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Everything posted by Wyldk2

  1. Oh, i have a Glock 23 and it is a little larger than i needfor cc. Went to a S&W shield 9mm and fits perfect. I added an Uncle mike's IWB holster which makes it comfortable. Went atv riding saturday up near Tracy cityand nobody noticed, or cared. Like my40, but decided on the 9 for a few reasons. I shot a friends 9mm and noticed it had less recoil than my 23 glock. Ammo for the 9 is less expensive and i just wanted something different.
  2. I did see one person openly carrying a glock 19 (i think) today up on Bryants cove( near Tracy City). But we was out riding fourwheelers and beings in Grundy county, i would highly advise anyone who rides there carry. Nobody said a thing, nobody was shot, and nobody seemed to be uncomfortable. I wish i'd openly carried my Glock( but I was cc ing the s&w shield). Till i can get a better holster, the uncle mike's holster i just got ($15 at Dunham's in Tulahoma) works for the money.
  3. Wyldk2

    New AR owner

    Looks good though, one of these days i'll just build one myself.
  4. I think you should have the right to defend your property Period. You worked hard for your stuff, if someone else comes along and tries to take your stuff, you should have the right to defend it. Take Alabama for example: if you're tresspassingon someone's property in Alabama, they have the right to shoot the intruder to protect their property. You don't have to be in their home or building, just on the property. So a person could be on the property, trying to steal a truck and the owner would be justified in shooting him. ( in Alabama). Everyone should have the right to defend his/her life though, Property can be replaced, lives cannot. But the feeling you get once someone has stole from you( My truck has been broken into) you never feel the same afterward even if you were to get your stuff back. The main thing a thief will do is run, maybe fight you if he/she is cornered. But most thieves are cowardly, they run like cockroaches from the light.
  5. Why do we even bother? The republicrats have their minds made up, they want Obama out. They have proven they'll cheat and lie in order to ensure that their prefferred candidate is the only one on the ballot in their party, why would anyone think anything otherwise. (What they did to Ron Paul was wrong), but they proved to the rest of us that they will break their own rules in order to seat their "paid for" candidate. Both sides do the same thing. Obama was paid for back in 2008. Politicians only want power, they put up a front saying they'll do what's best for the people. But what people? could it be they are only going to help those that put them in power in the first place? And leave the rest of us out to dry. And the original "Tea Party" was started by Ron Paul, before it was taken over.
  6. Wyldk2

    Shield 9mm instock?

    Apparently she has had some anger issues with you man. I let Holly shoot my .40, she didn't like it, Luckily for me.
  7. Wyldk2

    Shield 9mm instock?

    Nope, didnt have the cash. If you are buying from your local gunshop, try to save them the 3% by paying in cash instead of plastic.
  8. If you have a HCP in the state of Tennessee it is legal for you to carry a loaded rifle or shotgun in your vehicle.You cannot however have one loaded in the chamber unless you are in fear for your life. Carrying a rifle openly in memphis, i do not know for sure.
  9. Wyldk2

    Shield 9mm instock?

    Try Hero Gear in Winchester. I just picked mine up today. OTD price was $400.02
  10. I remember working at lowe's and selling dewalt miter saws ( the $300 ones) cost was only around $275 so ending up with a $25 profit per saw before overhead costs and paying the employees. The real moneymaker is in the accessories, Where markup could be anywhere from 100% to 500% or more. I'm assuming this applies to most any retail outlet there is out there. As for the gun dealers it could apply to the accounts and previous sales. If he's a volume dealer or has a contract with various gun manufacturers. If it is a small time dealer he might not see a high volume in sales and has to raise the prices of some of his stock( especially higher demand units or hard to get items) on order to stay in business. Or he might be in an area that has a higher income population and they don't mind paying the prices he has set just because they have had previous good dealings with him. It can also rely on supply and demand, if the demand is high and the supply is low, then the sellers can set ther prices in order to make a higher profit or compete for the sales. But some volume dealers can take a hit with the big box item and still make the difference and more on the added accessories. If it's a specialty item or a custom item where you can't really get it anywhere else, the dealer can set his own price.
  11. Well, today i got a call at work from a gun shop in Franklin about the S&W Shield 9mm just in. ( they are asking $499 before tax). Now Hero Gear has the same gun on order for $357 before tax. Hero Gear being a prefferred LE seller of S&W, they can offer that price. I'm supporting Hero Gear. Second handgun purchase from them,definately won't be my last.
  12. It's a trade off. But when purchasing a firearm or anything ( expensive) i'd much rather deal with a local shop than online. Easier to return, helps the local economy ( yes, the inevitable taxes) and you might come across another deal you couldn't find online. You might save some $ but to get exactly what you want without much hassle, deal with the local shops. You can always shop around, and if you're a repeat customer, depending on the store, you'll get better customer service than the average buyer. Instead of becoming just a number/name without a face to an online store. But the online world offers more selection and you could always find what you are looking for online, print it out or email it to the local gun dealer you have dealt with or are planning on dealingwith. (MSRP) Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price. It's justa ballpark figure the mfg puts out there to show you the above avg price you could be paying. True, it usually makes most people think they are getting a deal( that's a part of the marketing).
  13. I was wondering the same thing as I will be attending this game at the dome. Least i wouldn't have to ride the MARTA back. But still good to know. I wish S&W would hurry up and put out more shields, i went today to try to find one and no luck( not in Fayetteville either).
  14. I'm sure if your buddy's farm were anywhere close to me, the lady across the street would have called the sherrif well before anyone else could. I think the woman has him on speed dial. I won't call the police unless last resort. I'd rather let the offenders know they are offending someone and try to work things out without involving the police. Usually if you ask nicely, they will comply. But i guess I'm more considerate of my neighbors than some. Try to follow the golden rule.
  15. Actually the one in the white house is more a socialist. If it were pure communism,everything would be owned and controlled by the government. Which, with all the regulations and red tape you have to go thru, it is almost at that. Maybe there are 2 parties ( on paper) but you take a coin and if one side is Democrat and the other is Republican, it's in realliy the same coin. One year a cerian party comesout with a policy, the other side votes it down "because they did not think of it first"then the next year that side comes out with the same policy( just worded a bit different) and the other side rejects it as well. One of these days these shenanigans by these political people is going to come back on em. Has anyone at least learned about the liberty movement and what it stands for? Even with RP not winning the nom, More eyes have been opened to the true reality of this corrupt political race.
  16. Maybe the majority of the people who love ths country have been misguided over the years. I don't think anyone is a commie, maybe misguided, and misled. Otherwise misinformed by the media and the government. Commies were those back during the 50's-80s, the new "bad guy" the government has us fighting is these rag head terrorists in the middle-east. But that's nothing more than a long line of government appropriated enemies. What if the real enemy of the people was this high and mighty government we have?
  17. I wish people would realize it really isn't a 2 party system, but more a one party system. Republicans and Democrats may come off as Red state/Blue state, but in reallity they are the system that is designed to be the only choices you have in this electoral system. Which by the way is a fully corrupt system. There is currently no chance that a 3rd party candidate will win with the current set-up. Those in power( the ones who pull the strings) already know who they want in office and have and will use whatever there is at their disposal. I'm sure Armyveteran and a few others on here know the truth and are not merely blinded by what the media or the government schooling(brainwashing) over the years. I know Ron Paul is not out of the race as he is going after the delegates at the RNC ( which i might add he has a strong showing of support). If the media would stop bowing down and report this, I'm sure we would see more news reports of Ron instead of just the two jokers we have now. I didn't vote for Obama or Mc cain( due to my personal integrity) and i won't be voting for either of the two "frontrunners" in this upcoming election. Which i have been told if i vote for RP, it's like voting for BO. But I look at it this way, If you vote for MR, you've just voted for BO. In reallity,they both stink. Just you all sheeple who think one side is better than the other side need to grip reality and wake up. Both sides stink, and yet it's the 2 pieces of crap we're given a choice by the media to vote for. I believe wholeheartedly in the message RP is presenting, i don't agree with everything he says but he's a much better candidate than the two yahoos we have a choice in. The only difference between Obama and Rommney is one is white, the other is black.
  18. Had lasik a few years ago ( 1998) and have had no problems out of it. But the technology has improved greatly over the years so if anyone's on the fence about getting it, i would greatly advise you at least look into it. I did have prescrition sunglasses before this, but they were expensive, yet comparative to Oakleys. Rudy Project. Think they are made in Italy and have carbon fiber and aluminum frames. At least it offers another option to those who don't qualify for lasik and yet can't wear contacts all the time.
  19. I know when i visit my dad in Tullahoma, it sure is more peaceful than my neighborhood in Lincoln county. But i live out in the country in a subdivision( which isn't the ideal place for me to be able to shoot my guns). But most of my neighbors are at least considerate of those of us who have to go in early to work. I only have a few, teenagers( maybe young adults) who drive by with their systems at full blast, ( not so much when it starts getting colder) and the one neighbor who has a POS 80's mustang which sounds like top fuel drag racer when he drives by late at night. But the real ticker is the air cannons the local farmers use to scare off the varmints who get their crops. But it only runs late at night and is about like a potato gun going off( but three timesin a row every 15 minutes). End of rant. As for the poster who had an annoying neighbor ride his atv thru everyone's yards( just a board with nails thru it solves that problem or maybe a fence)but one quick call to the sherrif makes them stop, but brands you as a tattletale. Best to try to work things out with the offender and if everything fails, then call the sherrif/police but only as a last resort.
  20. Wyldk2

    M&P Shield

    I was Quoted $449 at both the Outpost Armoury and Chi Rho firearms. $389 is definately a great deal. Just wish i lived closer.
  21. They had one in stock. Cause i called about it saturday and they said it was sold. Seems everytime i go to Gander Mountain in Huntsville, they are sold out as well. I just want to see one in person before i would buy one. I need a "summer" gun to conceal. My glock is nice and all but almost too big to carry in the summer. Good to hear the reviews about this gun. I'm still looking.
  22. I told him what you all told me about the ffl not requiring fingerprints to purchase. Told him to try another dealer, maybe even another dealer out of county. I can't believe everything he says though, i've worked with him for the past 6 years, you learn a lot about someone in that ammount of time.
  23. Tennessee, prefferrable as close to nashville as possible is what he told me. Most of the guys coming live around nashville.
  24. Now this is some info my brother has asked of me. I looked up some ranges, just needing some "experts" reviews of these places before i tell him. He's in Atlanta and supposedly planning something for his friend's bachelor party. I think it's for pistols, but if there is an indoor rifle range available i haven't seen one. Thanks.


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