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Everything posted by jeepbus

  1. Mad respect for Sir Charles! Well said! Sent from your moms kitchen using Tapatalk
  2. Very good read! I enjoyed that.I will for sure share this!
  3. I just voted and its still at 98% no. Sent from my iPhone 4s using Tapatalk
  4. +1 for the ol' good guys!
  5. The officer had every right ,and he was a complete professional ,with that said. If I were in the same situation I would have done the same thing. Yes officer no officer have a good day and thank you officer. It's always good to hear positive stories,cause lord knows we hear enough of the negative! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  6. I vote 20 GA Thats what my dad started me out on . Heck get him a 22 also ,every kid needs a .22!
  7. I believe I saw one at Nashville armory last week when I was there. I to have been looking for one. I was to busy checking everything else out and looking for my wife a carry gun.
  8. I applaud the citizen for what he did,who knows,he could have save countless lives. I have no sympathy what so ever for the live that was lost and damaged . If they were big boy enough the hold people at gunpoint then they can pay the price that comes with it. I'm glad no innocent live we're hurt or lost .
  9. Stay strong and be there for her ,together you guys can beat it.
  10. You know I don't post a lot on here ,I do read almost every post though. Me and ohShoot have had some discussions in the past . But damn it man I have to agree with my ol buddy oh Shoot here 110% haha I couldn't have said it better!
  11. Hahah, there is no age, I was using my Kershaw for a pry bar,and mine is a slight boo boo compared to yours . I get what I deserve for using a Kershaw for a pry bar ,lol. Mine has healed about 4 days.
  12. I saw this ,I am so glad to see an American gun manufacture and jobs winning the contract. Sent from my Damn iPad using Tapatalk
  13. On that note ,I wish they would put a term limit on those fools. That is crazy ,I did not know that little tid bit. thank s for sharin that.
  14. Nice pictures man! I can't wait to go on my vacation in aug. Sent from my Damn iPad using Tapatalk
  15. Your wrong on this one ,even though Tennessee is a right to work state, your employer still has to give you grounds for termination and a reason. If they didn't ,then everyone that got fired or terminated would be where? At the unemployment office getting benefits that might not be due to them. I deal with employees all day,and you better do it right or you will have the EEOC on you and their Lawyers for hurting someone's feeling when you terminate them,even if they were the worst employee in the world. The right to work thing is in the toilet. With the economy in the toilet people look for the easier wy to get money. Sent from my Damn iPad using Tapatalk
  16. To spend the day with my beautiful son,doing whatever the hell we want. Sent from my Damn iPad using Tapatalk
  17. I second this quote Sent from my Damn iPad using Tapatalk
  18. The way I look at it it's not anybodys buisness where I keep my weapon if any at all. I prefer to keep the public guess'n!
  19. Costco is posted but not correctly. They do sell gun safes and spry you can't beat most of their deals. Plus they give out free samples,who can argue that.when I was safe shopping a month ago I looked all over and ended up going with one of the vendors on this site. Got the one I wanted was educated on safes and supported the "little guy" Sent from my Damn iPad using Tapatalk
  20. That American success story Died along time ago. The last time I was in Walmart looking at the ammo the prices really didnt get me excited. I'm happy to pay LESS for my quality STUFF,all you have to do is shop around. Compare prices and price match. Most of the time item's are made just for Wally World and of Cheaper quality. I know alot of our junk is imported from china ,hong kong ,mexico ,and so on ,I'm not going to lie to myself. If I have a choice on where to spend my money it is not going to be Walmart. Well every person I knew that worked at Walmart Complained and hated it.....Maybe it was the Store they worked at who knows. I have not read anywhere about Walmart, I make my own choices,I am entitled to that. And when I spend my money at a local retailer,I bet ya more of it stays in the communiy than as if it would with Walmart. hmmmmmm ,is Walmart a supporting vendor of this Site? I spend alot of my money with those guys. Shame on me .
  21. The rule in my house is there are no trips to Walmart whatsoever . They sell crap,treat their employees like dirt, destroy small towns,strong arm their vendors ,ect, ect,ect. You all might think I'm old fashion or nuts but,but I haven't been in a Walmart in years. I choose to support my local economy and shops. Sent from my Damn iPad using Tapatalk
  22. I'm liking that Ruger scout rifle too. I think Mossberg has pushed back the the MVP to Feb. I just wish they wouldnt tease us with it.
  23. nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Has anyone put thier paws on this. I have seen it on TV and in Magazines but can't find it in a retailer anywhere. My wife owes me a firearm for Xmas,and this one is on my list. O.F. Mossberg & Sons, Inc. - Firearms, Shotguns, Rifles, Accessories, and Precision Machining
  25. 39-13-103 I think and this is of the top of my head ,There is not a code out there for Brake checking in general,but I promise you you brake check some one and there are witnesses around,and they can prove it,they will put this one in to play,and they have. T.C.A. 39-13-103 provides that a person commits an offense who recklessly engages in conduct which places or may place another person in imminent danger of death or serious bodily injury. It is a Class E Felony ,my book is from 2005 so it my be a little out of date ,It is a very broad statute.I'm just stating what I was taught .Cause They can and will charge you with what ever the want,it's up to you to prove your not guilty.So go ahead and drive like a doo doo head,and make poor life choices.I'll drink my KOOOOOOL AID now.


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