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Everything posted by Chris

  1. While I am sometimes disturbed by trends I see in law enforcement or by the actions of an individual officer, I have the utmost respect for anyone who chooses a career of public service. Particularly in a field where they risk life and limb on a daily basis.    It has been my experience here in TN that every LEO that I've dealt with has been professional, courteous and fully supportive of second amendment rights. I'm sure there are exceptions, but I haven't met them.    So, from the bottom of my heart, I thank each and every one of you who have made the choice to serve as an LEO, Soldier or first responder of any stripe. I've seen the good work you do and I appreciate the sacrifices you and your families make for your community and your country. God Bless each and every one of you.
  2. I've done canned hunts (hogs) that have been enormously entertaining. I've gone on safari in South Africa, where everything is behind a fence and had a fantastic time. Each was challenging and rewarding in their own way. However, I do not value the trophies from those hunts nearly as much as the ones I earned on fair chase hunts. So much so that now, I only hunt fair chase. The ones behind the fence were hunts... but they have an asterisk next to the listing, if you know what I mean. The idea of hunting one of these specially bred behind the fence monsters just makes me roll my eyes. Now, that being said, anything that brings more people and more support to our sport... I'm all for that. For people w/ little time and no access to good hunting land, a canned hunt may be their only reasonable option. While I won't do it myself, I try not to judge those that do. 
  3. I'll take a lower as well as one of the uppers.
  4. Depends entirely on the animal and how you kill it. An old boar being run down by dogs over the course of an hour is going to be some of the nastiest tasting meat you've ever tried. However, a younger boar or a nice sow taken without going on alert has a very mild taste. The meat is much much leaner than pork, but it can make for some awesome pork chops, tenderloin and sausage... mmmmm, sausage. As for field dressing... take every precaution, they can carry some nasty diseases.
  5. Yeah, it's not cheap, but it includes lodging, guides and use of dogs if you want. If you know of anyone who'll let me hunt hogs on their land, let me know and I'll be right over. In the meantime, this will have to do.
  6. http://loshbough.com/   Full disclosure, I did some work for them a couple years back. It's a really good operation and they'll work with you to make sure you get the hunt you want. I've pulled some big hogs out of those woods.
  7. The fenced hunts can still be a challenge. I've hunted with Loshbough Hunting Lodge as well as a few others and enjoyed all of the hunts. It's not fair chase, but Loshbough has 500 acres fenced and it's still a lot of fun. The hogs get a little asterisk in the book since they aren't fair chase, but I'd still go back in a heartbeat.
  8. To the west of town.. out in the sticks.
  9. Be careful out there fellas, one of my dogs got bit today. Looks like it was mostly a dry bite, so the good Lord willing, she should be fine. Vet said it was the third rattler bite that day. Apparently its mating season.
  10. That is awesome.
  11. Ok. I woulda shat myself, then discovered just what effect a .44 mag round would have on boo-boo at point blank range. That's a dangerous animal even if he is a fairly young boar.
  12. Yeah. It can be a little nerve racking. That's why I only hunt dangerous game w/ firearms. You got bigger ones than I do going in with just a bow.
  13. Oh, I chose that area based entirely on TWRA statistics. According to the numbers, it's the most productive area for bear... marginally.
  14. The tactic we used was to drive until we found sign. Scat, tracks, clawed trees, whatever... then park it and go on foot. We were also able to scout out some likely looking fields w/ good food sources and when we found sign we'd set up on em and see if anyone wandered in. Never had any luck, but again, bad timing. The old timers out there would usually just set up on the road and watch a hollow.... might be thats more productive, but frankly I think most of them were out there with a thermos of "cheer" and could have cared less. It's possible a bear will wander by, but frankly I think a little scouting will up the chances of a successful hunt.
  15. That's really good to hear. I own several Marlins and the quality they were putting out for a bit was just... subpar. Every rifle I picked up had gaps where the wood furniture met the frame. Made me sad. Glad they've picked up their game.
  16. I made the mistake of hunting during dog season a couple of years ago... didn't see anything but a BUNCH of hunters and their dogs. However, once we got way back in the woods, up on some of the fire roads we started finding sign for bear. It was old, but I'm pretty sure it would be a productive area given the right time of the year. We stayed in Tellico Plains and hunted around the edges of the bear reserve. You'll want good maps... one side of the road is reserve, the other side, legal to hunt. Satellite imagery of the area was also helpful, it led us to some back roads that didn't show up on the maps. Take a good four wheel drive vehicle and go everywhere they'll let you. Watch the edge of the road for bear sign. They are in there, but heavily pressured. A fun hunt, but not an easy one.
  17. Marlin's were great rifles until Freedom Group got a hold of them. I own three older marlins but wouldn't trade plugged nickel for the newer ones. Fit and finish went straight to heck from everything I've seen. Have they fixed this? It was sad to see a great name go down the tubes in order to save a buck or two.
  18. I'm no more a fan of lawyers than anyone else, but going to court without one is like going to a gunfight unarmed, naked and with a big "shoot me first" sign around your neck.
  19. Chris


    Yankees. Swear to God, there is something wrong with them.
  20. Chris

    Lone Survivor

    True. But if I go that route, I'll never get to watch another movie or tv show... like, ever.
  21. Could well be. It's annoying, but it's their house so they get to make the rules.
  22. I talked to them about that, because it struck me a little strange. Apparently, they have a problem with people firing too high and trashing the target system. According to them it can cost upwards of several thousand everytime it gets hit. The angles are apparently such that if you are shooting above that line, you are risking damaging the machinery. It seems a little draconian, but I can appreciate their point of view.
  23.   Depends on what you want it for. Bullpups are perfect for CQB applications but if I want to be able to reach out, I'll go w/ my LWRC. If I had only one, it'd be some version of my LWRC. Most of my training has been on the M4 platform and that's what I'm most comfortable with. However, all of these are battle tested rifles (except the MSAR) and in the end it comes down to personal preference... any should be reliable platforms. One caveat, make sure you are comfortable with the trigger on a bullpup though... a lot of people hate the linkage triggers.   And as a side note, my Steyr uses standard AR mags... wouldn't own it otherwise.
  24. I've got both, and while MSAR is producing good weapons these days, I'd stick w/ the Steyr. Well, actually, I'd go find a Tavor but a Steyr will do.
  25. Chris

    Lone Survivor

    Who cares about his politics. Actors are dancing dogs as far as I'm concerned. Get up on your back legs and hop around for my amusement you socialist twit. The opinions of that dog, however talented, are totally irrelevant.


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