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Everything posted by Wyldk2
Oh, i'd like to do that for other reasons( slap the dog snot out of him). But that would probably get me fired or make an enemy out of him. Normally, we get along fine, it was just this one incident where he made his suggestion. Which I am going to ignore and try to get a better conealment holster soon. I carry a Glock 23 in a Fobus paddle holster(concealed of course) and now that the weather has been getting a bit cooler, I'll probably not have to worry about the shirt exposing part of my gun since having to wear a jacket of some sort. But still, I'll probably be getting a better holster for when it warms back up. The co-worker is 49 and kinda opinionated, but he is welcome to his opinion. Not that I'll believe everything he says. I try not to see him when i go( he's usually working the checkouts) I prefer the self check-outs, but after a certian time they are shut down. I asked my boss at work if i could have a weapon on premises, he told me as long as i leave it in the car when at work i would be fine. It stays in the suv when i am on the clock. ( I am not the only one at my job with a permit or a pistol in the vehicle). Figured as much, thought I would see what everyone else thought before i did anything. Thanks for the back-up.
Well, it think i'm right on this but want the advice of my fellow HCP holders. I work for a local company and one of my co-workers works part-time at Wal-mart( when off from the first job). I was in there at night shopping, and apparently part of my pistol was showing as i checked out( he was acting as a greeter, saw the gun). He knows i carry and have a permit. The only place i will not carry(even if it is legal) is work. I leave the gun locked up in the suv. Mind you, i don't carry where it is illegal to do so and won't carry where posted. Now, i was in work the very next day and he tells me i ought to not carry into wal-mart( even though it is allowed). I figure, either i need a smaller pistol or a better concealment holster. But before when i have carried, even if someone caught a glimpse of part of the pistol i have never had a problem, never been called the cops on, and never been asked to leave. Just wondering if i should just ignore his advice or heed it and leave the gun in the car when in wal-mart? But anything can happen during that walk from the store to the truck, can happen so fast those cameras they have everywhere can't do a darn thing to prevent something from happening. Sorry for the book, Thanks in advance.
Afraid not. The HCP don't show up on car tags. Just if the car is reported stolen, it has nothing to do with the driver( unless the registration and the tag match the owner). HCP and state drivers license are the only things that do line up. If they run your license, they can tell whether or not you have a permit to carry. Just provide them with that bit of info when they request your license( if driving).
Marine Reservist shot, mistaken for bear
Wyldk2 replied to Lumber_Jack's topic in Hunting and Fishing
The article says the hunter was 67 years old? Is that right? Sounds to me he needs his eyesight checked. And another course in hunting safety. Seems I've heard of something similar happening before where a hunter shot at a flash of white and ended up shooting a woman who was working in her garden( with white gardening gloves). I know that is very few and far between, but when out hiking or anything during hunting season, don't wear clothing that can confuse some people into thinking you are wild game. Was the hikers talking while hiking? if they were and the hunter still shot, he may need his hearing checked as well. -
Agree with ya on that. Main focus right now for most people is the economy, jobs and getting us out of this hole we got dragged into over a course of the last 80+ years. Not just obama to blame, it's the whole racket. I just thought it was another way of looking at these wars in foreign countries we really have no business being involved in. Our troops want to come home, so let's bring them home. That would save countless billions of dollars our already overcorrupt politicians spend just to keep their friends wealthy and themselves in power.
Thought this was interesting and a little different.
Academy in Cool-springs and one in Rivergate area. Plus Basspro in Oprymills( that is the only thing open as of yet, but 2012 the whole mall is slated to re-open). I am not in Nashville, just trying to be helpful.
Seems to me that Elbow1 must have the worst luck at being around all these bad cyclists he percieves are the majority of cyclists. Most bicyclists I have encountered have been the majority as they obey the rules of the road( some much better than most of the drivers of motor vehicles). And being's I'm a cyclist myself, I always give the guy on a bike the room he needs. But I'm one of the cyclists that stays off-road whenever i can as i am a mountainbiker( when the weather is nice). So you will only find me on a busy highway riding my bike if there is no other alternative. And no, spandex or lycra is not my choice. As for the "riding on sidewalk" comments/suggestions. It is a law that bicyclists are prohibited from riding on pedestrian walkways, though it is hardly ever enforced. Bicyclists are supposed to ride with the flow of traffic, Pedestrians are supposed to walk against traffic on a roadway if that roadway does not have sidewalks. At least this is what i remember. I delivered pizza too before while in college, There are more bad drivers out there than bad cyclist.
What Would Your Presidential Candidate Look Like?
Wyldk2 replied to MphsTiger1981's topic in General Chat
[h=2]Phase 1 - 9-9-9[/h] Current circumstances call for bolder action. The Phase 1 Enhanced Plan incorporates the features of Phase One and gets us a step closer to Phase two. I call on the Super Committee to pass the Phase 1 Enhanced Plan along with their spending cut package. The Phase 1 Enhanced Plan unites Flat Tax supporters with Fair tax supporters. Achieves the broadest possible tax base along with the lowest possible rate of 9%. It ends the Payroll Tax completely – a permanent holiday! Zero capital gains tax Ends the Death Tax. Eliminates double taxation of dividends Business Flat Tax – 9% Gross income less all investments, all purchases from other businesses and all dividends paid to shareholders. Empowerment Zones will offer additional deductions for payroll employed in the zone. [*]Individual Flat Tax – 9%. Gross income less charitable deductions. Empowerment Zones will offer additional deductions for those living and/or working in the zone. [*]National Sales Tax – 9%. This gets the Fair Tax off the sidelines and into the game. [h=2]Phase 2 – The Fair Tax[/h] Amidst a backdrop of the economic boom created by the Phase 1 Enhanced Plan, I will begin the process of educating the American people on the benefits of continuing the next step to the Fair Tax. The Fair Tax would ultimately replace individual and corporate income taxes. It would make it possible to end the IRS as we know it. The Fair Tax makes our exported goods and services the most competitively internationally than any other tax system. [h=2]Phase 1 Enhanced Plan – Summary[/h] Unites all tax payers so we all pay income taxes and no one pays payroll taxes Provides the least incentive to evade taxes and the fewest opportunities to do so Lifts a $430 billion dead-weight burden on the economy due to compliance, enforcement, collection, etc. Is fair, neutral, transparent, and efficient Ends nearly all deductions and special interest favors Ends all payroll taxes Ends the Death Tax Features zero tax on capital gains and repatriated profits Lowest marginal rates on production Allows immediate expensing of business investments Eliminates double taxation of dividends Increases capital formation. Capital per worker drives productivity and wage growth Capital formation will aid capital availability for small businesses Features a platform to launch properly structured Empowerment Zones to revitalize our inner cities We all know the Fed has tripled the money supply since 2008. They have been printing money out of thin air to finance the Obama spending machine. While true Fed reform that restores sound money may have to wait for my election, the best thing we can do now is to pursue policies that increase the DEMAND for dollars to help mitigate the risks associated with the increase in the supply. Pro-growth economic policies equal a strong dollar policy Phase2 and the enhanced plan of Phase 1 are in addition to the 9/9/9 plan. That is from my understanding of it. But i wouldn't take my word for it( and definately not his word). First things first, we got to get someone who actually has our ( the people's) best interests in mind. Not the 1%, but the 99% of the legal U.S. population. Bring the troops home and put them on the borders to keep both the illegals out and the drugs out. The U.S. should not be the world police, they don't want us there and our troops want to come home. Know it would be hard since there is a lot of u.s. interests out in the world. But we don't need to be fighting anymore wars just as an excuse to use the weapons we have( the troops can run drills here in the states, not have to die in a foreign country just so a couple suits can have their ways). I'm not a druggie, but if some of the less potent drugs were legallized and taxed, maybe that would cut the ammount of people behind bars( whom our tax dollars pay to house/feed and keep locked up). Maybe the ammount of deaths related to drugs would also go down. Prohibition on alcohol didn't work( it's a fact) and the drug war today is becomming a never-ending battle. Guess it is a constant cash register for the Law enforcement agencies around the country. They don't want to see it legallized cause they would lose all that money for guns, tanks, helicopters, etc... I mainly want people to be free, free to make their own decisions and live their own lives ( as long as they don't hurt anyone else)without any involvement from the Gov't. It never was the founding fathers intentions for the Gov't to get as large as it is now. The gov't should be fearing the people( as the second amendment was not intended for hunting) not the other way around. We've voted for the blues( democrats) voted for the reds (republicans) and yet the same old s***. If a and b are the same, and no matter how many times you vote for either side, nothing changes. Don't you think it's about time you gave "c" a chance? -
What Would Your Presidential Candidate Look Like?
Wyldk2 replied to MphsTiger1981's topic in General Chat
Herman Cain is a former head of the Kansas Federal reserve( a privately owned institution i might add) and he's calling for a 25/25/25 plan eventually. Not a 9/9/9 plan like he would like you to believe. I think majority of them are in it for one reason and one reason only, "Power" for both themselves and for their friends. The only one that stands out would Be none other than Congressman Ron Paul. Who is a veteran, a medical doctor and only votes on bills that support the constitution( but you know where the current gov't admin thinks of that?). While I don't agree on everything, He's the best choice IMO. At least we know he's not in some big shot's pockets. Just google "Ron Paul". -
Firearm discharge on public road
Wyldk2 replied to Knox Al's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
Like Oh shoot said about half Ammonia/ Half water mixture. Just don't drink it. Also there is a product out called "Halt" like pepper spray but marketed for defense from attacking dogs. I used to ride my bike all the time, one of these days i plan to get back on the trail. -
October 15, 2011 - Middle TN Meet & Shoot @ CMHR
Wyldk2 replied to Westwindmike's topic in Events and Gatherings
Thinking about attending if this is still on. I might bring my dad along if he is interested. Where is Owl Hollow/CHMR? Sorry too ask but beings i have never been there before I do have an excuse. -
Been a netflix customer since 2007, I was kinda irked at the price increase. It costs me $20 per month to stream plus endless 2 at a time dvds. But I dropped my cable subscription ( that was $24 a month joke just for basic cable) I get 8 channels free now all in HDTV. But i hardly watch tv unless it is the news or something on abc,nbc, fox or cbs( i get Huntsville channels). So to me it could have been gradually introduced as a price increase, and the apology letter was a total crock of BS, IMO. Thinking seriously about just dropping the dvds and stick to streaming( cause the new "Qwickster" site looks like it might be more of a hassle than just one site). Yeah, the guy writing the apology letter to us said he would break netflix into 2 companies one "Qwickster" for the dvds, blue-rays and so they say soon to come Video games. And "Netflix" would stay as a steaming only company. I tried Gamefly, it sucked due to the delivery times were slower than they ought to be. Yep I'm pretty sure they shot themselves in this endeavour.
I agree, Tried one out over the weekend( my dad is in the market for a new suv) I was impressed with a 2wd hemi limited 2011( more than enough) but plenty for his use. Only thing hummer has going for it is it looks rugged( maybe being touted as a capable off-roader) but IMO, she would get tired of the width of the vehicle( parking) the blind spots and the fuel mileage. Not to mention the actual operating costs of the vehicle as compared to a different vehicle of the same category. The H3 is full-time awd, that affects fuel mileage and handling.
University of Tennessee No Weapon Zone Working Well
Wyldk2 replied to Paladin132's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Schools in general are scared of another Columbine attack so much they don't realize by making weapons on campus illegal, they are punishing the law-abiding citizens. cause we all know those that carry illegally will carry no matter what law is on the books( cause they have nothing else to lose). I'm glad i'm thru with college( if i go back it'll be online). If it was a perfect world we would not need to carry guns, Unfortunately it isn't a perfect world. Go ahead and thank Gov't for taking away your rights to protect yourself at school. -
Ron Paul Is The Only One We Can Trust Video
Wyldk2 replied to a topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
Well, the democrats and republicans have failed miserably as our so-called leaders. I think it's time for someone different. Someone better, Someone who can help get us out of this mess we're in without getting us deeper in this hole the Politcians have gotten us into. Check his voting record, he's a man of principle and there's few of those in Washington. He can win, if enough people get behind him. Sure i don't agree with everything he says but i think he's much better than those other candidates. -
That is proabaly partly because of the new VW plant they built in Chattanooga. Industry often brings in more retail and services to the area.
Sorry for your loss.
Sister-in-law purse stolen in Wal-Mart ( Halls, Tn )
Wyldk2 replied to TnShooter83's topic in General Chat
I see pervs down the road from me, Some crime in the town( of fayetteville). Yet in my hometown of Tullahoma, just a few pervs here and there, least none that we know of are anywhere close. Whew... -
Sister-in-law purse stolen in Wal-Mart ( Halls, Tn )
Wyldk2 replied to TnShooter83's topic in General Chat
These days the stores are scared more from a lawsuit than losing their merchandise. The stores nowadays have a "set" limit to the ammount of merchandise they can afford to lose to either damage or theft. I used to work for Lowe's( all we could do was follow the perp in the store, and try to disuade the thief from stealing. Once they got past the sidewalk we could call the cops( but til they pass the sidewalk, the store said we could not confront the customer/thief). Thing was Walmart was right up the road, they would call us when a repeat thief was heading from their store to ours. Really i would advise women to carry their purses diagonally from the shoulder to the opposite side hip/waist. And be aware of your surroundings cause thieves will strike anywhere. -
Only thing bad about LBL is the Rangers up there have been known to be Arses on the mudding up there. Most of the riding i'm familiar with is in middle and eastern TN.
I'm mad as He** and I'm not going to take it anymore.....
Wyldk2 replied to Curiousgb's topic in General Chat
Divided? how can they be divided when they both are one and the same. Smaller government is needed, less spending is needed. China said this country needs to live within its means and not spend so much. Our Military needs to be cut back( bring the troops home) and keep out of foreign affairs. it is not our job to police the world. There are so many ways the Gov't could save money if they only would stop and listen. It's a burden we the people should not have to pay and our children and their children have to pay. The system is broken, it's time for a real Change. Not obama either, he's part of the problem. Changing parties will not change the way things work. -
Figured i'd Compliment you on your truck with A pic of mine. Though It's a mere 1/10th scale But a supercrew nontheless. http://entertainment.webshots.com/photo/2721472170086076385oRZFcs?vhost=entertainment
Makes you wonder with their type of additude if they even want to stay in business at all? I've looked at the 4 series and the 6 series( way too much). If i was in the market for a new bike and trek was all i could get and being on a budget, go the 4 series route. $2 grand for a bike could buy some pretty good jeep parts.