I'm not familiar with any group who specializes in church security. However, my previous church in Nashville consulted with the local sherrifs department and was given advice on how to provide proper security for their location. While concealed carry by members was encouraged, it was not the most important factor in providing proper saftey to members of the church. Detering criminals can prevent tradgedies before they even happen. The officer listed many suggestions that were put into place. The first would be to organize a security board whose size would depend on the size of the congregation. Also, it's up to the church if they want to cover them under any liability policies but it was strongly recommended. The security board would then be in charge of things like making a walk of the parking lot a couple of times every service to check on peoples cars and to deter criminal walk-ins. Having a few cars or trucks in the lot with magnetic security signs on them was also a suggestion. This security board should then appoint only a few permit carrying members of the church to carry concealed. This is not saying that the church will keep anyone from carrying on church grounds if they so choose but that the church will appoint who they want to engage attackers and that these people are the only ones they want shooting back unless someone is personally confronted. If someone were to walk in and start shooting, you don't want every single person in the crowd to stand up and start shooting back. You need people in charge of getting everyone out of there safely just as much as you need people to stop the attacker/s. Seating the designated people evenly from front to back was also suggested. Also, having someone sitting in the lobby during services will give them a chance to engage/greet any strays that happen to walk in, criminal or not. We all know how those deacons are! It's a crazy world we live in that makes all this neccessary but it's always better to be prepared then be another example on the news as to why we need security in the first place!