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Everything posted by Wyldk2

  1. I haven't been able to figure out how to post pics of my ride(s) on this forum. whenever i tried using photobucket, it said that wasn't allowed.
  2. Thanks, that' my 2008 Can-am outlander. I have close to 2000 miles on it and as long as i keep it maintained i hope to have plenty more. Ride was at Windrock and the weather thursday was a lot better than yesterdays.
  3. I'm not knocking any of your ideas. (Which happen to be good ones). But this "Cabin by the lake" idea does seem interesting. It would probably do well if it were near another attraction. Like, say maybe an OHV park. But maybe the "relaxation" part of your fishing park would go over well assuming there really is peace and quiet. I don't know if anyone would want to be that close to the interstate for a relaxation trip.   I don't know if this parcel is close to an interstate exit or not. But if it is, you might look into other options for business. Best to find out what people need/ want and can afford, and what will last you a long time.
  4. http://youtu.be/VrwsH66icF4   I have plenty more videos on Youtube. Look up wyldk2   Thanks.
  5. Home watching some TV, just resting and heading to bed soon cause i got to get up and head to Windrock in the morning.
  6. Wyldk2

    AR lengths?

    I already have one 5.56, do I really need another?   I may get into reloading one day, just right now i have to finish this build and decide what stuff i need in order to reload.   Is the 5.56 feasable in a longer distance "sniper" rifle?   I was told that the 5.56 is a good all around caliber but it lacks the lethality of being able to punch a large hole thru an object. In other words, whatever I shoot with this I don't want it getting up again. Hence, I chose the 300 blackout.   I have magazines already set aside for use with 300 blackout, and the real trick is finding ammo.
  7. Wyldk2

    AR lengths?

    So in other words would 5.56 be better than a 300 Blackout?   I don't reload ...yet, I was contemplating getting into the reloading hobby but i realized i have too many hobbies as it is. I just buy ammo and save the used cartriges for trade or family who reloads.   Suppressor is feasable in the near future, I really don't know but leaving that up in the air.   I planned on hunting with a 300 blackout eventually, as i don't hunt but would like to have a different caliber for if/when i do decide to get into hunting. As a .22 cal bullet the .223 /5.56 is not meant as a "big game" round.   I basically want to turn my rifle into a "sniper"/ longer distance rifle. If and when the SHTF, i want to be able to eliminate any threats from a long awful way off. And still be able to use a different upper should I choose.
  8. I try to avoid going #2 in public places. On vacation or on a trip it isn't possible to avoid it.  But when i'm carrying andhave to go #2, I'll take mine out of the holster and either hold itin my lap or put it on the TP holder. Just don't forget it.   Dressing rooms are another story, just take the gun off, hide it with your own clothes( so nobody can see it when your wife/GF wants to see the clothes you're trying on before you purchase them).   I have neither soit don't apply, but i hide my valuables anyways.
  9. I debated on going to this but I'm glad i stayed home. Friend of mine said it wasnt worth going to.   Glad i listened to her.
  10. Wyldk2

    AR lengths?

    I really have no need for a pistol and i already have a carbine in a 5.56 AR-15. I want something in a rifle length( barrel).   Gas system i don't have an idea as to what length but if Dolomite can help, I would appreciate it.   Thanks to all who have added info as well. I got my lower built on my own, just going to work on the upper some while i have some free time.   Also, any Ideas as to the best place to get the best price on a good BCG and charging handle. Also if anyone knows a less expensive place online to find Magpul furniture, please chime in.
  11. Wyldk2

    AR lengths?

    I don't want a pistol or carbine length barrel, but it seems that is all i can find.   I dont know what is the name of the longer barrell length and if it is available in a 300 Blackout.   Any help would be great. Since i have the funds now to finish my TGO build.
  12. Not everythingwill work for everyone. There is always going to be a chance on complications or regression. But i was told that happens few and far between.
  13. I'm not handicapped, hence i don't feel the need to park where those who need a closer parking place. after all, I'd rather walk a bit more, get some exercise and be away from the idiot parkers in general.   Now, what truely bugs me is the people who are either too lazy or to fat to walk, they feel the need to use the store provided electric scooters that are really meant for the truely handicapped.   There have been times in the past where i have seen perfectly healthy people get out of their "Handicap labeled" vehicle after parking in a space reserved for the ones who really need it, I have been tempted to ask if they were really handicapped and if the answer is "No" I'd like to tell them, well you're about to become handicapped if you don't move your vehicle and let those who really are handicapped have their space.   I wouldn't act on it, but have envisioned it in my mind.
  14. No guns this year :(   But i did get a set of aluminum curved ramps for the truck. A giftcard, A set of waterproof 2-way radios and a North Face Jacket and an Urban camo hoodie.   Didn't make out like a bandit but it was ok.
  15. When i had mine done they gave me a valium and put numbing drops in my eyes before th procedure.   First eye they did they didn't put enough numbing drops and i felt the whole thing. Hurt like hell.   Told the dr to put the whole bottle of that numbing stuff in my other eye and I didn't feel a thing.   I had to put eye drops in my eyes for about a month, but only 2 times a day, morning and night. Had to wear a ( looked like racquet goggles) set of glasses for 24 hours after the surgery but after that i didn't.   A lot has changed, there are a lot more procedures out there and the cost is way down. But not everyone can qualify. you haveto go to your eye doctor for a special screening before you gan be considered a '   viable candidate for corrective vision surgery.   Another note, After my post surgery check up of 2 months, I haven't ever had to go to the eye doctor for anything. I can still see 20/20 if not better.
  16. We wonder about those people protesting this. What is the cop supposed to do? Just stand there and take a chance on getting shot? By some armed thug?   If i were in the same situation( and not a cop I might add) if a thug wannabe pointed a gun in my direction, I'd have shot him too.   Anytime you are threatened with a gun you have the right to use deadly force. It's these people who think their kids are so innocent ( when they are being thugs), that are the ones you want to just slap the crap out of.   Point a gun at an officer or anyone else who is legally armed and in defense for that matter, you deserve to get shot.
  17. I wore glasses from the time i was 10 til the time I was 23. By then I had enough, It was Headaches and not being able to wear sunglasses I liked that drove me to try Contacts. Couldn't get the darn soft lenses in my eyes, so I went with the hard lenses. But even then, having something foreign in my eyes all the time irritated the heck out of my eyelids.   Went and got LASIK as soon as I could( when i was 23) and have not looked back since. Still have a little stigmatism in my eyes at night ( seeing starbursts around headlights/lights) but the doctor told me it was normal.   Got the "Flap and Zap"  Hurt like hell, but was worth the pain.
  18. I gave up cable 5 years ago, went to streaming netflix via PS3 and have never looked back. My dad got a Roku 3 last year for christmas, he uses it to stream movies but still has cable ( light tube).
  19. Actually any tax that you have to pay on something you already own is theft. But in the government's eyes, they view it as a necessary step to promote the future of the county/city etc...   If you refuse to pay, then the Gov't can take your house/property and sell it. That my friends is theft in itself. I think them voting behind closed doors on this matter is wrong.   Maybe once the next election rolls around that proponent of tax increases will be voted out, but i doubt it. Most people won't remember what he did.
  20. Funny about hondas, Everyone that i have rode with back when i started riding had hondas.  All I heard was " you can't kill a Honda", "Hondas will outlast everything out there" etc, you name it, I've heard it.   The thing that's funny is, while they offer dependability, they are either slow or not comfortable and since then, the riders i have rode with that were hardcore honda owners have either sold their hondas and gotten into the side x side ( UTV) market or they have gotten out completely.   Just my observations.   I looked into hondas back when i was getting into the sport but the ones i looked at weren't as ergonomical or comfortable as the ones today. Hence I have a "caddilac" atv in my can-am. No power steering, just fuel injected 60 hp v-twin.
  21. Yes, southern honda would be a good place to get a price on a new/ used vehicle. They are volume sellers and i've heard good things about them.   If i was buying a Honda, I would check them out.
  22. Everyone wants something for nothing, Or paying less for something. The corporate entities see this and can raise their profits for said items by shipping jobs that were once held here in america over to china, Mexico and other foreign(cheap labor) countries. Since everyone here in america wants to be paid a lot more than minimum wage. It's just like those workers at Mcdonalds who want $15 per hour, does that mean a hamburger will go up in price? Maybe, maybe not.
  23. I guess I'm the only one on here with a Can-am then. I've had my Can-am max( which is a factory built 2-seater atv). Since 2008. I've had no problems aside from a speedometer that went out but was covered by warranty.   Now the other machines out there are good in their own right, but everyone has an opinion about every brand.   Belt driven ones, yes you can change the belt. though you probably won't have to if the former owner has taken good care of it.   I run synthetic oil in mine, change it once a year ( since i haven't rode much this year) but if you plan on crossing creeks or riding around mud and your atv/sxs has grease fittings I would suggest you use marine grade grease or better yet if you can find it. "Green Grease"   I'll eventually upgrade to a sxs ( side by side) but for now, my Can-am outlander will go everywhere i want to go.
  24. Then I want to sue the makers of forks as they have made me fatter than I would like to be.   Idiot lawyers and the parents of the victims are pointing the finger at the wrong defendant, But they'll never know it. They have their minds made up that the AR-15(made by Bushmaster) is responsible for their tragedy. Wonder if they realize there are more manufacturers of the AR than just Bushmaster?
  25. It's a shame when corporate greed has driven the manufacture of Branded "Made in America" goods that we have known for quality to be made in a foreign country. Just to save a buck.   But i read somewhere that some once made in china companies are slowly moving back to the good ole USA, some to Mexico though. Mainly to save on shipping costs.   I remember going to Sears when at (Hickory Hollow), Yeah, a long time ago. Back when the tool and mens section was on one floor and the womens section was on another. Then the womens section took over.   But thankfully I got my "Made in USA" tools before they switched over to China crap.


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