5 to 6 years old. That 7 pointer may be 2 years old, possibly 3 and still needs some time to mature but like others have mentioned he is ready to face off with some other bucks.
  16. Just purchased the Leupold VX-2 3-9x40mm, Custom Dial, Duplex Reticle for my 308. Was $349 on opticsplanet.com and they were running $30 off any purchase of $300 or more. No sales tax and free shipping also. Definitely compare any scope you are looking at to the prices on opticsplanet.com. Very good prices and selection.
  17. Welcome back!
  18. The questions all depends on if you are feeding them well and have some trail cameras setup to see if they are actually present.
  19. I'm on a hunting lease of 1500 acres with 17 people on it for $550 for a full year in middle Tennessee. I would recommend at least 25-30 acres as you have mentioned.
  20. I loaded it up virtually through Parallels on my Mac and thought it was definitely more tablet friendly than PC friendly. This could be a big concern until more enterprise business solutions go this direction with tablets and keyboardless devices. I work for a large (200k employee company) and we are just now rolling out Windows 7 Enterprise. It could be years before we even consider Windows 8. It definitely still needs more work and fine tuning.
  21. Looks great! Congrats to your wife. Had scheduled for my wife to go a few times but scheduling conflicts kept occurring and then we had a baby so I'll get her scheduled again at some point.
  22. FJCrusing


    Was out scouting on my hunting property in Hickman County last weekend and came home with two small wood ticks attached to me. Knocked one off my pants leg while I was out there. Clothes had been covered with permethrin the day before but my shirt became untucked and they slipped right in on me. It appears that they are going to be just as bad as usual this year.
  23. Or a fake pandemic by the government which results in martial law and the suspension of the Constitution. Consider it game over at that point. Then those of us gun owners and other dissenters that are on "the list" will be removed and transferred into a "residential FEMA camp". There are about 600 ready to go - http://www.govtrack..../111/hr645/text Conspiracy theory? Probably so but what are these Fusion centers for that have no oversight? http://www.dhs.gov/files/programs/gc_1156877184684.shtm
  24. Welcome to TGO.


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