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Everything posted by analog_kidd

  1. A person would need to weigh around 1,450 pounds to have enough fat to stop a bullet. Although their body would be bullet-proof, they could still be killed by a shot to the head.
  2. analog_kidd

    Ruger Mark 3

    Here is a link to a page with some pretty good step by step instructions for field stripping: 2245 Maintenance Page
  3. I carry OWB too, put on a cover shirt with a couple bottom buttons fastened. Mostly this keeps it covered, but if it exposes I don't really care, unless I'm at a stop light. That's the great thing about TN HCP, it doesn't have to be concealed. You can open carry if you like, but I don't recommend it. Also, my wife rides with me a lot and she keeps an eye on it for me.
  4. Cockroaches taste through their feet
  5. If your head is chopped off, you can remain conscious for about 25 seconds!
  6. There are 10 types of people in this world, those who can read binary, and those who can't.
  7. The weight of ashes from the average cremated human body is 9 pounds
  8. Babies are born without kneecaps – they develop at between two to six years of age.
  9. When I started carrying, I kept the gun cocked, with a full magazine, but removed the round from the chamber. In a SD situation, I would have to cycle the slide to load one in, which is undesireable, but still I was carrying which was way better than not. Anyway, keeping the gun cocked but empty helped me prove to myself that I was not going to accidently have it go off. After a month or so of seeing the gun still in the cocked and yet unfired condition, I graduated myself up to live and loaded.
  10. I'd be in if it's something in the East. Not really interested in travelling to Mid or West TN.
  11. I guess I never thought about using shotgun slugs for deer hunting. What would you say would be the max range they would be effective? Is this a common round?
  12. OK, so pretty much any softpoint or hollowpoint I can find at Walmart would be alright? What about something like the Wolf hollowpoints? I had been thinking of picking up a bunch of this stuff anyway. Is there anyway someone would know that they are mil-surp? Oh, and the Wolverines call is a given.
  13. OK, so I've never been deer hunting before. I'm planning on taking the hunter safety course here in a few weeks. I'd like to give it a try. Unfortunately, the only guns I have that I could hunt with is a shotgun, and my AK. I don't want to go spend money I don't really have on a new hunting rifle, just to find out hunting is not really my thing. I doubt it, but you never know. Anyway, is it acceptable to hunt with my AK? Are there any restrictions about magazine capacity, hollowpoint/FMJ? Most importantly, will the other hunters all laugh at me? After all, hunting is about style, right?
  14. Seems to me Freedom of Speech may trump this law.
  15. There is a guy in front of her, that is turned around looking at her. The look on his face says it all.
  16. Love the Dummies!
  17. Got my invite a couple weeks ago. Told my son and he requested one, and got the invite two days later. Did notice my invite in my spam folder. Anyway, it's pretty cool. I called my son while he was at work, and both his work and cell phone rang simultaneously. The call sounded a little echo-ie, but not unbearable. I like that you can visit your account web page, and enter a number to call, select the phone you want to talk on and hit enter. Next thing you know, your phone rings, and when you pick up, the number you are trying to reach starts ringing. Best thing is this is an incoming call for both parties, so no long distance charge for you. I know a lot of people who's cell phone plans include a Fav-5 or somekind of "any calls to /from this number are free" are setting up their Google voice number as one of their favorites. Then they tell everyone to call that number. Since it gets routed as an incoming call from that "favorite" number, all calls are free.
  18. Not what I was expecting. I thought I'd see something with lots of feathers.
  19. Welcome from yet another Oak Ridger
  20. What about inheriting a gun? I know someone who's father in-law lived and died in another state. He and his wife went to clean out the house to sell it and came back with a shotgun.
  21. Well, you know, people who keep extinguishers in their house are just looking for fires too.
  22. Defense of self in Oak Ridge - Oak Ridge, TN - The Oak Ridger Fred Childress has a nice letter to the editor in the Oakridger. He is a fine American, and is also the owner of a very nice cafe' here in town in the shopping center where Karen's Jewelers is. They have excellent and healthy food. He and his wife took the carry class with my wife.
  23. I wonder about the Oak Ridge Greenways too. Most of them have obvious points of entry to post at, but the one at the marina looks like a sidewalk along the road. there is like two miles of parking, and you just get out of your car and start walking. Do they intend on posting signs every 20 feet? This is also the site of a couple of rapes and numerous car break-ins. If ever there was a place you need to carry, this is it.
  24. Can I carry a shotgun on my motorcycle, ala Arnold in Terminator? Or can I ride with my AK slung over my shoulder? Just wondering
  25. Wouldn't even think about not carrying while on the bike.


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