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Everything posted by jcoosi
Yeah I got the email.I would like to try one.
The problem I see is changing a name is not going to magically make Memphis a top ten city to live in. Yes slavery was a bad thing but is it not ironic how so many are still enslaved to the governemnt and recieve most of the benefits slaves were given during that time. Housing,food,and so on.
"now thats whats up" I hear this all the time. Some others I hear often are My car be jakeing what you think dat is My climax (climate) control dont work I need a pair of battries on my car
If everyone is this up in arms about ammo I dont want to see what it will be like when we are waiting in line for 1lb bags of rice when the wheels fall off this train.
It is a prime example of a "dammed if you do and dammed if you dont"
Seen this a few days ago congress wanting to raise taxes on the flu vaccine.Per CDC the number of vaccines given last year at .75 cents tax on them and they would have gathered about 100mil. Which is a drop in the bucket when we are talking about the federal govt. but this taxing spree they have been on for the past several years is getting out of control. http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/congress-prepares-100-million-bipartisan-flu-tax_719108.html http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/113/hr475
I understand his point but seriously I have had my fill or their bipartisian antics http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-politics/wp/2013/04/26/rep-hank-johnson-on-helium-debate-imagine-a-world-without-balloons-video/
Senators Quietly Seeking New Path on Gun Control
jcoosi replied to Beretta Bob's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
The economy is in the toilet and welfare is probably larger than ever before. They are trying to exempt themselves from the bs health care. So with just those few things that are way more important than background checks I think they already have plenty on their plate. If we want to start saving kids then lets first talk about the million aborted every year and we get that number down then we can talk about the ones they use for political gain on bs agenda. By no means am I devaluing the lives of those lost from acts of criminals but sometimes I believe they cant see the forest from the trees. -
True I stop by on mornings on the way to work when ammo will be put out. I often buy for friends and family also since they cant make it there. Yeah it sucks how some are extorting the situation right now but there is not much you can do about it.
Walmart out S Jackson got 4 cases of 22 in. There were old folks been waiting there since 2am for them to sell and 730 am.
Medium rings will work
True its different but its a function over asthetics. I have had a couple armalite ar10s and I have sold them and kept the fnar.
Joe Scarborough makes me sick--
jcoosi replied to tartanphantom's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
So how does stopping expanded backgrounds checks help rapist and harms children? I swear some of these tools need a swift kick in the arse when they say stupid stuff. -
True but you can buy a semi auto FNAR and a bolt SPR A5M for the price of one scar
Dont know if anyone has seen or heard of this yet. But this EO was signed in March of this year and went into effect the 22 of April. It has to do with Arms Export Control Act (AECA) where previousily the Sec Of State controlled the exportation of defense articles and services. The new EO from what I have read the DOJ is ammending the BATFE regulations to remove cross reference to the regulatory United States Munitions List (USML) of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). Under the EO it gives the Attorney General delegated authority to designate defense articles and defense services as part of the statutory USML for purposes of permanent import controls, regardless of whether the Secretary of State controls such defense articles or defense services for purposes of export and temporary import. So if I am reding this right the Attorney General Eric Holder can stop importation of defense articles and services as he deems necessary? Link to EO https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2013/04/22/2013-09392/importation-of-defense-articles-and-defense-services-us-munitions-import-list-2011r-20p Link to AECA http://pmddtc.state.gov/regulations_laws/aeca.html
Why do have stupid restrictions on where we carry cause after all I have no intent on causing anyone harm. Like my dad always said "A lock only keeps an honest man honest."
WV T Shirts... Messin' With Liberals
jcoosi replied to mikegideon's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
They were probably afraid the shirt was gonna spit out a gun that would jump up on the treachers desk and start squeezing off rounds. -
Like others have stated Im no tree hugger but more people do need to pick up their trash and put it where it goes. Its not rocket surgery
The sky is falling :panic: The sky is falling :panic:
I have several shirts one of them has the arabic writing of Infidel with Infidel in () under it. Had one guy come up to me at a mall and said that doesnt spell infidel. Another from ranger up front reads "Unapoligetically American" with cross musket pistols under it and with Constitution in background,on the back Constitution and reads "THe purpose of the Constitutuion is to limit the power of the Federal Government; Not the American people" several people have commented positively on it. http://www.rangerup.com/purpose.html
I have 2 strikeforce
Remmy 700 sd,PWS brake,whiskey 3 chassis,ggg bipod,millett glass [URL=http://s130.photobucket.com/user/jcoosi/media/photo1_zpsc39c89c4.jpg.html][/URL]
After Boston bombings Bloomberg states that we will "have to change" interpretation of the Constitution to provide greater security to ward off future attacks. http://politicker.com/2013/04/bloomberg-says-post-boston-interpretation-of-the-constitution-will-have-to-change/ Mr Bloomberg may I quote from a founding father that you seem to look down upon Ben Franklin-- "Those willing to trade essential liberity for temporary security,deserve neither liberity nor security"
Small Pistol/Large Rifle/Large Pistol Primers
jcoosi replied to Poor_Dog's topic in Ammunition and Reloading
I need some varget and primers