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Everything posted by analog_kidd

  1. The thing I would like to see is that we blow up everyone of his test missiles as he launches them. It would give us good practice at shooting down ballistic missiles, and it would show KJU that we can do it. As soon as one of his missiles crosses outside of NK airspace, whoosh, off go our interceptors. He'll pitch a fit and call it an act of aggression, and we'll say we were taking defensive action against his aggression. Once we show him we can take out his ICBM's he will have no leverage against us. That, and we need China to cut off all their oil and gas. That will cripple them.
  2. Welcome to the TGO family, Obie Wan <Stupid Double-tap>
  3. Welcome to the TGO family, Obie Wan
  4. First of all... Have you rebooted? Many times that fixes the problem. Do a full power down, not just a reboot. However, my money is on what Garufa said. It sounds like your resolution got wacky. The place to find that is different based on the version of Windows 10 you have. They do O/S updates all the time now, and move settings every time. As Garufa said, right-click on an empty part of the desktop and select "Display Settings". Depending on your version, you may see a link called "Advanced display Settings". If you see that, click it. If you don't see it, you are probably already on the screen you need. Either screen, you are looking for another pull-down menu named "Resolution". Pull that down and select the "Recommended" setting. It should change the view and ask you if you want to keep that setting. If it still doesn't look right, you can experiment with other choices.
  5. My folks have one of those Carolina Dog / American Dingos. It looks just like the picture above. Now, let me say that I am a DOG LOVER, and I can't find a single redeeming quality about this particular dog. It is annoying as all get out. Barks loudly at everything, is not fun to be around, bites kids, thinks the world revolves around him, sheds horribly, stinks. Plus, he won't eat meat. What kind of dog doesn't eat meat? If my folks were to pass and I inherited the dog, I would take him right back to the pound. OK, maybe not, but I would immediately find a new home for him. Besides, my wife actually hates him, and if I brought it home to keep, the dog and I would be sleeping outside. From my limited experience, I would stay away from that breed.
  6. Is anybody going to join the boycott and NOT watch the NFL today? Even tho I'm a big fan, I'm thinking I can find something better to do today.
  7. The news this morning was calling them AntiFAIL. Said they were mostly no-show protests that petered out quickly.
  8. I doubt that it will ever happen, but on the talking head channel they were bouncing around the idea of expelling the rest of an attacker's family when they all come over on a visa like he / they had. The idea is that it would be a deterrent to a would be attacker to know that his wife and kids would not be able to stay in this wonderful country that he hates so much, once he would be caught / killed. And, who knows, they are likely of the same mindset anyway, so we should not want them. Is it fair to the maybe unknowing wife and kids? No. But this is war, and you don't take chances with people in war. If there is the slightest chance they are a threat, you get rid of them. Of course, a policy like this would make leberals' heads explode. I think Israel has a similar policy: You get caught being a terrorist, they bulldoze down your family's house.
  9. I have a quirk, in that I like to crunch numbers in my head sometimes. I'll catch myself counting the number of customers someone has, and then figure what my tip at 15% or 20% would be and multiply that by the customers. Often, I'll see a waiter at say a sit down casual restaurant, where I know that the bill for my wife and I will be about $50. That's a $10 tip. Times the 5 or 6 other tables they are waiting on, that comes out to $50 or $60 an hour, on top of their wages. Understandably, they won't have 5 tables an hour all day long, but still should have 2-3 or so on average. I'll still tip, but I admit when I do this kind of math, it will be the standard 15% unless the service is phenomenal. That percentage goes up as my bill goes down.
  10. All in all, I really enjoyed the opener. Feels like our good guys are taking control again. I was wondering if the RV was the same one that has been around since the beginning? I was also hoping that they would have gone to the junk yard people first and taken out a little easy revenge. Their double crossing ways deserve some retribution. And it would have been an easy way to take out a good part of Negan's army, and get back their guns.
  11. I started going to this little place down the road when it opened up a year or so ago. It's just one gal running her own business, and she can set the price. She set it at $10, which I think is too low. I always toss her some extra money when I pay. I had been going to a barber shop in Oak Ridge That had bought out the shop I had been going to for years and moved it to a new location. I really like the atmosphere. They play "guy movies" all the time, have guns and tobacco signs on the wall, they even put in a pool table for folks to use while waiting, or even if you wanted to play after your cut. The one thing is, is they are pricey. I went there one time and a new guy cut my hair. He gave me such a good cut and went way above and beyond the normal haircut experience, like a steamed towel on my neck, talcum powder finish, straight razor to the back of the neck. It was great, and I tipped him well. The next time I went I asked for him, and all I got was the basic quickie. I got the feeling that nobody ever tipped him, and he just said "why bother". Now all that said, I think the tipping culture we have here in America is ridiculous. I feel that it's awkward, you never know what the expectations are, and a lot of people don't do it, even when the service provider counts on it to supplement their income. I would much rather we go to a system where you tell me what you want to get paid, and that is the price. For everything.
  12. That is actually a really good idea. I might have to start doing that. However, on many an occasion, I've been known to check my account balance as I'm pumping, and use that as an opportunity to round my checking account to a nice whole number. I'm weird like that
  13. That is amazing! I wonder how much the materials cost to make one of those, in say 5x7?
  14. We used the Dave Ramsey system to get out of debt many years ago, and he teaches to set aside cash for certain things, like lunch money, and only purchase those thing with the set aside cash, and only spend that cash on those things. When it's gone, you bring lunch. So we got into the habit of using cash for most things. The wife and I give ourselves an allowance every payday, and we use that money for gas and toys. I got tired of having to go into the has station, stand in line while Bubba buys his lotto tickets, then plunk down a $50 so I can fill up. Then I had to go back inside and wait while Bubba cashed in and bought more lotto tickets before I could get my change. So, I went to the bank and opened another account with a debit card. Now I put half my allowance on the card, and take half in cash. I use the card for gas, and Amazon purchases. I use the cash for anything else that I pay a cashier. I also keep a $50 bill tucked into my wallet for emergencies. It's old as the hills and has been moved between several replacement wallets over the years, but it's there.
  15. I am so gonna have to get this BluRay:
  16. We lost a great one. He will certainly be missed. He was an artist that was able to find that sweet spot to appeal to a wide audience. Not too hard, not too soft, catchy enough riffs to make your toe tap, interesting lyrics. His later albums started leaning more towards the Blues genre, which is where my musical tastes started drifting, so Tom's music grew with me. Plus he was a Florida boy like me. RIP, Tom.
  17. https://www.westernjournalism.com/witness-las-vegas-hotel-smell-gunsmoke-massacre/ The guy interviewed in the first part of this link is a business acquaintance of mine. Just saw him myself in Vegas at the Mandalay about a month ago. Article says he was about 4 doors down from the shooter. I guess he'll have an interesting story the next time I see him.
  18. CK got this whole movement started, and I feel like he went about it all wrong. He poofed up his hair and started wearing Che shirts and "Pig" socks, and came off looking like a wild-eyed, raving lunatic. His subsequent, nearly incoherent, interviews made him look like he was championing a cause he was clueless about. That set the stage for me, and every single one of these current protests just screams "I'm with Colin". Besides, if I go to a game, I'm paying to get the whole "Ballgame Experience". That means, I'm want to have a couple expensive beers, maybe a hot-dog or peanuts, I want to root for my team and have a sense of pride for them. It also means I want to stand for and sing the Anthem, and get a lump in my throat. I don't want to see some jerkwad disrespecting the flag, especially one that I just helped pay his salary. It makes that lump turn to steam around my collar. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth, making the beer and dog taste bad, and I lose my pride in the team. It ruins the whole "experience" for me. Once you have done that to me, I don't care what your issue is. You have lost every bit of sympathy you may have ever gotten. Case in point: I love the Titans, and I enjoy watching them. Delanie Walker had to mouth off last week (quote: "And the fans that don't want to come to the game? I mean. OK. Bye, If you feel that's something - we're disrespecting you, don't come to the game."), so what did I do? I did not watch the game. He soured me on the Titans. He disrespects my flag, and then disrespects me because I don't 100% accept his beliefs... I want nothing to do with him or his team. So, yeah, "OK, bye". And as much as a 14 to 57 smackdown loss would have made me sad a week or two ago, this week my feeling is "serves you right".
  19. Don't be too excited about Corker retiring. He has said from the beginning that he really wanted to be Governor, and never really wanted to be a Senator. Speculation is that he and Haslam will switch seats. They will stump for each other, both have name recognition, and lots of donors, so if this turns out to be the plan, it'll be hard to keep either out of office.
  20. To me, the anthem is a solemn time of reflection, where focus is upon the flag and the men who have stood behind that flag over the last 200+ years. What these players are doing is bringing attention to themselves, when all attention should on the flag. It's distracting, disrespectful and just the wrong time to do your protest. Besides, they way they are doing it is stupid. Most people, myself included, really have no idea what they are protesting. I know it's about cop brutality, blah, blah, blah, but what specifically? I don't see them continuing the protest afterwards, unless it is to bring more attention to themselves in the form of boasting that nobody can tell them what to do. But beyond that, I don't see any of them actively trying to make anything better off the field. Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough. To me, the NFL and Team Owners are on the wrong side of this fight. NEVER go against patriotism. NEVER! You will never win. They should have nipped this in the bud a long time ago and took a stand. Even if that stand was to be neutral, by letting the players feel however they want on their own time, but not allow the disruption to the game. Instead they are backing the players, and are looking just as unpatriotic. The NFL, Owners and Players are all saying Trump is being divisive and trying to split America, but I say that it was them that have been divisive. They knew from the beginning that many Americans don't like this, but they did not care. It has been dividing us since CK did it last year, but "dammit, I'm a player and you gotta listen to me". Now Trump speaks his mind and the entire league loses their collective minds. He has just as much right to speak his mind as they do. Now, sometimes I wish he would go about things a bit differently... Calling them SOB's may not have been the best term to use, but you know what? It's what many of us think and say to like-minded friends. It's refreshing that he speaks his mind without political-correcting every sentence that he speaks. Sometimes its embarrassing, but it is refreshing. Besides, I see these players do and say way worse things than "SOB" every week. If they are that big of a P***Y that that is what offends them, perhaps they should try ballet instead of football. Lastly, the NFL itself is being horribly hypocritical here. They have fined players for wanting to do their own form of protest or issue awareness because the method took place in the form of an addition to a uniform on the field. The player that wanted to wear pink in honor of his mother with breast cancer, the player with a mental illness that wanted to wear green shoes to bring attention to mental health day, the player that wanted to wear purple cleats to bring attention to domestic violence. All of them fined or told "No you can't do that". But now the NFL says the President can't tell THEM what to do? They put the kibosh on many good forms of issue awareness, but cop bashing while kneeling over the American flag is the one they get behind? Shameful!
  21. First, let me say that I rarely use the classifieds, and have never bought anything there. Im just more of a buy it new And keep it forever kinda guy. That said, On the occasion that I do have something to look for, I have two things that limit my views: How long has it been listed, and how far down the list is it currently? If its more than a week old, i figure someone else already got any good deal, and I generally wont go past the first or second page of posts.
  22. If you are in to Podcasts, the "Stuff You Should Know" series has a very interesting episode about chiggers. I want to say it was about a year or so ago.
  23. With a spare computer that has HDMI video output, or a $50 Raspberry Pi, you can install the Kodi App. Kodi has been getting a bad rap lately because people load illegal add-ons onto it, but there are tons of 100% legit add-ons that you can get right from Kodi, or even third party developers, that give you a plethora of legal, free content. Go to their page and browse some of their add-ons to see what is available. I also use it to watch movies that I rip from my DVD's. I was tired of the grand kids leaving DVD's all over to get scratched. Now I rip them, and they can watch from the PC without ever opening a DVD case. I have a PC in the living room set up to use for Kodi and Amazon Prime video. I have a Rasberry Pi with Kodi in the bedroom that I can use to stream the ripped DVD's from the PC. There is also USTVNow. They stream several channels like ABC, CBS, etc. You can watch some for free if you don't mind the low-def. For $20 a month you get a much better selection of channels and Hi-def. I think they even have a plan with DVR capability.
  24. I've seen reports that say Millennials are managing their money better than previous generations at their age. Perhaps this has something to do with it... They realize the ROI of being saddled with massive debt is not there. It has been drummed into everyone's heads over the past few decades that you HAVE to go to college. How many people do you know that went to college for 4 years, amassed $60,000 worth of student loans and are now working at Walmart, doing nothing similar to what their degree is in. College just isn't for everyone. That's not a bad thing, lots of people are very successful without having a college degree. What really matters is drive and gumption. I would love to see a swing toward Trade Schools becoming popular. Plumbers, Electricians, HVAC Tech, etc. can all easily make $60k - $80k a year, especially if they have their own business. Paying $15k for Tech school and making $60k sounds a lot better than paying $60k for college and making $15k. I would also love to see a push in high schools toward a technical bent. If a kid really doesn't have the desire (or capacity) to go to college, let them spend their last two years of HS in Trade type classes. Teach them Auto Shop, Welding, Plumbing, maybe some basic business classes. It would empower them to be successful without a college degree.
  25. Last I heard Sunday evening, it was up to $18M. J.J. is a classy guy, who works hard on and off the field.


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