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Everything posted by Wyldk2
I decided to go ahead and renew with the lifetime permit. And I didn't have to wait what seemed like forever when I first applied for my hcp back in 2009. The lifetime permit renewal came in the mail in about a week.
Thinking about moving from .40 to 9mm ...
Wyldk2 replied to Peace's topic in Handgun Carry and Self Defense
My first pistol was a g23 3rd gen. I still have it. I went to a 9mm shield as my edc a few years ago simply due to the fact that I prefer to conceal rather than feel like I have a huge brick on my side all the time. And if you're a good shot, you rely more on shot placement over number of rounds anyday. I usually have only 8 rounds in my edc, so yes it's not quantity, but quality shooting if necessary. So I have both, I still use the g23 as a backup and as a carry pistol when I'm offroading. But get whatever you feel comfortable shooting. -
Well, for one. He lives in Atlanta and there is no way in hell I'm leaving it in the car in that city. I don't have to have it on me all the time in his house, but I feel a lot safer knowing it's within my easy reach if needed. I have not mentioned it nor has he asked about it so I'm keeping my mouth shut on this with him and her. Secondly, I'm not here in my vehicle. I'm with our father in his vehicle. No kids in the house and no danger of it falling into the wrong hands while here still, there is that chance. As for his "hood". Well he lives in an older neighborhood in kirkwood,Atlanta. Maybe I'm being paranoid but I'm used to smaller country towns where you know most people you live around. I don't know anyone in his neighborhood and since he just moved here this summer, it's only my second time visiting him at his new place. But I don't think there would be a home invasion while we are here but these days one can never know.
What if my level of feeling protected by a gun is complicated by their views of them being anti gun and I have to be around them. In a perfect world I would choose to be around like minded people but I'm talking about a few family members who are liberal and yes its my brother and his wife. Do I conceal and not let them know I carry or do I just leave it in my vehicle until I leave? I'm leaning toward not telling them as if it is concealed then nobody should know but me.
Walmart strikes again, this time more serious
Wyldk2 replied to Dolomite_supafly's topic in General Chat
I worked for walmart back in 2013. Just Manchester's walmart until i found a closer to home job. I unloaded trucks and did hear about some instances where the TLE (Tire, Lube Express) employees had forgotten the drain plugs on cars they had changed oil in, had removed a car door to access a tire( ????) and had just dont some pretty stupid things to make any person with common sense wonder how they got hired in the first place. But remember, it is however walmart. And it isnt just some employees that you wonder about,but the higher ups that make you wonder the same thing. -
Walmart strikes again, this time more serious
Wyldk2 replied to Dolomite_supafly's topic in General Chat
I'm sure not all walmarts have the same service problems as what Dolo has encountered. But I wouldn't trust my vehicle or any vehicle with the people at the tire and lube department. It does make me wonder if someone has a problem with any one store, regardless if it's walmart or another big chain, That they keep going back to the same store, doing the same stuff and expecting different results. Dolo, IMHO it sounds like the walmart you have all these problems at needs to restructure its employees and start from scratch. Maybe they should just shut down and implode. Who knows. Store number would be appreciated to know so i will make sure whenever i'm in the Knoxville area to avoid that one. -
The galaxy s6 is probably the better deal. The s6 edge costs $100 more and you'll run into problems with not enough cases available for it. Don't get me wrong, I'm an Android Samsung fan over the Iphone. But the S6 packs a much better camera than the Iphone 6. The edge is going to be for those who want fashion more than function. Both the s6 and s6 edge have the same features, just i wouldn't pay the extra $ for the edge. About the only thing i don't like about the new Samsung Galaxy phones is that they only have internal memory. No external micro sd cards anymore. But the Iphone don't have it either. Probably the 32 gig is the better deal unless you plan on storing a lot of music or take a lot of photos and never delete them.
Northern tool has similar driveway graders a lotcheaperthan the DR power grader. I kept getting those flyers in the mail and put a stop to it when I moved. No gravel here, just Concrete. But i'm not 3/8 of a mile from the road either. I'd look into the ones from Northern Tool, especially if you don't have the means to build your own.
I know it's a whole other vehicle but atvs require those under 18 to wear a helmet or face a fine that about equals the cost of a good quality helmet. Now as an adult, I wear a helmet when i ride my atv, simply because I know what can happen if youre not wearing one. But i believe if you're responsible enough and have enough riding experience, nobody should be able to tell you that you have to wear one. Same as a seat belt, if i don't want to wear one, then i shouldn't have to wear one. Helmets for motorcycles, the same.
Hey, don't put every employee of wal-mart into that group. I worked for Wal-mart last year. Granted it was unloading trucks and on a modified second shift, but it was honest money coming my way. With all the ammo thefts, i convinced the store Manager to have all ammo locked in their store cage until it could be sorted and sent to the Sporting goods under lock and key. A lot of people work wal-mart as they do offer flexible hours.
I went to Dolly wood for the first time this past october. Probably going to be my last time as well. Not because of anything bad, but i can have my own roller coaster rides out on the trails at Windrock atv park. ( thankfully no loopty-loops). But i have found out some tricks to getting your money out of dollywood. If you go after a certian time into the park, you get the next day for free. Buy the refillable souveiner cup, it's free refills all day long.
Your avitar has the biggest Asshat in it. Actually, Obama is just an ASS.
It took a lot not to whip someone's ass today
Wyldk2 replied to Dolomite_supafly's topic in General Chat
Good to walk the other way. I know words hurt and sometimes worse than cuts and bruises but Karma has it's way of paying back. But i know how good it would have felt to put him in his place. Just know, you are the better man. Now if he was threatening you or you felt your life was in danger, then let the lead fly. I'm not one to start a fight, people can call me names till they are blue in the face but Like JWC said, I see someone else being picked on, it's like a switch goes off in me. I can't stand people teasing others due to race, handicap, or religion or anything. There has to be something wrong with that guy. Like TGO david said, Normal people don't act that way. -
Maybe people should just try to stop bossing everyone else around and let them enjoy their time at the range. If you don't like what other people do, then you have the right to leave. Listen, I'm a local. I live in Tullahoma and there isn't much places to shoot. He asked about a light/laser combo i have on my rifle( only for night time use). Rifle was already pointed downrange, unloaded, safety on. And no rules of weapons not to be touched anywhere. Just see the signs of "No shotguns or Vehicles past this point". I will however follow the "common courtesy" for which i had no idea of. After all this is the first time i ever heard of it. But i am not going to allow some asshat from whichever other range try to come in and be a range Nazi to anyone. Instead of scolding, why cant people just try to be an example. Ask those to kindly not handle their firearms if it is a cold range instead of being an ass about it.
Well, I was shooting my AR, cleared it, removed the mag and you can see there is nothing in it ( Even put safety on when it is empty). Safties are on every single firearm I own, even when there is no ammo in them. Just a practice I have followed. I'm all about being safe,but don't force your rules on someone else who might not ever been around it. In other words, don't even dry fire your firearm until you have at least physically checked your firearm. I probably will from now on not shoot at Terry's if there is a lot of people. I hate crowds. Never had a problem with anyone before that guy. I thought I was shooting at an outdoor out of the ways range ( only one i've ever shot at since getting my permit 6 years ago).
Thanks, I'm usually not one to argue with someone over something so small, I usually just let it slide and move on. Usually the ones who think they are special are the ones needing all the help.
When you're at one range you've always gone to, you know you keep your weapons unloaded when done firing. Yet some knucklehead comes up to you and tries to tell you not to handle your weapon because they are the range officer at another range ( not even in the same county). I'm sorry, but this bugs me when people ( who may or may not be a range officer at another range) try to tell other people what to do with their own firearms. Who cares if they are a range officer at some other range( I was at Terry's today and some guy came up asking me questions about my AR, And then tells me to not handle my own unloaded/saftied gun in order to show him. I know he was trying to be helpful, but please don't order other people around to get your point across. I mean, I am all about being safe, but in order to show you something about my firearm, i do have to touch it. Maybe I am being to in to this, but it just got to me today. But, going to the pistol range, i had a pretty tight grouping. So it wasn't a total loss.
Any ATV drag racing around Lebanon or Nashville?
Wyldk2 replied to maroonandwhite's topic in General Chat
I know it may be a bit far but Windrock has a atv/utv drag during their spring and fall jams. Spring jam is coming up in April. http://www.windrockpark.com/events/?yr=2015&month=4&dy=&cid=all -
Caster, We know what you mean. Zombies and left wing anti-gunners could be construed as one and the same. They lack brains, and they want to drain you of yours. Zombies, i can see killing. Wouldn't want to kill the left-wing hippie scum as you say, because that would only fuel the fire. Kill them with kindness, and convert them to our cause.
I could have told you that Fayetteville isn't worth the drive. About the only thing in Fayetteville that is worth the drive would be "Marvins". And that is probably one of the best Buffets around.
parrothead, You win. Seriously, My bug out kit ( survival kit) has what i may need during an any weather situation(aside from freezing weather), the kit i mentioned i added just for wintery weather. I really don't plan on being out in this crap for a long time,but if i have to i plan accordingly. Anyone who accuses you of being a "prepper" dosen't know what a "prepper" really is. It's these darn shows on TVthat make us who like to be prepared for the worst, into crazed lunatics. I for one, Am not crazy. I'm just prepared.
Jgrady, and anyone else out in the weather. You need to keep a cold-weather kit in your vehicle if possible. I have a kit in mine which includes: Several packets of hand warmers/toe warmers of various sizes First-Aid kit Ice scraper De-icer Fleece blanket Snack food( peanut butter and crackers) Water Flashlight w/batteries Tow rope spare warm clothes I would advise something like the above to keep in your vehicle. Also make sure you have a full tank of fuel before you head out in bad weather. Make sure your fluids are topped off and your vehicle is in good condition. I have my bug-out/survival kit in my vehicle at all times anyways, but i'm usually over-prepared. Better to have and not need than to need and not have.
When will those fools learn it dosen't matter what size you carry, If you can't hit anything, it won't matter what you carry. It aint about the size, it is all about shot placement. One shot with a .45 will make a big hole and has a lot of stopping power, but id rather have multiple shots from a smaller caliber just in case i miss my mark. Backwhen i was just getting into guns and didn't know a lick about what to get, I asked a friend who is a local TPD officer. He told me to get a Glock 23 .40 cal because that is what they carry. I actually took my HCP class with the 23 and only missed the target once. It wasn't until i tried out a shield that i knew iwanted another smaller caliber to carry and make it as concealable as possible yet feel like i had a gun in my hand. So as my EDC( when not working) i carry a 9mm shield and have extra mags just in case. The Glock 23 is my nightstand gun.
I just got some tubes of sand(for the bed of my truck) at lowes just in case i need some added traction. I'm not worried about my driving, just the other idiots out there that can't drive when the weather's nice, much less when it snows. Snow isn't the problem, Ice is the problem. whether it's 4 or 40 wd, you're still gonna slide.