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Everything posted by jcoosi

  1. I would almost guarantee that if people that commits these crimes were publically executed it would make people think twice of committing these type of crimes. Im not talking about being convicted and 6yrs later executed. Im talking found guilty and then taken immediately outside to the swinging pole.
  2. Between 1979-2009 120k kids died from gun related events per Children's Defense Fund     Just in 2009 alone 784k kids were aborted in the US per CDC stats http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/ss6108a1.htm?s_cid=ss6108a1_w
  3. I bought a Thunder beast 30p-1
  4. New from KRG introductory price around 550 per their website. Looks nice.[URL=http://s130.photobucket.com/user/jcoosi/media/IMG_5422mod_zpsfea5f843.jpg.html][/URL]
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  5. Went and watched it today. Hell of a good movie.
  6. jcoosi

    Sig mpx

    Buddy that owns a lgs here in Jackson was at shot show and stopped by sig booth. Sig reps said that the mpx pistol is supposed to hit shelves this quarter. I sure hope so.
  7. I love the ALG ACT. I put one in my ranier arms build.
  8. I efiled 3 form 4s end of last month we will see how long it takes. Probably fixing to do 2 more if money pans out.
  9. Sig markings on outside but when he opened it up had the heart of a glock.
  10. If they don't like how this country was set up go pound sand. If it wasn't for guns then we would still be under rule of the crown or worse.
  11.   This is me at time also when going to shoot at range or friends house. Plus couple a boxes of tannerite.
  12. jcoosi

    Glock 42

    Got a message from Whittakers (sp) they have 2 for 399 each.  
  13.   I performed that on my tavor and couldn't tell a difference.
  14. Traded for this unit yesterday. Savage 110BA in 338LM flavor. Rounding up reloading components now. Also looking at adding a can to it.[URL=http://s130.photobucket.com/user/jcoosi/media/photo11_zps2dc08511.jpg.html][/URL]
  15. Traded for a savage 110BA in 338 and was wondering if anyone on board has some load data that they use and like. Thanks 
  16. Here is a sb15 on a KAK buffer tube installed. DD 10.3 mk18 upper [URL=http://s130.photobucket.com/user/jcoosi/media/photo10_zps613b93ec.jpg.html][/URL]
  17. jcoosi

    Sex pistol

    WTH is "inner course"
  18. Stupid yes but only applies to stoves being built after 2015 prior to that if the proposal gets the green light are not included.   "If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it."   -Reagan
  19. There are plenty of places to start cutting money before they even think about cutting vets/armed forces money. There is so much bs waste and spending within the government.
  20. "My issue is I don't like someone having something around me that; that can efficiently kill."   May you never leave you protective bubble and journey to the outside world.
  21. The kids name was Rain Im pretty sure this wasn't the first time he has been embarrassed by his parents decisions. There are kids out there who would just settle for a dad to wave at them daily.
  22. [URL=http://s130.photobucket.com/user/jcoosi/media/th_zps6049f962.jpg.html][/URL]
  23. I have one coming should be here this week. Seen a you tub vid where they used a a2 buffer and tapped the hole for rear detent and spring and installed a plug. Added abour 3" per the vid over a pistol buffer.
  24. Stuck a vortex sparc on top and put it through some paces and had more fun shooting this one than my lwrc. I see a twin to this one in 300 blk or maybe 458 socom or a 6.8.
  25. Why do hotdogs come in packs of 10 and buns in packs of 8? Why does Venus rotate opposite directions than the other planets? Why is a woman's prison called a Penal Farm?


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