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Everything posted by jcoosi

  1. Tha intranetz iz serioz bizniz
  2. nice video
  3. The Great Outdoor Store Not much on there about their inventory.Just call and talk to them I have bought several guns and accessories from them.
  4. I bought my SA Mil Spec from Great Outdoor Store in Jackson for 619.99 plus taxes and bg check.They had to order it but it was worth the wait. What are you trying to trade?
  5. I hate I missed out maybe next time.
  6. jcoosi

    My First Handgun

    nice gun
  7. I see many signatures that have their quotes.I searched to see if there was a thread already on this but nothing was found.So I thought it would be a good idea to put some of your favorite ones. One of the quotes in my signature is from Samuel Adams from this speech here American Independence - Wikisource If we love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude, than the animating contest of freedom—go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.--Samuel Adams The other is from a letter to Samuel Adams from Thomas Jefferson Bigotry is the disease of ignorance, of morbid minds; enthusiasm of the free and buoyant. Education & free discussion are the antidotes of both.--Thomas Jefferson
  8. Thanks
  9. Friend called and said he had a friend wanting to trade me his SA Loaded for my m&p9c plus some boot.Being I fell in love with my milspec I jumped on the offer.Here is the jewel.
  10. I carry a 23 daily have no problems to complain about
  11. I have a SA Mil Spec and trying to trade for another SA Loaded like your looking at.So I would say they are good guns.But as mentioned it is the beginning of a 1911 way of life.
  12. ahoy
  13. nice
  14. hey Allen glad you joined
  15. Springfield gets my vote
  16. jcoosi

    New Toy

    nice setup congrats
  17. I have golden sabers(sp?)
  18. Congrats I recently picked up a SA mil spec loaded and like you my first venture in 1911 territory and haven't been disappointed yet.
  19. Im in the same boat.I need to go fill out my paperwork to sbr my sig556 and also for a suppressor. Good luck.
  20. Im going with Ramsey
  21. jcoosi

    S&W M&P 15-22

    I have one and its a blast to shoot.It feeds on Blazer ammo nicely.
  22. nice congrats
  23. I like my 556 too bad this doesnt apply to the pistols
  24. I love my Springfield Mil Spec also nice piece.


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