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Everything posted by jcoosi

  1. Has anyone here seen one in person? Or own one just looking for some feedback. Thanks JC [url="http://www.gandermountain.com/modperl/product/details.cgi?pdesc=5-11-Tactical-Sabre-2-0-Jacket&i=449105&aID=501AA4F&merchID=4006"]http://www.gandermountain.com/modperl/product/details.cgi?pdesc=5-11-Tactical-Sabre-2-0-Jacket&i=449105&aID=501AA4F&merchID=4006[/url]
  2. May be a repost but couldnt find if so.Came across this from a friend.Feed family of 4 for year for 300 and that includes storage containers.Think I will try some of the soup anyway just to see what it taste like. [url="http://americanpreppersnetwork.com/2012/08/a-year-of-food-storage-for-300-for-a-family-of-four.html"]http://americanpreppersnetwork.com/2012/08/a-year-of-food-storage-for-300-for-a-family-of-four.html[/url]
  3. My supplier had plenty just some assembly required on my end.
  4. I could see that since most red states people have to drive to work to pay for the blue states that use public transportation to go to "da conasto" (in english that translates the corner store)
  5. [quote name='Volzfan' timestamp='1353215977' post='847480'] Aren't they all??? [/quote] So far
  6. Another great transaction today.
  7. Show was ok. I got what i wanted thanks to mr David
  8. Thats a neat spin on that. May have to make one myself.
  9. Where are all the dope heads gonna do for munchies now?
  10. This is from the National Seniors Council (NSC) seen it skimming through some sites this morning. Government run national retirement program to do away with personal 401ks since according to them they only are good for the rich people. I mean Im not a rich person but the wife and I have 401ks. I am sick and tired ok the governemnt demonizing people who are successful in life because they worked hard and never gave up. And seems the most of the ones that are doing the demonizing are atleast millionires themselves so how about you give up some of your money before you start sticking your hands in my pocket. [url="http://www.nationalseniorscouncil.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=89:obama-begins-push-for-new-national-retirement-system&catid=34:social-security&Itemid=62"]http://www.nationalseniorscouncil.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=89:obama-begins-push-for-new-national-retirement-system&catid=34:social-security&Itemid=62[/url]
  11. The postal service is a joke. I do work on thier mail trucks and the amount some of the higher ups make is just doesnt match for the work they do.
  12. Yes he did have an aresnal with a canted front sight. He did send it back to aresnal and they replaced sight. I own the ak now and have not had any issues with it. If you were to buy a sagia ak and convert it you would have about the same in it.
  13. jcoosi

    Agenda 21

    [quote name='RobertNashville' timestamp='1352913523' post='845536'] As I said, pure evil...it's the embodiment of everything a that a free-thinking, freedom loving patriot should abhor. [/quote] When I posted your revised edit wasnt up yet.
  14. jcoosi

    Agenda 21

    I understand that he put the ads on his show. I dont care about the ads I am talking the core values of the Agenda 21 program per the UNs website and link I posted.
  15. jcoosi

    Agenda 21

    Seen some ads that were on GB. So I did a search and it has been in the works since 1992 and has grown larger scale as the years have progressed. I read over the wiki link on Agenda 21 and what they want to work toward. Also went to UN website and read over it some [url="http://www.un.org/esa/dsd/agenda21/"]http://www.un.org/esa/dsd/agenda21/[/url] Curious as to what your thoughts may be on the topic.
  16. "Hey yall watch this!"
  17. Was there any voter id law in them counties? Just curious I have also seen a few stories where they had 142% voter turn out.
  18. I am sure they are getting superstar prices on that stuff.
  19. That is just part of the quote the whole quote which I have memorized is.Sam Adams is one of my favorite Founding Fathers "If ye desire wealth more than liberity,the tranquility of servitude over the animating contest of freedom--then go from us in peace.We seek not your consels or arms.Crouch down and lick the hand which feeds you,may your chains set lightly upon you and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."
  20. Good luck most of the repubs are rino's
  21. Going yes good deals highly unlikely
  22. People dont care as long as the mail is delievered on the 1st and 15th
  23. I heard about this and the people reporting tone sounded like they were in disbelief that this was happening. I mean you cant make a chicken salad out of chicken sh!t.
  24. I have a favorite quote from Sam Adams that I like to tell people from time to time when the political disscusion gets deep "If you desire wealth more than liberity,the tranquility of servitude over the antimating contest of freedom.-then go from us in peace,we seek not your counsels or arms.Crouch down and lick the hand which feeds you,may your chains rest lightly upon you,and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."
  25. Blue helmets are out today so the panthers can kill more cracker babies.


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