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Everything posted by Wyldk2

  1. Brainwashed and taught by older generations. I'm sure those simply did the video for more access to food. Considering the avg income for each N Korean was right around $1500 U.S. last year( compared to $22,000 for S Korea). I bet they are hurting. In that Totalitarian Dictatorship, You say one wrong thing or look at something they deem unsavorable......To the labor work camps with you. I'm most definately sure they do this out of fear of their own government.  As sick as it is.
  2. For home defense I would stick to my Mossberg 12 ga. Then my G23, then the Shield. My AR is limited to multiple attackers and the ( if it ever happens) revolt.   At last resort i guess I could bring out my .22 rifle( and yes i have ammo).
  3. Well, maybe Magpul can at least spread out their production among several states and maybe be able to boost production. They said they had planned to move to several states.
  4. True, we have no royalty in this country but there are some out there that think just because they are former military or Leo, or a politician, that they are better than the average citizen. Even if this bill was to benefit me if i was in the military, it is not fair for those who could have served but were denied due to some medical reason, Or other maybe they went another route. You all know, things happen in life. I see where the OP is getting at, chipping here and there but until you have constitutional carry for all law-abiding gun owners,  It is still an infringement on a right. Although I disagree with the current system, I have a permit because i follow the law, I don't agree with every law out there but i follow it because i do not want to lose my rights. Asking permission to have access to a right is not a right at all. It is a form of control. And those in government know it.
  5. Yeah, I was wonderin the same thing bout these foreign actors. You can't tell on set but when they do these interviews, almost like a flick of a switch.   If it makes you feel better Dennis, I'm from the south and people often tell me i don't have a southern accent.
  6. I do agree Gas is a necessity for us getting around. Cause i'm sure like most of us we can't afford one of them new electric cars. Even if i could, the cost of replacing parts on the Electric vehicles is atronomical. Least that is what i hear. Until the technology is affordable I'm afraid we'll be paying whatever they( oil companies) decide to charge. Also i would advise anyone who comes thru Lincoln county, Never stop here for gas unless you really need to. Gas here is at least .15-.20 cents more per gallon herein the county than stations out of the county. When those have no competition, they can set their own price.   I never buy gas here in Lincoln county, i only work and sleep here, getting to where one can't afford to live here.
  7. I can see what you're getting at Jason. But comparing ammo to gas prices is like comparing apples to oranges. Sure it might be partially the demand vs supply of the gas that is raising prices but have to figure in one minor thing. Since the Federal government has been printing money like the newspaper prints papers and the value of the dollar has been taken off the gold standard, the value of the dollar has been steadily losing its value. Everything else increases in cost.  I'm not mad, people will take advantage of the situation until people wake up and decide not to pay their prices on ammo. I just hope they who are taking advantage of this, lose in the end.   I don't buy ammo like i used to, and i don't shoot like i used to. I just hope prices and supply come back to normal. But looks like we will be waiting a while.
  8. Could be the reason why they searched the women'spurses and packs was they were looking for liquor bottles or other less concealable items. I know when i went to a concert this summer, the security overlooked my maxpedition ( hidden pocket)and only cared that I was carrying a bottle of water. Made me chuck the water( funny thing is they were giving away water once in the gate. This incident was in Atlanta, at an outdoor concert though. But i wouldn't put it past the security folk at the Nashville arena.      Same reason why the movie theaters don't want you bringing in outside food/drink... Its all about the $$$$
  9. I hope the resellers choke on it. But there will be some schmuck who will end up buying. ( several schmucks until the demand slows and the supply goes back to normal).
  10. Glad i had enough stashed away before the nonsense crazy ammo shortage. I don't go to the range every weekend but have enough if when SHTF. I have a emergency stash i do not touch, and a pile i can shoot with. But whenever i happen upon a deal on ammo, I try to replenish whatever i shoot. Have enough for every pistol/rifle/shotgun I own for time being.   I'm not hurting on ammo yet...... It will be a while.
  11. Not calling anyone out but IM JWC on here, He may know of a place that does reasonably priced mower tune-ups.   Speaking of which, i went out to fire up my riding mower and rear tire is off the bead, Tried ratchet straps and my compressor to put the bead backon but no luck. Looks like i got to take the wheel off and fix it red-neck style.
  12. Just another bunch of fearmongers who are making excuses. And they are experts? Maybe experts in BS.
  13. Well, the last few times i was in there the sales associates have been helpful. Before when Joe owned it, I didn't feel like my business was wanted. Glad I gave them a second chance. The current owners have gone to cater more toward the average gun owner, they still supply to the LEO community.  I'm not affiliated with them, just feel i recieved better service recently. Maybe a change was needed, All I know is Hero Gear has had a lot more inventory than Chi-rho in Tullahoma.
  14. Like any business, change had to happen sometime. What do you mean " not for the better" ?
  15. Welcome, i have friends up north in CT, NJ and NY and all they talk about besides guns is moving down south to these free-er gun states.
  16. The way it ought to be.
  17. Keeping it simple might be the best thing to do. Everyone on here has opinions granted on this but we all need to decide on one final version. I have a local shop i can ask on prices and check their quality if you would like David. Might be good for some of us to check around as well and get several quotes as reference.
  18. I'd be interested in a couple of each size. Have friends who are not on this site but love gun stickers.
  19. After all this gets back to normal, Hopefully the resellers will be stuck with the ammo they bought and will have to either sell it at a competitive price or give it away.  I agree somewhat with carter. Do not buy if you don't have to. But I appreciate other TGO and shooters passing along the savings when they can.
  20. Ever think those of you who buy all the available ammo coming in( even if there is a small ammount on the truck) that you are part of the problem and not just the preppers/ resellers?   If they only get in 3 boxes of one particular caliber and you buy all 3 of them you are keeping someone else who might need/like to be able to shoot?   I only buy what i need. Only limit it to one box per caliber I have. Instead of buying everything i can, I try to leave most ammo for those other customers out there. Some might be preppers/ hoarders/resellers but least there is a chance someone who needs ammo will get it.   Just my honest opinion.
  21. When i go visit my brother this summer i plan on stopping in for an update to my 23. If it is a Gen 3 will they still replace parts?
  22. It may be the reason why "O" picked Biden as his VP. Nobody would take an actual shot at him for risk of having Biden in office.   Like a few presidents before him. Bush/Quayle, Bush/Cheney, etc.....
  23. Charlie Daniels Park   1100 Parkview drive   Mt. Juliet,TN
  24. Enjoy it, it's a hard to find great mid-sized gun.


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