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Everything posted by Wyldk2
The "Need" issue could be asked of the gun-grabbers. " Do they feel the "need" to make the law-abiding citizen feel less safe in his or her own home by taking away a means of protection for the citizen's family? Does it make it right to punish the majority of the gun owners for what an insignifigant few nut jobs have done? No, the bad guys and those who intend to do harm to others will keep on, the only way to reduce crime is more guns in the good guys hands. What the gun-grabbers "need" to do is leave the law-abiding gun owners alone and stop adding new laws, just enforce the laws they already have.
Only if you're left handed. I have the same gun minus the heat shield. For a while i took the original sight off and put a red dot on mine. Took that off and reverted back to stock sights.
Think I know what you're meaning. Something like this? http://www.sportsmansguide.com/net/cb/homak-in-the-wall-gun-safe.aspx?a=427265 or this? http://www.sportsmansguide.com/net/cb/stack-on-in-wall-gun-cabinet.aspx?a=593357 I'm sure you could substitute a combo lock instead of the key lock. But hiding one of these behind a poster or large picture( or piece of furniture) will help.
Who in Middle Tn has 223/556 ammo in stock...
Wyldk2 replied to gregintenn's topic in Ammunition and Reloading
Wait a while, it will go back down. Once supply is greater than demand, prices should go back to before CT. So to all you knuckleheads buying all the ammo as soon as it gets into the stores, Stop. lol -
AJ does it again. I've listened to him on the radio before and all he does is get into a rant about something. You cannot have a civilized discussion with the man unless you are in full agreement with him. But i rarely listen to him, i would have to be bored as heck and have nothing else to listen to ( at work). My job allows me to listen to radio, podcasts while i'm working. Those who can and like to listen to him, fine. Just most of us would rather listen to an actual debate instead of a loudmouth egotistical buffoon. He has some good points on some things, but this time, he set a bad example. The folks at CNN knew what they were doing when they invited AJ. They knew all along he would act that way and in turn boost their viewer base. It might have boosted AJ's viewer base as well.
I think the Squirrels know that Deer Season is over :)
Wyldk2 replied to EastHipster's topic in Hunting and Fishing
Used to kill 'em with a Daisy bb/pelletgun back when i was 10 or 12. But then, they was considered pests( ate all the fruit off the fruit trees we had in the back yard). Where i live now, i have yet to see a squirrel. I see lots of rabbits though. And i'm out in the county, but in a subdivision. -
I have one tapco AR mag and it works just fine. Much better than the metal mags.
That would be Iron Gap ( south of WInchester). LikeOldmustangjunkie said, it is part of Bear Hollow wma. But you can still ride down there( just don't get off the gravel/dirtroad past the stateline. Beings my 4x4 is my daily driver I rarely take it off road. But been known to ride my Can-am at Iron Gap, Bryants cove, Windrock, ( used to ride Aetna before TWRA shut it down). Hale Mtn is ok, just down the road from me. Just real rocky. Willis, Dave: I really love those raptors.
Here is a link which might help you. http://internetarmory.com/shotgun_ammo.htm I use 00 buck as my primary home defense load but have Slugs as well if needed. I would advise getting home defense rounds ( there is plenty of this speciality ammo out there). It can be expensive though. The cheaper boxes of 25 you find on the shelves is primarily birdshot or target ammo. I have a mossberg 535 tactical ( side saddle/adjustable stock)and it was my first shotgun, learned a lot from on this site and from friends who use shotguns to hunt. Mine already has a sling( came with the gun) But adding one should not be a problem.
Home defense and hearing considerations
Wyldk2 replied to PolePosition's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
I really hope i never have to deal with an intruder in my house. Now I know some are going to say something against this, but would it be alright to have my pump action shotgun with rounds in the tube, yet none in the chamber, If i give the break-in-ee a chance to leave peacefully once he has heard me rack a round in? That would be a way to reduce hearing loss ( if only the thieves were that smart to turn and leave once they hear the dreaded sound of a shotgun being racked). I know the ammount one hears within each house is different, just giving an idea. -
Franklin Tn Williamson County Gun Show this weekend
Wyldk2 replied to N2thebox's topic in Events and Gatherings
Well, i went with a friend( actually his first gun show) just to see the prices which i knew were gonna be high. Just got some magpul furniture for my ar and a few gadgets. He was thinking he could get an ar or a smaller cc pistol but everything was either overpriced, junk or just not what he was looking for. Saw ar-15's for no less than $1500. The .22 ars were a bit cheaper, but still i think if everyone waits a bit, prices will go down. Ammo was scarce though. I didn't even try to buy ammo at the rediculously jacked up prices these guys were asking. Just glad my magpuls came in when they did. Though i wish i had bought more of them when I did. Metal mags were $30 a piece, while the plastic ones were round $40. -
I'll be up for doing this next year. Was too late on the draw last time. So sign me up. At least the first one was a learning experience, if the timetable was pushed up maybe more time to get stuff and stuff shipped out on time. Scot
As long as Mr. Hass can get it thru to people that these Ar-15's are not full auto but in fact semi-auto. I had a time yesterday trying to explain to a friend of a friend on facebook that the Ar-15's are not full-auto. Even after the explaination of the process to obtain an NFA rifle, he still stated the automatic guns used in these shootings should be banned. ( ban the automatics, fine( they are already banned) but leave the numerous semi-autos alone. The mainstream media so far has demonized the semi-auto rifles so much, some people i know as gun owners have changed their positions on these guns. As long as Mr. Hass can keep his editors from butchering his work and maintain an unbaised opinion on these rifles, I'll be for it. The more information one has, the more knowledgeable he/she is. I'm no expert on the subject matter, Just stating opinion and what i've seen.
Franklin Tn Williamson County Gun Show this weekend
Wyldk2 replied to N2thebox's topic in Events and Gatherings
I probably won't buy anything unless itis a heck of a steal, Mainly going to help a few friends. -
That would take the legislators some actual work time. Why word it themselves when they have numerous ( paid and unpaid) interns and aides to do it for them.
Franklin Tn Williamson County Gun Show this weekend
Wyldk2 replied to N2thebox's topic in Events and Gatherings
Might go to this as well. -
"Did you contact your Reps to day" Roll call
Wyldk2 replied to RED333's topic in 2A Legislation and Politics
sent mine in yesterday -
I haven't bought any ammo since August. And even then, I got a pretty good deal on .22 and 5.56. I'm not hoarding, but when you get a good deal on bulk ammo and have the money, why not? These people who are buying up all the ammo are doing it out of fear, some are exploiting the future i can see as well, but few got guns as christmas presents. My cousin got a sig AR rifle for christmas, he said his dad had to scour all over for ammo.
exit 105 off I-24. great value even with the increase.
A friend of mine says his .25 is scarecer than any .22 or .223/5.56. We checked the local walmart and they only get one box of .25 pistol ammo a month.
sent one to a friend in CT. He's pro gun, and ready to move to TN. Just taking a while.
If you're worried about width of the frame and yet i see you don't like the ruger LC9, Definately look into a s&w shield in a 9mm. I have one and it fits nicely inside the waist and out on your hip. I have gotten one of those 5.11 holster shirts for christmas and it helps. Everything is tight against your body and it is comfortable. I have a Glock 23 and i wish the Shields were available back when I bought my first handgun. The Glock is nice, yet a bit on the bulkier side. No safety, but since i don't have kids not a problem. ( it's my backup handgun these days) either that or when i'm out on the trails. The Shields have an external safety as well as a trigger safety.
Done, though I don't know what good it will do. Our representatives and congressmen may be easier swayed than those in the Blue-er states. Though copied and posted on Facebook and sent a link to a few friends who are legal gun owners.