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Everything posted by Wyldk2

  1. Before my time, but i agree. SHe shoulda held more respect for those that served, whether it was a winnable or not war. I personally think Vietnam was a mistake, A lot of good men died for those giving orders from the safety of being here in the states and in Washington DC. Don't hate the soldier, hate the conflict. The soldier has no say in where he/she goes or who he/she fights, they just go. So they can make sure we and others are free. Sometimes it turns out we win, sometimes we lose, All I know is a lot of men and women gave their lives so Mrs. Fonda can have the right to be an actress. She needs to thank them instead of condemning them.   I boycott her just on principle. Didn't like the B any ways.
  2. Just curious. Mostly .380 ammo. I don'tneed any but a friend might.   Left the subject open instead of focusing on one caliber of ammo, this might benefit others looking for different calibers.   Mods/admin, feel free to move if I put this in wrong location.  Thanks.
  3. I guess sawdust would work? something that is biodegradable yet as effective as grits and Rice. I don't eat grits, i guess that's about as good anything to use as a "bee killer" load.   Dang red wasps i really hate. I just don't have a badminton or tennis racket handy. And right now i don't re-load. BB gun is out as well, since i have neighbors close by. Guess a paintball gun would work, but that unpredictable trajectory might piss 'em off worse.
  4. Always sad to hear this. I hate thieves. But maybe they'll do something stupid and get caught soon. Had to be an inside job, for them to know something that big and potentially expensive contents inside.   As a future reference( for everyone) photograph and document every single gun you own. Keep the originals in a safety deposit box in a bank ( it is cheaper than you might think), with any valuables and documents you don't need easy access to. Coming from experience we had not with theft but a house fire. Lost a colt woodsman and a revolver as well as a lot of sentimental stuff in a house fire a few years ago. We thought a fire safe was safe, but 1300 F for a few hours makes anything burn inside.   Also, never try to investigate a fire on your own, call the fire department. I lost my mother that way, just trying to save another life.     Also, like Patton suggested. All this computer stuff i was raised on and I forgot that.
  5. Tennis racket or Badminton racket but bad thing is you dont get to shoot your gun.You want a challenge? try using a bb gun.
  6. Suicide is Illegal, But death by cop Isn't. If someone is suicidal and religous, then that DBC( death by cop) saves them from burning in hell( if you believe it) and they don't have to pull the trigger.     Not trying to be cold, but that is some way people think.  I had a friend commit suicide a time back and yes it was over a girl. But he got drunk and trashed his house ( all the while living next door to his parents) they never heard a thing till the next morning, they found him with one .22 bullet wound to his head.
  7. I'm sure if they(police) ask you to leave it is for your own safety.  But they can only remove you if your life is in immediate danger. (I'm not sure, as I'm not in Law enforcement). But "asking" usually results in the police getting you to comply. At least the people who don't know their rights.   Before these past few murders here on the state line (south of Fayetteville), Thought the country was relatively safe. Beginning to think my home in Tullahoma is a lot safer.
  8. Stopped going to gun shows. Last fewtimes all I have seen were overpriced junk, Guns overpriced and ammo like it was made of gold.   Sounds like Ken's tried to pull a "Bait and switch" tactic.     If anyone puts a lower price on something and then wants to charge you more, walk away.. Not worth the trouble, them calling you a liar. I would however, get any price in writing or audio record where possible just to save your butt.
  9. What classes? what college? Reason I'm asking is sometimes the same classes are offered in a smaller community college. And they usually are easier.  And they usually transfer/count as credit for your degree. Just have to check.   If you fail these three, you always can take them again. Trying to be Positive as My day yesterday was worse.
  10. If anyone has any leads on a job in the Tullahoma/Winchester/Fayetteville area I would appreciate it. I don't mind relocating but i would prefer something in my field. I have 7 years of Photogrammetry/mapping experience.
  11. I have heard some homeschoolers being told by the state that they cannot homeschool their kids. Still will tax you though for public schools. If the government would just let me pick and choose what services my tax dollars go to. I for one don't have children yet, but I am being forced to pay taxes to the public schools( yes, my hard earned tax dollars are sending your kids to school). And yet when it comes down to the rankings in the world, we aren't even in the top ten.   Public schools aren't like they used to be. Now all it seems is they want you to obey the state, have no free-thinking skills and believe anyone who thinks differently than the "brainwashed by the government" thinking is a conspiracy therorist or crazy.   I'm all for the parents to be able to choose who teaches their children. The state should keep it's nose out of it period. But the state is only interested in producing more "wage slaves".
  12. I know I'm a bit late, but glad you both are ok. Sorry for the deceased as well. Something like this actually happened to a friend of mine a few weeks ago. She was driving a 2005 Pontiac G6( nice yet smaller car). Got stopped behind one of those county buses( modified van) at a railroad signal, only thing the driver of the truck behind her didn't stop. She luckily was wearing a seatbelt and her airbags deployed. Totalled her vehicle and when the rescue crews arrived, they were amazed at the ammount of damage she wasn't hurt( just sore as a wreck usually makes someone). Now her (new to her) vehicle is a full-sized ford truck. She told me smaller cars scare the heck out of her.   I had an incident about 2 years ago though nothing major. Was on my way to work, roads were wet. Saw this kid coming to the intersection with the main road I was on. I knew at his speed and with the roads being wet he couldn't stop in time, neither could I. So to keep from killing someone i sped up, letting him hit me as mine is a bigger SUV, Property damage i could deal with, a death or major injury...It would hurt a lot worse. Great thing was, nobody was hurt, actually he raced out of his car to see if i was ok. Turns out he was an EMT in training and we had the same insurance carrier.   Texting while driving and anything that can take your eyes off the road isn't worth a life. Luckily in these 2 cases i mentioned, that wasnt the problem.  I have a friend in the county who has witnessed many fatal accidents where Texting or not paying attention has ruined lives.
  13. After a talk with a fellow shooter friend of mine, I have decided not to look for ammo anymore. I'll wait till summer when it's too hot to ride and maybe by then things will have simmered down a bit. Best way to conserve ammo i have found is to not shoot it up. Air rifle came in last week so I'll be shooting it instead of my .22 and AR ammo.
  14. I agree. Randy Lucas is a misinformed moron. But he has his opinion, a misguided one though.   Sad to say, we can't reach everyone. But at least the pro-gun people outnumber the anti-gunners in this.
  15. The guy in the video talks about the walmart hoarding ammo like it is going to be an advantage to him, but what does he do? put it on youtube for the world to see. ( now i know there are some people that aren't internet savy, maybe it won't reach them). But if i had learned of a secret like this and wanted to keep it to myself, last thing i would do is post it on the internet. But that would be if i was selfish and didn't care about my fellow shooter.  
  16. Windrock has some good trails( i wish i still had my old Jeep cherokee). Just like your XJ, only mine was stock. 4cyl/5-speed. Went everywhere.
  17. What would be funny is, if you showed up with a few of your friends and bought before these a$$clowns showed up( several times a week). It may make them slow down a bit. But until people stop buying from these resellers, it will never stop. I personally hope they get to a point where they can only unload it for less than they paid for it.
  18. I have seen more deer on the AEDC highway than in Lincoln county. As for the wal-mart restriction of ammo sales, Itis the first store i've heard of it happening at least late at night.
  19. I don't know if this applies to other walmarts but Fayetteville's walmart won't allow ammo sales after 10P.M. I know, I tried before.  An associate told be once before it was because they fear someone would more likely go on a shooting rampage late at night. WTH.   This all well before the ammo shortage, way back in the summer.
  20. Thinkit is the .177 model. i really don't remember. But it is the Bone collector model. scope is included and that suppressor thing on the barrel. I should recieve it early next week.
  21. I was in the same predicament as well. Replaced my old Daisy pump air rifle with a "refurbished from factory" Gamo Bone collector air rifle from www.woot.com for $149 + shipping. They had several models to choose from between $80-150.   Ordered it today, hopefully it will be here sometime first of next week.
  22. Bryant's cove. Near Tracy City and Sequatchie. Been there, rode that.
  23. When ever SHTF happens, I'll either head to a more fortified location at my dad's or find some other family member.  I'm not worried about the ammo shortage right now, go to Wal-mart to look on occasion but i haven't bought in a while as there usually isn't any ammo i'm needing( have some, just always good to have more).   Think Wal-mart needs to look into a more detailed background check on it's employees if it happens to be the employees who are causing the shortage at wal-mart. I would rather buy from my LGS but every LGS is either overpriced or they don't have it either.
  24. I looked into night sights once for mine, But the guys at Hero gear told me they were a pain to install.   Yes, my rear sight on the 9mm is sharp as well.
  25. Just look into a u-haul or Ryder truck. ( the bigger, trailer-less ones)Straight/box truck. Should be enough to move with.


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