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Everything posted by Wyldk2

  1. I used to race CC, then just got tired of it. Now just ride mainly for fun( and when it's cooler). Like mentioned in another post, a 16-17" frame would be best IMO. for a person of your size. I'm 6 ft and my K2 is a 17" frame( which they consider a Medium). I got a good deal on the frame and fork about 8 years ago. added shimano xt components and disc brakes. Like the Dual suspension, but i'm thinking i would like a hardtail( like i used to have) as a second "spare" bike. I just have 26" wheels, not into the 29" craze either. You could go the route of fixing your old bike, taking all the parts off, cleaning and painting the frame( powdercoating lasts longer, but a good paint job will work fine). Best thing is to upgrade your components if possible. Usually when the weight of a component goes down the price goes up. So if you go the Shimano XTR route it could be close to a grand or more for just the components, that is unless you get a really good deal.
  2. Heck just driving around in a White crown Vic, The kiddos don't know if you're an unmarked cop car, least till you pass them and you don't have gov't tags. ( don't ask me how i know this, Happened a long time ago).
  3. The field the scool band practices on and the soccer team plays on( the ROTC field across the creek next to the greenway-walkway is school property). You cannot carry legally.
  4. I dropped them when i saw where they were charging me for not using my checkcard every month. Also the ban of handguns and not being able to wear sunglasses or a hat in the building got to me. I stick with credit unions, they actually allow carry and want our business.
  5. Dropped Regions last week. Besides the gun buster sign I don't agree with their other policy about charging you a fee if you don't use your checking account at least 25 times a month. They can charge you $5 or so per month for a usage fee. No biggie anyways. Have been an Ascend( AEDC FCU) member for 35 years and am a Redstone FCU member as well. Both places are not posted and I have not ever had a problem going to either place.
  6. I just bought my first shotgun. It's a Mossberg 535 tactical. I got it mainly for home defense but plan on trap shooting with it ( to see if i like the sport before i buy an automatic). Thinking with the pump action on a shotgun, would be thieves would not hesitate to turn and run( but i would have to be there for this to work). Slowly i am building up my home arsenal, Was going to get an AR for a good deal but they( Gander Mtn) sold the only one they had right out from under me. Oh well, next time.
  7. Here from another atv rider. I got mine mainly because one time i was riding with a group of friends and some drunk guy kept harrassing me about my new atv at the time, it about ended badly. Luckily i was with friends at the time. The other main reason was since i moved out here in the country, my mother was worried about my safety. Plus i always wanted one. Only weapon i had prior to getting my handgun was a 22 rifle and a bb gun. I am working on my gun collection gradually though.
  8. I carry a Glock 23 no problem concealing it either. I'm not a big guy but usually a jacket or oversized pullover conceals pretty well. If anyone sees the bulge they think it is either my cell phone or leatherman. So far haven't had anyone notice if i was printing or not. Don't recommend open carry either. Look into the maxpedition packs or a fanny pack if you have a real problem concealing. Never had a problem with cops noticing, ( either i look like a cop to them or i've just been lucky). Me thinks it's because i'm just lucky. But that is what the permit is for right? If you just don't fiddle with it when you're out or adjust it all the time, nobody will notice a thing.
  9. Haven't been to HH in years, and i have no plans on going back ever( if they removed the signs and the wannabe gangs and brought back some more business, then maybe, i might consider it). I usually go to Cool springs( now i have to remember i can't go armed) oops looks like i broke the law, but i have to agree i didn't see any signs telling me i could not carry, now i'll have to remember to look very carefully for signage in the parking lots. I agree they need more signage for those who don't have the time to hunt for a "prohibited" sign in the parking lot, when we are busy having to watch out for these mall idiots thinking they own the parking lot. Christmas time it seems is the worst. Guess it will be Huntsville area malls for me( no gun-busters i have seen yet)and online shopping for time being.
  10. www.wewontfly.com It's not just the arlines but the scanners and tsa intrusive groping sessions will be at Bus depots, Train stations and Border checkpoints. All in an effort to make us safer from terrorists right? It gets more and more like a police state with all these stories we are hearing. But when you buy an airline ticket i have been told you are giving up some of your rights and have to endure the screening( whether or not we like it) or face a hefty fine of about $10,000. Probably why i haven't flown in 15 years and have no intention of ever doing so, least until things get better. But if they gotta grope me, they better buy me dinner first. lol
  11. Windrock is i think $100 a year or $17 a day. per person. There's royal Blue and Brimstone. I ride but 3 hours drive one way for me, i need a whole weekend to ride. windrock used to be bout the best, then they graveled majority of the best trails( due to gas mining). But still some of the best trails in Tennessee.
  12. A cabled lock box to a point in your luggage ( prefferably a bar of some sort in the luggage) would be a good way to be sure you have your pistol( handgun, etc...) once you arrive at your location. That is assuming the Airline didn't lose your luggage.
  13. I had an encounter last week with a THP. No traffic violation on my part just an accident ( where it was not my fault). Officer asked for licenses and reg and insurance info. I gave him license, permit, insurance and reg. He just told me as long as he didn't see "it' ( being my gun) we would be ok.
  14. Should be able to carry at both places. I grew up between George and Jack, never seen an anti-gun sign. But that could have changed since I last visited there. Carry if you want, if posted leave in car( but hide it). Or carry and just don't let anyone know about it. Concealed is concealed. Monteagle isn't bad, But i only visit there when i go atving( and yes I carry when I ride).
  15. Whoo Hooo, I can scratch the boycott off my list. One down, several to go.
  16. I got the permit to be able to legally protect myself. I carry wherever and whenever i can ( which is about 95% of the time). I figure if i went thru all the requirements and spent all that $ i might as well carry as much as I can. I can't carry into work though( i leave mine locked in a lockbox in my truck) but my boss is at least gun-friendly. He has his permit and so does another co-worker of mine. I carry mine almost everywhere( some places i can't due to the laws, but i can't change that). definately don't want to do anything that would take my permit( even though it should be a right) away. I got mine basically since i live way out in the country and when I go four-wheelering, It helps keep the drunks in check. Last thing i want is any trouble, but least i know i have something ( but it is last resort). I don't want to kill, but if it ever came to it. These days you never know when or where something is going to happen. And a cop is way to heavy for me to carry around.
  17. I'm sorry you were labeled an "extremist" by your employer. Maybe he needs to look up the real definition of "extremist" instead of calling legal gun carriers names. I've added the "Stoney River" restaurants to my growing list of restaurants i will be boycotting( and telling my permit carrying friends about). Funny thing is, in Alabama, i don't see many ( if any) "No Guns" signs at restaurants in and around Huntsville. Which i frequent more often than Nashville( simply because it is closer). But Alabama, is not open-carry ( conceal carry only with a permit).
  18. Carry what you feel is the best for you. Least of all whatever you like the most.
  19. Wyldk2


    Actually i used to race( just local races) then just got so out of shape sitting behind a computer i really haven't rode much in the past 2 years. I ride a K2 animal ( old bike i know, but i built it up from the frame). And since i'm more into the atving hobby( a whole lot easier and faster), i really haven't had much time to bike. Probably will soon, now that deer season is about upon us.
  20. But make sure they put everything back the way they found it. I would not consent to a search either, I have nothing to hide, just have better things to do than let them waste my time searching my car for "suspected" illegal material. Luckily for me, my vehicle often gets mistaken for either an UC vehicle or a TN wildlife officer vehicle. So far i have not been stopped by a Officer ( but we all know as soon as i post this, probably i'll be stopped for something).
  21. I know there are several places we as legally armed citizens still cannot carry. What is the best alternate defense option for places where we cannot carry a firearm? I know pepper spray and stun guns have been mentioned in past threads and discussions. I found this selfdefense while listening to one of my radio talk shows. Wanting to know and get the experts opinions about this as i am considering one for my brother( he hates guns) and yet he is in Atlanta and usually out late at night working. Also open to other suggestions about other available products. Thanks
  22. They will ask you about anything. If it looks like you might be carrying a weapon, they might just ask that question. Before i got my carry permit, being pulled over twice in my life( minor traffic/speeding violations), i never have been asked if i was carrying nor have been asked if they could do a search in my vehicle. Most Police i know don't generally ask the carry or search questions unless presented with a permit or if the pull-ee looks suspicious. But IMO, during something such as a seatbelt violation, Seems like it would be to the officers discretion whether or not to ask such a question. But it could be the area where someone is stopped or the way they are dressed or the way they act around a uniformed officer. Could just be Chattanooga.
  23. Welcome from Lincoln County( neighbor).
  24. RC and moon pie festival ( held in Bell Buckle TN).
  25. It is always good to have some investments as the dollar is losing value everyday and has been since the government took the backing of gold away from the dollar. I'm not advocating everyone go out and buy gold or silver, just know don't sell your gold right now( price will only go up) which means the value of the dollar is going down. Sure, i have some gold( family jewelry i inheirited mostly)and some silver. But i also have some lead that I'll give any intruder for free. They may not like the outcome though, but I think it's the best investment i've made so far.


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