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Everything posted by Wyldk2

  1. Recently my father and I were made members of the Southern Wheels N Motion car club here in Tullahoma. I'm just in it to support my dad with his GTO.   Now we had our monthly meeting last night and were made aware of a benefit Cruise-in being planned for Saturday, August 30, 2014 at the Gondola Pizza & Steakhouse here in Tullahoma. It is a fundraising benefit for Sheilaand Kenneth Preston to help pay the medical bills of Sheila after her open heart surgery( Kenneth and Sheila are longtime members of the Southern Wheels N Motion car club).   The time of the cruise in is from 4:00 pm until 8:00 pm or later.   The benefit auction starts at 6:00 pm ( not just car stuff, George Dickel is donating stuff to be auctioned, Pies, cakes, cookies etc... And a whole lot more to come)   There will also be a 50/50 drawing   All cars, Trucks and motorcycles welcome.   For more information contact Mike Cunningham (931)247-1802, Jackie Gannon (931)580-5912, Jeff Burnette (931)235-8204     Please Admin, if this isn't the place for this let me know or move it where it needs to go.
  2. I am taking this job not just for myself but for my fiancee and her child.( well, soon to be my child). She works too, and works hard( school teacher). Not because of materialistic things but because I'm tired of making only so much only to have the government take it down quite a bit. Double what i was making at Retail and i won't have to deal with irate customers and no more working holidays. Definately don't want to work black friday ever again. ( Bunch of crybaby customers when i worked at Electronic Express).   I don't think you were meaning anything bad, ab28, But some on here thought so.   All I want to do is get out of debt, buy a newer truck( mine is a 1998 with 230000 miles, so i need a newer one) and take care of my new family. Enjoy life, and be able to enjoy life.
  3. Oh it's ok. Factory jobs are not for everyone. I actually was trying to go into law enforcement ( locally) but the fiancee and I decided it would be better if i was working where i couldn't get shot.   I've had my share of retail and could have taken another job in that field but there really is no future in it. Plus if i was to ever be a manager it would require long hours away from family and i just couldn't do that. Not for little pay.     Yes, chemistry sounds shitty to me as well. But to each their own.     Thanks for the gesture, ( Will let you know). 
  4. Well, I got the call yesterday.   Go today for my folicle ( hair) test today and my name badge.   Orientation starts next friday. So I'm Gonna be working for Nissan.   Whoo- Hoo. 
  5. Yes, But today's cars are a dime a dozen. Lot of the old muscle cars are so rare you don't see them that often. I personally like the looks of the older cars better, but If i ever get a sporty car again it might be one of the newer mustangs. As much as I like the older cars, I gotta have my music and my Ipod. Plus cupholders are a nice feature. I remember my 1985 Olds cutlass having no cupholders, no cd player( cassette) none of the newer convienences. But it sure looked sharp when it was clean. Being a black car, it stayed clean maybe 15 minutes after i washed it.
  6. Yep, Learning to keep mine hidden when I'm out with the 6 year old. But he knows to keep quiet about it.   Now mention Obama to him and he'll rant on how that sorry excuse for a President is trying to take our guns away.   Fiancee has her permit as well, just got to get her a better carry option. She dosen't usually carry if I'm with her.
  7. My father had a 32 plymouth coupe and it had a 327 small block ( I think) and a couple carbs( don't remember what all he had). Was in storage nearly 45 years before he decided to sell It this summer.   Part of me wished he had kept it but it needed a lot of work.
  8. Yep,   Just wish i could post a pic on here of it. It actually is my father's GTO ( 1965) hardtop. With a 4 speed 3 duces and a 389.  Just like the song. 
  9. I can see where the Police would want to check into a suspicious person of interest if a crime has occurred. But for merely walking along a road, shouldn't matter. But sometimes it's better to not cause conflict than to spend the night in Jail.   But look at it this way, You have the right to travel without being harassed by anyone. Minding your own business, not hurting anyone. You should not be asked for ID. But the police are going to do whatever they want, whether we like it or not.   But you do have the right to remain silent, you can show your ID and be Mute.
  10. I know what it is, But there are some people out there that don't know, Once you mention GTO, the look on their faces changes.
  11. IMO, Cars are meant to be driven, not collected and stowed away.   Got a goat in the garage and it loves to be driven.   (If you don't know what I'm referring to, GTO)
  12. After the much needed more information was spilled on this issue. I would suggest like those before me:  RUN fast and don't look back. GTFO, before it is too late. Think it's bad now? It'll only get worse.   I only play COD games online and even then I don't want to talk much less chat to anyone while i'm playing a game. These days it's the 8-24 year olds acting like they're 5.   Good luck man, You're going to need it.
  13. I guess I'm lucky, As I have never had a "death threat" leveled against me by anyone. ( but i'm sure one day it will happen). But that is another story sure to come up at some point.   IMO, find out all that is going on with this long distance threat and your fiancee and record it if you can. If it was me in your situation I would have to ditch the fiancee and distance myself from any sort of drama with this thing.   But I'm sure it could be innocent, if you love her and she truely loves you, you can work things out. Just block the dude from messaging her and you and tell her to stop talking to people online. Especially guys online.
  14. Voted today as well. Glad to get that out of the way. That way when the campaigning people either call or come by i can tell them "Already voted".   Now as far as local elections go, I swear the same people keep running again and again and it looks like we end up with the same old crap. Think maybe all politicians ought to have "term limits" to give the little guy a chance. As our forefathers intended for those representing us( yeah, right) to not be a career politician.   Thing was I couldn't vote anything other than Republican or Democrat. And in reality both parties STINK.
  15. Remember anything not tied down can come off. One reason when I go Kayaking with my cameras i make sure they are tied to either my lifejacket or the boat. Sorry you had to make an expensive mistake.   I usually carry my cell phone with me( sometimes i have just forgot it in my truck). But i have a lifeproof case and still encase mine in an enclosed floating otterbox just in case. I'm usually overprepared with my expensive stuff.
  16. If by chance you don't get the floaty thing. Do what I do on any cameras around water. Lanyard or cable them to the vehicle you are on or to your person. Saves a $200-$400 camera.
  17. I tried it, and still nothing. I may have to try to access it out away from all the other wi fi signals here in Suburbia.   Funny thing is my remote works fine. Just would be nice to see what i'm videoing before i edit it.
  18. Wyldk2

    $40K TV

    Just wait till the 8K televisions come out. It'll be down the line but by then the rediculously priced 4k televisions will be more affordable.   The only down side to the 4k is there is relatively little programming available in 4k for consumer use.   But the cost to the retail sales is maybe a smidgen less than the sale price. The retailers make their money on accessories like speakers, HDMI cables and the Warranties. But it's easier to sell extended warranties on appliances than Entertainment systems.
  19. Apparently it's my go pro that is bad. Won't connect to anything other than the included remote. I followed your instructions to the T and no worky.
  20. I did put my number on the national "Do Not Call List" and haven't had a call lately. But that will change soon as election season is in full swing.
  21. Yes,   I am learning first hand on this.   When women tell you they don't care what you do, It means they want you to do something else. When women tell you to do what you want to do it means they want you to read their minds and do something with them instead.   Forget trying to read their minds, it is impossible. And if one could, would he really want to?   Don't do anything that would make them want to suspect you of something for which they told you not to do... Eventually you will get caught.   Even though I'm not married, I know this. Happy wife= Happy Life/ Happy girlfriend=Happy life.
  22. I have a Go pro hero3, 2 and the original ( non-hd) loved the hero 2 and 3 for use when i would go atv riding. Haven't used the wifi with my phone yet because for some reason my camera dosent want to work with my phone. I guess one day I'll have to upgrade. Not anytime soon though.   If you look on Amazon, they have battery kits and chargers by Wasabi for about $24. for 2 batteries and a charger.
  23. To be up to date, Waldens charges $10 per person for all day shooting. At Rifle range and 2 pistol ranges. Very nice set up even for just $10. Terry Walden is a certified gunsmith and sells ammo and accessories at his shop. Located on Sixteen model road in Coffee county( off exit 105) on I-24.   My prefferred range since it's so close to home.
  24. It will happen. Usually when you least expect it to.   I remember waiting a full 90 days for my permit to come in but that was my initial permit. The renewal process takes a much much shorter timeframe.
  25. Golf?   What is that?   Seriously, i have played it three times and i'm not good enough playing it so I stopped playing it all together.   I prefer putt-putt ( as geometry is my strength).   I figure we all need a stress release from work other than going to the range and shooting something.   Mine is Kayaking, Biking, and Atving.


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