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Everything posted by Wyldk2
No prob, I understand. If anyone has ever watched the tv series "Jericho", that is more like i was insinuating might happen. If something ever did happen. We'd have to barter with whatever we had of value, whether or not it is silver, gold, water, ammo or anything else out there. Everything out there has a price and a buyer. Watch Waterworld? Everytime i see that movie( i guess if i'm bored and nothing else is on), i hope it don't get to that point where i'd have to recycle my Pee.
Ok, I have a Glock 23. And i have a Tagua Leather concealment holster( which i usually wear in winter months outside the belt, but under a jacket or pullover. I am seriously considering getting a paddle holster for my Glock, as I like the lock mechanism which keeps the gun from falling out or coming out of the holster until i pull it out. I know the plastic holsters are easy to clean and such, but do they hold up well? I'm mainly looking into a paddle holster since i don't always wear a belt. And i ride atvs out in the woods of middle and eastern TN, so it has to hold up to that as well. What are the pros and cons of a Paddle over a Leather? and what is the best bang for the $. Thanks
Hello, Well this happened earlier this year, Lost my mom to a house fire( smoke inhalation) and they lost the entire contents to the fire. Dad had ( unbeknown to me) 3 pistols that burnt in the fire. I would like to replace them as they were originally my grandfather's and his father's guns. I need some help on finding replacements or if they could somehow be restored to functionality. I know 2 were revolvers. One was a .32 and the other was a .38 The last one was a .22 Colt Woodsman semi-auto. if i find out the makes and models of the revolvers i'll post here later( just don't have all the info on those right now. Any help would be great. thanks.
Preservation of Wealth? What is wealth? All I'm doing is covering my bases. Silver and gold have been used as currencies the longest of anything out there. Ammo is fine, but you have to have a gun to shoot it, and some people still don't have a gun or believe in them. I guess they are the ones that believe only the Police and military need guns. Some saying if the dollar dwindles, then PM's will have no value, i have to disagree on that. Beans and bullets? surely you're not thinking the world( least america) will turn into some kinda mad max world. What happens when you run out of beans and bullets? what are you going to do then? Eat grass and dirt? Trade anything of value or usefullness for something to eat? I'd have a little bit of silver, gold and ammo, food and survival supplies, and of course the TP, but TP don't hold up to water if we have a storm or situation like Katrina.
anyone planning a trip to the guns and gear expo?
Wyldk2 replied to gotigers's topic in Events and Gatherings
Hopefully if i have time and $$ by then I'll be there. Might as well since it being so close to home. -
Don't you mean "DELIVERANCE". I guess it could be either way here in the south.
Yada, yada whatever, I'm just going by what i have in place. Put it in storage and don't worry till if SHTF. If not, still an investment nontheless. But as for the Y2K ref, my grandmother went overboard when she overloaded a room in her house with bags( i mean 50 pounder bags) of sugar and cases of bottled water. ( least i know where to go if i need sugar water or gatorade, or if i ever am near my grandmther's house and get shot somehow). Remember watching "Shooter"? As for us being invaded somehow, nah, I don't think that will ever happen . Now if the powers that be ever get us to turn in our guns, then maybe. But with the number of legal and illegal guns out there and the extremely high number of NRA members promoting gun ownership rights, I'm not worried about it. But you never know. With the way the world goes, anything can happen.
I have food, water( purification kit), ammo, some precious metals( just mainly as a last and i mean last resort). Silver and gold, what they use to barter with if someone wants to trade you something and you have nothing else to trade with. That is if hyper inflation occurs, your hard currency will still hold value. The dollar is just paper, it was once backed by gold and silver, but now just backed by the word of the U.S. Government. Usually I'm over prepared, but i take into account anything that can happen will happen, maybe not today or tomorrow, but one day. Same when out riding I'd rather have it and not need it than need and not have. Nice Quote Nightrunner, I use that one all the time.
I know from experience ( that some employees of lowe's and HD, HATE some contractors too). Best to deal with a supply warehouse, and maybe use HD or Lowe's for the stuff you can't find at the building supply. But price everything before you buy and get several estimates. Most places will price-match.
Well, My dad is in the process of rebuilding his home. We lost the house i grew up in Tullahoma to a house fire earlier this year( lost mom to Smoke inhalation from the fire). So dad is just now starting on the rebuild( it won't be exactly like we had before because to many memories). He hired a contractor and had plans drawn up from an architect in Murfreesboro. Just had the footer poured last week and as soon as this upcoming storm( tomorrow) is out of the way they are supposed to begin the foundation. Supposedly it is going to take close to 4 months estimated time to completion. But i know my dad picked out his plumber and HVAC installer. The contractor supposedly has the rest picked out. But we looked at the houses the contractor has recently built before making decisions. I know when we did a remodeling job( back when I was in H.S.) it took us nearly 3 years to remodel the kitchen, dining, and add 2 new rooms. Figure since we did most everything ourselves aside from the cabinets, counter tops and carpeting, we did a pretty good job and saved some doing it ourselves. We did eat out a lot though while the kitchen looked like a warzone.
Apparently some people do not understand my point. If the dollar ever fails( as it slowly is right now), there will be no value to the american currency. See why prices are always going up? the value of the dollar is not near as much as it used to be. Now is not the time to buy gold. I would put more on silver though IMO. There is someone out ther who would buy it( maybe a company that needs silver in some sort of manufacturing process). Ammo, just keep majority for yourself and family, sell what you don't use( or have a gun for). I'm thinking Fuel will be another investment, but since it turns bad over time, that isn't a good long term solution. Seeds are good, as previous posters claim. Also if anyone has certian skills( like doctoring/dentisting/construction/etc...)those can be also used as a bartering tool. A littlebit of everything to cover the bases if ever the SHTF. but i hope it dosen't happen anytime in my lifetime.
I remember food now is a good investment. but hard to keep food unless you get a large quantity of military issue MREs or anything that dosen't have an expiration date. You can always use ammo to hunt for food if SHTF. Or trade the ammo you don't need for food/fuel/ etc... Still a little bit of precious metals is advisable. Just in case cause nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. I have been told better to cover all your bases. JMHO
I have been told Gold, ammo and silver. are good bartering items if the dollar ever drops down to no value. I'd look into silver right now, with the way gold is rising it might be harder to come by( plus silver is around $17 an ounce) so it is a little easier to obtain for most of us. And a lot easier to barter with for smaller things. And with all the silver being used in Manufacturing right now I have heard that the price (value) of silver has the potiental to rise just as gold did. For those looking to "sell" your gold, I'd advise on not doing so. Keep it if you can and wait. Gold is close to a grand an ounce right now( remember when it was a lot less). It has the potiental to double in value if (when) the dollar plummets. I just ordered some silver, Hope to have it home sometime this week. Ammo is a good investment, but i wouldn't go overboard. Buy what you might need and maybe double it for the investment. If not, if the government decides to outlaw ammo for us citizens, then it will come in handy to know you have a supply for sale or barter. Because a gun is just a paperweight if there is no ammo for it.
Just got home from Wal-mart and i carried( concealed of course). So far most businesses i have frequented have no postings ( those that do, the postings are not real noticable). Until heading out the door.
I found out this site for those who just want a ready to go kit without having to decide what to pack or how much. LifeGear I pack my own gear and such, just this is another alternative for those of us who don't exactly know what to pack or how to organize.
I think typing ain't someone's strong suit. I'll stick with my SUV and Large ATV if it ever comes to the day when I need to get the heck out of town in a hurry like if it hits the fan, But hopefully that day is a long wait away.
Post pics of your Concealed Carry setup
Wyldk2 replied to TNTitan's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
Ok, now that i have seen the Youtube vid, I understand what you were trying to show us. I'll post mine later. Thanks. -
Post pics of your Concealed Carry setup
Wyldk2 replied to TNTitan's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
Me either. Holster on the small of the back might be better though. I could take a shot in the butt over the other side. -
Post pics of your Concealed Carry setup
Wyldk2 replied to TNTitan's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
I may be new to this but conceal carrying you still need to be able to get to your gun in a hurry if needed. Looks like a lot to undo to get to the gun. Good thing for me in the way i carry, is with it getting cooler out i can wear pullovers and conceal my gun even if it is out on my hip at the ready if needed. -
TN Handgun Carry Permit Schools and Instructors
Wyldk2 replied to BimmerFreak's topic in Training Discussions
+1 on above Brian teaches a laid back class. But he is very informative. I learned a lot from his class. And I bought my Glock from Hero-Gear in Winchester. Very good people and knowledgble staff. -
Well, that's good to know. Thanks, Least when I visit Gallatin they have a better chance of not causing a stink.
I only OC when out atv riding, in my yard and when out fishing or hiking. CC rest of the time. Question though, Has anyone OC'd into a wal-mart without incident? I only cc in there cause i don't want the other customers getting nervous around me, I don't want to cause any trouble. But my Glock is here to stop trouble. If needed.
Well, i hope this helps someone who is in the market for a new gun. What they should consider and look for in a gun. After all it is a big investment but just like insurance i'd rather have it and not need it than to need and not have. The Glock 23 was my first handgun, I looked and thought about the types of guns out there for about a year before i finally bought mine. I had bb pistols when i was younger( beings living in the city limits of tullahoma we really couldn't shoot a powder- weapon without someone calling the cops).
I lived in Tullahoma for 30 years, after moving to fayetteville, I miss T-town. Lot more to do and family is still there. But Live out in the county now, so it ain't so bad. Least out here i can legally shoot my gun(s).