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Everything posted by jcoosi

  1. NH Customs are nice but I dont know if I would make it an EDC with the cost.No doubt you would be getting a great 1911 but they are not for everyone.Like others stated I would start with an entry model and see if you like to carry and 1911.I have several and have Sig TacOps as an EDC but thats what I like.
  2. Or sightmark has some pretty decent stuff reasonably priced
  3. I watched it tonight with the guy shooting his thumb off.While Im watching it the guy is prepping for an EMP and next thing you know they jump in thier new jeep and drive off if the blast was close enough vehicle electronics could be affected so he might want to add that into his prepping plan
  4. An AAC 16" upper in 300 Blkout with Khights Armament URX II rails.Will be here next week just need to get my lower sorted now.Im thinking spikes stripped lower,magpul moe pistol grip,magpul ubr or prs stock, and magpul afg.I have been wanting to buy a geissele trigger or the likes for a while just dont know if they are worth the money.Any inputs?
  5. Direct Hit is a great gun store I always end up spending more than I should in there.He has a good thing going and always has stuff in stock for ar's and a nice selection of guns too.
  6. I knew under 16 was sbr but didnt know if there was a maximum length you could put on a pistol lower. Good luck with build looks killer
  7. Not to thread jack but what is considered pistol length barrel 7.5?
  8. FNH FNP45
  9. Donated
  10. No we just need to go back to what our founders set-up.And most of all we need to have accountability returned.Yeah there may not be much difference between the 2 political parties but that doesnt change my view on voting or any rights that were granted by the sacrifices made by the Founders.These people risked their lives and fortunes for a better way of life.It pisses me off to no end when the "elitest" play down the Constitution as just some piece of paper written by some old men that doesnt apply to this day and age.When in fact it applies more now than it ever has. /rant
  11. jcoosi

    They do exist

    Yeah I was in there yesterday and it was marked 799.99
  12. jcoosi

    FN 5.7

    I went and picked mine up yesterday and the gun shop.OD Green came with 3 20 round mags and bought 100 rounds of ammo.The dealer told me he could order bulk just had to let him know up front.
  13. jcoosi

    They do exist

    I was in Direct Hit saturday and they had one.I didnt pay attention to the price though. I know they had one at the gun show a few weeks ago and it was a little over 700.
  14. jcoosi

    They do exist

    Seen one at the gun shop in Jackson Tn.Congrats on the purchase
  15. jcoosi

    FN 5.7

    That looks like a nice piece I would like to know more also.
  16. Welcome from Brownsville
  17. Here is a better pic of the pistol
  18. The box says its a dark earth on the fn I dont know wht it turned out that color in the pic.
  19. I have done some trading around and came up with the following pieces.First is a spikes lower,dpms lower parts kit,magpul moe stock,pistol grip,trigger guard,and hand guard(which is black at the moment cause was on upper when I traded for it and the gun shop was out of midlength fde). Also installed a magpul BAD lever on it.The upper is a daniel defense midlength.Also picked up the FNH FNP45 pictured this weekend also.
  20. I agree I dont like coffee but I will stop and buy something.I will choose to CC as always just because thats my choice.You have to pick your battles so choose wisely.
  21. I think Gander Mountain has that setup for sale
  22. Well this is an election year so that may have something to do with it.
  23. I will let you buy the next one off of him.
  24. Not yet and probably wont since they are hard to find.Probably will be a safe queen


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