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Everything posted by Wyldk2

  1. These politicians, whether libtard or closet republican are not in it for our rights. They believe they are better than us, that they can do no wrong and that they know what is best for us. I say screw 'em all. Politicians are in it for one person and one person only......  Themselves.
  2. Oh, i have a house already. Off ovoca road. It'll take me a few weeks to get everything moved. But hopefully i can sell my house in Fayetteville soon. I just have to live there part of the time to keep insurance down.
  3. SInce i have only been into guns a short time, my first handgun was a Gen 3 Glock 23 ( I still have it).   My dad still has the guns his dad left him, but were destroyed in a fire. He replaced one with a Gen 3 Glock 23( exactly like mine) never shot it though. And a Ruger .22.    The guns he was able to salvage are still being soaked in oil in the garage. One of these days he'd like to get them either restored or looked at by a professional armorer.
  4. I have a Cub Cadet 1720 ( 46" cut) that was bought used( with 2 sets of blades). But i really like my dad's John Deere, 48" cut and rides a lot smoother. Think it has a 13 inch turning radius. We tried the zero turn mowers and dad wanted something he could use to pull his "cyclone rake"and other implements around the yard. So he ended up with a JD 320x. Mower before this was a Gravely ( but it burned up in a fire) then he got a used sears craftsman before deciding for sure on the JD. Sold, Actually traded the craftsman mower for another Gravely like he had. Lawn tractors, better than just a mower.   If you can't find a good used mower, contact JWC on here. ( my cousin). I think he mayhave a few mowers. His dad used to buy, fix and sell mowers.
  5. I thought about wrapping the guns up in bubble wrap or some heavy duty foam and strapping them down in the safe. Strapping the safe down tight and checking the load every couple miles at first, then maybe during a pit stop.   Since I am in process of moving, I have already moved most of my guns and ammo.
  6. Well, mailed my renewal off today with change of address( even though i haven't actuallymoved yet). But hope to soon. I don't plan on ever moving again.
  7. Yep, I'll be changing my address as well as my mailing address.
  8. Since I am going to be living in Tullahoma soon, I hope i don't see this. But wonder what they will say/do if they see someone openly carrying on their property?   Haven't seen this out in Lincoln county though.   Door-to door sales people are not near as popular as they once were. I rarely see anyone selling anything door to door as of late. It's these excessant phone calls or Junk emails that have taken their place.
  9. Ok, since i am going to be in process of moving back home to Tullahoma after living here in Fayetteville for the past 7 years. I have a question. Can I go ahead and change my address on my HCP renewal ( august 2013) to my soon to be address in Tullahoma instead of the current address i have in Fayetteville? I know it could take up to 6 months for me to sell my house and i have to stay here some times, But plan on staying majority of my time in Tullahoma/Coffee county.   Thanks.
  10. Tims Ford State park has cabin rentals. I don't know much more except they are nice cabins.
  11. Macco or Peach painting.  A friend of mine's father had his carpainted and it turned out pretty good.  Pretty reasonable too. 
  12. General rule, Unless it is something I am expecting( packagedelivery by UPS or Fed-ex) I do not open the front door without checking the visitor by looking out the side door( to the gravel). I rarely use my front door, though this weekend has seen more of it than i've lived here I bet.   I haven't seen any Jehovah's witnesses yet, but there is a bunch of Mormons( riding bicycles in suits) trying to spread their religion around, Which I am a southern Baptisit.   Occasionally have theneighbor's kid sell stuff for her school, but that's different. I like her family, I dodn't mind if it is something i can use or am getting a good deal. But when i first moved here, I had a next-door neighbor kid that ( I know only wanted a friend) would pop over, peek in to see if i was home and that got old quick. So, my front door has the oval in glass and I used a ricepaper window treatment so nobody could see in. ( I can't see out either, but ican see thru the blinds in the window next to the door). Pretty much private, not that i don't mind my neighbors or company. Just like my privacy.   Also since i planted about 36 Leland cypruss trees as a natural fence for the road noise and a privacy barrier( also so I don't have to look at the trailers across the street).
  13. The "Bottoms" is in Fayetteville( close to Goodman and the County fair-grounds). It really isn't that bad there, just i would stay away after dark. You can find good property south and southeast of Fayetteville if you're looking for a bargain. If it is just you and the wife, (Buy my house). lol.    Small town it is, yes. But the cost of living isn't that bad, Considering this.Property tax(theft) is higher in the city, but out in the county it isn't that much. Yearly tags for vehicles went up this year to $100 ( paying for a new jail). And whatever you do, Don't buy your gas ( fuel) here, go to either Winchester, Tullahoma or Hazel Green( trust me, it's .20 cheaper per gallon everywhere else). There are a lot of good places to eat, though the supermarket selection is low.   If you have any other questions, feel free to ask( about Fayetteville).
  14. Yes, you have some Fayetteville residents on here. Right now I'm one of them. I am actually in process of selling my house here in Park city( just south of Fayetteville). I'm maybe 10 minutes from town and about 20 minutes from Huntsville. Volzfan, If you need info on places here from a resident, just ask. I've lived here past 7 years. Reason why I'm moving is i got laid off from my job and moving back home where i have more job prospects. Plus being closer to my dad when he retires.
  15. You might be able to. It depends on the Bicycle. Most of the higher end bikes have the skewers already. Depending on the wheels, I would check with your local bike shop for more info. I know I had it done a time ago before I got my higher end bike.   A way to check this is to take your wheel off, take the nuts off the wheel, see if you can slide the axle out, and if so you may be able to get an adaptor for the skewers.
  16. Any dealership has to earn my business before i would buy from them anyday. I mainly go by past experiences and if a close friend or family member had a good or bad experience. I generally give one bad experience the benefit of a doubt, but do not try to fool me.   This goes for anything, whether it be a new vehicle or a new gun, If i have had a great experience buying from a business in the past, then they have a shot at getting future business from me. Even though my first atv wasn't bought from my current dealership, when I had a problem with my atv( can-am 400) they bent over backwards to help me, even sold me the parts i needed at their cost. When my atv finally died, i wanted to buy my next one from them, and them only. And since they didn't have the color in stock I wanted, they drove to Chattanooga to get it.I ended up buying a 650 max xt in Yellow.  So i hear some bad mouthing about the dealership from time to time, Probably someone else making a fuss because they can. Would I still be buying my next OHV from them, Heck yeah.
  17. A mountianbike with road tires could be considered a "Hybrid". My dad rides his everyday after work( if the weather is nice). I have been riding my K2 with him when I am home. Living out in the country in Lincoln county there isn't much safe places to ride so I leave mine in Tullahoma and hopefully when I'm permanently moved back there I'll be able to ride everyday like I used to. Mine's a full suspension Mountianbike with disc and v-brakes. Heavy bike, yet highly visible( black and yellow) soon as I can find a pic of it, I'll post one up.
  18. Sorry you had all this bad luck with Chrysler. I bought my 1998 durango in 1999 from the local chevy dealer in Tullahoma, same owner of the dodge dealership in town as well. Didn't have a problem  then and still when i just go to look at new cars at the same dealerships, I don't have a problem either. Any dealership that wants your business will go out of their way to help you if they really want your business.   Before all this though, I remember hearing about some older gentleman driving up to the chevy dealership in a beat up old pickup truck. Nobody gave him the time of day nor paid attention to him. He left. wait 2 hours later, The dealership getsa phone call from the chevy dealership in an adjacent town telling them they missed out on a corvette sale. It was the same older gentleman, traded his old truck and enough cash in change inthe bed of the truck to pay for a brand new corvette.   Things changed after that.
  19. I don't answer the phone for numbers i do not recognize( if itis thatimportant leave a message) most don't though.  UPS/Fed-x and postal I'll answerdoor for, but keep mypistol in close reach.   I'd put outa sign thatsaid no soliciting, and a driveway monitor( detector). So you have warning.
  20. The best thing would be to avoid confrontation if at all possible. (it isn't always avoidable though).   May have to get pepper spray or some other less lethal option instead of having to rely on lethal force to resolve a situation. Once you go lethal, there's no turning back the clock.   lethal force should be a last resort, Period.
  21. Wyldk2

    S&W Shield

    Hero gear.  In Winchester TN   Where i bought mine OTD for $400, and this to a civvy.
  22. Headed this way, right?  I'm sick of rain but i look at it this way. Could be worse. We could be living in a drought where we'd kill for a sprinkle of water. Just e glad we don't have any tornadoes coming right now. Pray for those people in Oklahoma.
  23. Blame it on Globalwarming. I do agree though, too much rain lately. Maybe it's a sign to start building another Ark. lol
  24. Well, I can't dog dodge for being a crappy vehicle. My 98 durango has 220k and no transmission problems yet( knock on wood). I had to replace parts like the water pump, belts, hoses, and went thru 2 sets of rotors. But those are wear items, After 220k miles of pulling trailers and just daily driving, you expect stuff like this.   I'm torn though, between dodge or Ford for my next truck. Like the interior and looks of the ford( the ecoboost would be nice) and still keep getting info from a friend about how the dodge is better( he traded his H3 in on a 2013 4x4 hemi crew cab). Though i like both, leaning toward the ford as my dad has fords, and since ford didn't take any Gov't bail-out recently.  But If something like the ram box was offered by ford, then it would be no contest.
  25. The Ram box is lockable, yet i do agree it takes up some bed space. ( just above the wheel wells, by then it has the bed space of a ford Ranger). Has a lot more space in it than the Chevy Avalanche bedrail storage system.   I wouldnt advise on keeping your guns in there all the time, but to the range or on a trip might be ok. Thing about this ram box is there is a drain plug in the bottom and you could keep sodas or beer Ice cold in there, or when fishing, keep your catch there cold and fresh for when you get home.


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