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Everything posted by Wyldk2

  1. I had to take off work a bit early to run some papers to Tullahoma today, so in killing some time after i dropped off the papers( shows how much i really wanted to go back to Fayetteville, lol) I checked out the new gun shop in Tullahoma. CHI RHO Firearms is the name of the place. I had heard about it from my dad's neighbor. Little shop yet they have a considerable ammount of inventory. Nothing like Hero gear or Outpost, or Larrys pistol and pawn in Huntsville. But enough for the area. Staff was very curteous and helpful. From what i gathered from the employees, they know their inventory. Because of this they have gained me as a present and future customer. CHI RHO FIREARMS 611 E. Carroll st. Tullahoma, TN 37388 www.chirhofirearms.com
  2. Well, I talked with my friend and he still has to get his fingerprints per FBI. I'm assuming no matter what the real requirements in order to buy a handgun the gov't will make up its own rules on a case by case basis. Could be the backwards town i live in, could be because the purchaser is black. And i found out the local sherriff department won't do fingerprinting anymore. Apparently there is an FFL that STOOPID in Fayetteville.
  3. I think its one of the local pawnshops in Fayetteville. Least that is where he told me where he saw the gun he wanted. I'll tell him thanks.
  4. Reason why i ask this is since it has been a while since i purchased my last handgun( feb 2009). A fellow co-worker tried to purchase a handgun here in Town and was denied because they didn't have his fingerprints on file. But he is an U.S. Army veteran( been out since 1980's). You would think they have his fingerprints on file since it's federal. I just thought I'd post this question. He has no criminal history( to my knowledge). Last time i purchased a handgun, they didn't ask for my fingerprints, aside from the thumb and index fingers. Has it changed since then?
  5. Whether or not you have an HCP, a background check is mandatory for any gun purchase( from an ffl). The state is not going to just give up that Ca-Ching. $$
  6. If you do your research( which i doubt majority will do) you will see that RP ( Ron Paul) has won more straw polls than any other candidate. He hasn't won any state but i'm sure if they recounted the state of Maine, Romney would not have been the winner. But that's one state. Those that think he never had a chance aren't seeing the real message here, Even if he's not elected to the nomination, there is a chance he will run Independent, That's where the republican candicy will lose to obama. Ron's message about liberty is getting out, too bad the media seems to not want to mention him( maybe they are funded by those "in charge"). No matter who you vote for, "those in charge" are the ones who will decide who is the next president. It has always been like that, maybe not as far back as the founding fathers. True though, the republicans and Democrats are 2 sides of the same coin, one side will come up with something, touting it as their great achievement, yet maybe the last time it was introduced, the other party had come up with a version of it and was blocked by the other party, cause it wasn't their idea. Thing is, we all have to start spreading the word, you might not like everything he is for, but it's a lot better having ron in office than the POS we have now. Or any of the other candidates, though Mitt, is a closer second than the rest of those fake conservatives. But if those out there who are potential voters would see that Ron is the only candidate that has not taken money or support from any of the big banks that took the Bail-outs. The other 4 main candidates including obama, have.
  7. Sometimes if you shop around you can get some deals on ammo at the shows. I found a 22 round clip( mag) for my Glock for less than a stock 13 rd clip( mag) that comes with the gun. Most guns were pricey, ammo was selling good. I got some Tula .223 ammo just to try it out. I think Online is the best way though, or buy out of state if you're out of state. Only thing bad about buying online is the shipping. But we can't always win. Wal mart sometimes has good deals on ammo. Not always, but sometimes. I check every time i'm in my town's store.
  8. I am planning on going, Not buying another gun unless it is a real good deal. I am mainly looking for some cheaper .223/5.56 ammo, maybe some .40 cal. Bringing a friend or 2 from work.
  9. I was a "first timer" ar-15 buyer a month ago. I'm glad i went ahead on my gut and bought the S&W MP-15 sport when i did. Took it to the range( again) this past saturday and let my friend shoot it as well. Handled flawlessly, i even took the red dot off and used the iron sights, still a blast. Only added an adjustable foregrip besides the red dot "Barska" ( it does what it is supposed to do). Maybe a bipod later on. But for the $ and the name, you can't go wrong.
  10. i'm a bit skeptical on this idea. That barrel plug ( and the bullet) are going to hurt if someone has an accident in their pants with that rig.
  11. I have atving as my main hobby( least that is paid for). Only thing expensive now it seems is the gas to go riding anywhere( and i have to almost go out of county to ride anywhere decent). My main gun collection is about complete. I may go for a 1911 someday but when i set out i wanted a pistol, a shotgun and an AR-15. Not to mention my first fire-arm was a 10/22 and i still have it.
  12. I got the same gun. I was interested in another forum member's foregrip( weaver mounts). that i ordered one from here: http://www.botachtactical.com/tdix6.html Couldn't beat $50 for an aluminum rail. Also found a collapsable vertical handgrip on Ebay( it is cheap, but it works). I'm not going to put a whole lot into this, it's not like i'm going into combat or something like that. But may decide on a flashlight mount for the AR or my Mossberg 535 tactical. Seems i got into another expensive hobby.
  13. I can't go to them all either and i live in Middle Tennessee. Might try to go to at least a couple this year. If not one.
  14. Gander Mountain has them as well( but when i looked when i bought my AR they didn't have any in stock). I guess online is my next option as my local wally-world don't have much selection. Supposedly they are $20 at Gander Mtn, Besides the box they offer a Ball shaped one and a hat shaped one.
  15. Feel free to add to it, i was just trying to get it started for this year. The first list is just one site's listing of their "promoted" gunshows. The link iposted up is a link to another list. I'm sure there are enough gun shows in tennessee going on that even those that are internet savy are not aware of.
  16. http://www.gunshowst...hows/tennessee/ 02-25-2012 Lebanon Gun Show Lebanon TN 02-25-2012 Knoxville Smokies Gun & Knife Show Knoxville TN 02-26-2012 Lebanon Gun Show Lebanon TN 02-26-2012 Knoxville Smokies Gun & Knife Show Knoxville TN 03-03-2012 Parsons Gun & Knife Show Parsons TN 03-04-2012 Parsons Gun & Knife Show Parsons TN 03-10-2012 Clarksville Gun Show Clarksville TN 03-10-2012 Knoxville Gun & Knife Show Knoxville TN 03-11-2012 Clarksville Gun Show Clarksville TN 03-11-2012 Knoxville Gun & Knife Show Knoxville TN 03-17-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 03-18-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 03-24-2012 Elizabethton Gun Show Elizabethton TN 03-25-2012 Elizabethton Gun Show Elizabethton TN 04-06-2012 Kingsport Gun & Knife Show Kingsport TN 04-07-2012 Kingsport Gun & Knife Show Kingsport TN 04-14-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 04-15-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 05-05-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 05-06-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 05-26-2012 Chattanooga Gun & Knife Show Chattanooga TN 05-27-2012 Chattanooga Gun & Knife Show Chattanooga TN 06-02-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 06-03-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 07-07-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 07-08-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 08-18-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 08-19-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 09-01-2012 Chattanooga Gun & Knife Show Chattanooga TN 09-02-2012 Chattanooga Gun & Knife Show Chattanooga TN 10-06-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 10-07-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 11-03-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 11-04-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 12-01-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 12-02-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN Also: http://www.gunshows-usa.com/tennesee.htm
  17. Upcoming Tennessee Gun Shows 2012 02-25-2012 Lebanon Gun Show Lebanon TN 02-25-2012 Knoxville Smokies Gun & Knife Show Knoxville TN 02-26-2012 Lebanon Gun Show Lebanon TN 02-26-2012 Knoxville Smokies Gun & Knife Show Knoxville TN 03-03-2012 Parsons Gun & Knife Show Parsons TN 03-04-2012 Parsons Gun & Knife Show Parsons TN 03-10-2012 Clarksville Gun Show Clarksville TN 03-10-2012 Knoxville Gun & Knife Show Knoxville TN 03-11-2012 Clarksville Gun Show Clarksville TN 03-11-2012 Knoxville Gun & Knife Show Knoxville TN 03-17-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 03-18-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 03-24-2012 Elizabethton Gun Show Elizabethton TN 03-25-2012 Elizabethton Gun Show Elizabethton TN 04-06-2012 Kingsport Gun & Knife Show Kingsport TN 04-07-2012 Kingsport Gun & Knife Show Kingsport TN 04-14-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 04-15-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 05-05-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 05-06-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 05-26-2012 Chattanooga Gun & Knife Show Chattanooga TN 05-27-2012 Chattanooga Gun & Knife Show Chattanooga TN 06-02-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 06-03-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 07-07-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 07-08-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 08-18-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 08-19-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 09-01-2012 Chattanooga Gun & Knife Show Chattanooga TN 09-02-2012 Chattanooga Gun & Knife Show Chattanooga TN 10-06-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 10-07-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 11-03-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 11-04-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 12-01-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN 12-02-2012 Bill Goodman’s Gun & Knife Show Nashville TN
  18. Yep, government telling us "they know what is best for us". Puuuuleeeaaassseee. I vote for less gov't and less intrusion in the private sector. Good riddance when Obaaaamaaaa and his Beeotch is gone. But hope the next president isn't as bad.
  19. Personally i prefer the self checkouts. But not every wal-mart has these. Best time to get your shopping done and avoid the lines and crowds is 6 a.m. or earlier. Saturday or sunday morning is the best time to go.
  20. Agree with David on this. The off-duty deputy should have just walked to another register instead of escalating the confrontation. There are more important things to worry about than whether or not you have under a number of items at a "speedy" checkout line. You never pull your gun unless you are physically threatened with bodily harm. Now we don't know who or how big the off-duty deputy was to compare him to the Big Black man defending his pregnant wife. So we don't know if he felt threatened. Still, the off-duty officer should have kept his cool and walked away. Maybe the adrenaline got to him with his arguing with the pregnant lady. I'd believe the checkout cameras and the checker's story over anyone else's story.
  21. I searched my hometown( tullahoma) and the only one that did not allow guns was Ruby Tuesdays. Funny though when i was there this week with my dad, I never saw a sign prohibiting firearms. And I looked real carefully at the front door. Current city of Fayetteville,TN has none listed as not allowing guns. Majority of Tullahoma is safe to carry as well.
  22. Wyldk2

    M&P15 Sport

    Going to the range tomorrow to fire mine. Wish me luck. Oh, it's a 5.56 rated barrel, but i know i can shoot 223.
  23. I don't remember ever being paid a commishion when i worked for lowes. I worked for lowe's for 5 years in Tools, Electrical and plumbing before i finally came to my senses. Lowes not paying for commissions? they didn't want you to work over 39.9 hours either, even as a full-time employee. It's all about greed, the corporate goons see it as a way to cut costs and fill their pockets. They'll keep on cutting things that cost them the bottom line and they really don't care about the ones that make the company what it is. It's happening in most big box stores. I remember when we had 3 holidays off, then they took easter away. Now how long til they take Thanksgiving away and Christmas? It's all about how much money they can make, They don't care about the little people. So glad i got out when i did. Actually have a job more in my field and my weekends are free. Plus the 3 weeks paid vacation is nice as well as the 5 paid holidays.
  24. Sounds like one rich man( or a couple rich people) aren't happy cause the other party will not bow down to their wishes. It's almost like the story i heard about the Pig farmer who has been on his land doing his thing for many years only when a Muslim family moves in next door and asks him to stop raising hogs simply because it is against their religion. I hope the gun club over there wins the case. The rich people with the larger than needed compound either deal with it or move. They knew there was a shooting range close by, they should have at least done more research before buying and building, now they are bitching and whining, moaning and complaining.
  25. I may want to get in on hunting coyotes soon. Though i do not know if you need a permit to hunt these critters since i cannot find any info on the TWRA site about needing one. Anyone know what i would need if i decide to get into the activity?


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