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Everything posted by jcoosi

  1. So I seen the other ads they have one about chocolate eggs and dodgeball. So because one school bans an inatimate object or sport than America in whole has banned it. I am getting to the point I feel like this when I hear stupidity now adays [URL=http://s130.photobucket.com/user/jcoosi/media/confused_zps94a8731b.jpg.html][/URL]
  2. I had to look the red riding hood thing up cause I was not aware that it was banned. Only thing I could find was in Cali. go figure.   http://community.seattletimes.nwsource.com/archive/?date=19900519&slug=1072598
  3. I know an EO he could sign that would be a pink slip for him to GTFO.
  4. If they were able to find out who done this they should give them 25 lashings with a bamboo cane on the court square
  5. jcoosi

    Got my Tavor

    A got to have
  6. http://wreg.com/2013/04/17/memphis-lawmakers-support-right-to-use-ebt-at-strip-clubs-and-liquor-stores/   Caught this on the news this morning. Voting on the use of ebt cards at casinos,liquor stores,and strip clubs if that would be ok. The stupidity is runing rampant these days.    
  7. The post wasnt started to be funny it was started to point out, which I know most if not all on this site understand, the lunacy of the elected officals that are in power.
  8. Action closed on the 2100 rounds of federal in ammo can from cabelas for 226. The guy that won the auction was complaing he got screwed cause his last bid was negelected and the bid before was called as last bid. So they cleared that up and let him go ahead and have the last winning bid. Im sitting here thinking to myself yeah you got screwed alight
  9. If it was up to them everything would require a tracking device,4473 to be filled out, and a mandatory 5 working day waiting period on any and everything. Dad can we plant a garden? No son. I cant pass a 4473 to obtain fertilizer cause of past charge for illegal possesion of an undregistered black duffel bag.
  10. Cant be prevented people are going to get what they need to do acts of evil no matter what laws are in place. Adam Lanza broke a dozen or so himself. Also look to the meth epidemic for example lets take all sudifed (sp?) off the shelves so we can stop the manufacturing of it.
  11.   That is true about some perks of owning your own business but majority of people think your suddenly Donald Trump and your bank account is at the Federal Reserve
  12. Another point is a bomb goes off and the blame is placed on the bomber but a mass shooting and the blame is placed on the gun.
  13. If you ever havent you should try running your own small business. I own an independent mechanic shop where I reside. I cant tell you the number of times someone tells me it must be nice making all that money.
  14. Images for correct identification of APC [url=http://s130.photobucket.com/user/jcoosi/media/547901_10200977755551957_2110464810_n_zps7968ad55.jpg.html][/URL]
  15. Watch out they will kick you out for making reasonable offers on ammo. One listing was for a brick of remmy golden bullets 525 rounds offered him 30 bucks. They are 23 with tax at wally world. Got kicked for making in their words 'ridiculous offers on ammo"
  16. "playing the htler card" :panic:
  17. That woud require an actual American with the balls to say that.
  18. AP reports pressure cooker style explosives filled with sharpnel,nails,and ball bearings.
  19. I think it shold be legal to tag them with a frozen paintball in public.
  20. Could go back to only vote if you own land.
  21.   I know that is a common problem but how rampant is multiple voting by active military common.
  22. They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberity nor safety. -Ben Franklin   If you want total security,go to prison.They you're fed,clothed,given medical care and so on... only thing lacking is freedom. -Dwight D Eisenhower
  23. Na I got more enjoyment out of trick (slang for intercourse) them out of the ammo.
  24. Want to stop voter fraud. One day only to vote, show id and dip thumb in ink that will not wash off for 2 days atleast. The ONLY ones exempt from this would be active military in a foreign theater.
  25. Last night buddy called they have .22s in but they only opened on case and left the other on the floor. I said ok on my way. He calls back she stuck 3 boxes under the register. I get there walk in heard he telling another customer all we have are 38 specials and some 308 tula. I get to the counter she said you see anything in the case you want? I replied nope but I will take those  boxes of 22 sitting under the register. She gets that deer in the headlights look. How did you see those? I dont know who put those there. I have been back in the back blah blah blah. Well low and behold as Im walking out her husband is walking in. THis is the first time I know from personally the employee has hid ammo or waited to put out so they could take break and buy it.  


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