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Everything posted by analog_kidd

  1. This has been around for quite a while now, but I love it. Added it to me speed dial I use it so much. For another Google service that will blow your mind, look into Google Voice. They give you a phone number for free. You create an account, and enter all the phones you are ever at (home, work, cell, mom's house, etc.) then when the Google numer is dialed, all the phones ring at the same time. Whichever phone gets answered first is the one that the call gets routed to. You can also use it to place long distance calls for free. Just call your Google number (a local call) from any of the phones on your list, then follow the menu for Google to place a LD call for you. You only get charged for the local call.
  2. Proving once again that the left has no originality.
  3. Everyone, Thanks for the tips. I think I'll go ahead and load some up to the next setting and give them a try. I think a good scale will definitely be on my short list of things to buy. The one that came with the kit does not seem to be very good. I have difficulty even zeroing the thing out.
  4. I am using Alliant Unique powder. The bullets are 115 grain 9mm hollowpoints that are supposed to be similar in weight and shape to Speer Gold Dot. I think the magazine is fine, it works perfectly for storebought ammo. I wish I had thought to keep a few of the spent cases to look for the signs you mentioned. Unfortunately, I just tossed them into my brass bag with all the others. DUH!
  5. Hey all, I just pressed my first set of bullets. I took them to the range today and they shot quite well. The only thing is that when I shot the last bullet, my slide does not stay open. I suspect that there may not be enough powder, as I loaded the minimum. Does that sound right? I have a Lee Turret Press, and the automatic powder measure device I'm using is set to the .61 mark, which comes out to about 5.6 grains. The next setting on the powder measure is .66, which comes out to 6.0 grains, which is approaching the max capacity of 6.2 grains. First off, do you think it is safe to move up to the next measure? Second, if I wanted to charge somewhere in the middle, can I do it with this Automatic Measure? I can see that reloading could possibly be a new addiction. I just want to get it right. Thanks for your help.
  6. I had a '72 Ford Pinto, complete with the infamous exploding gas tank that would go boom if hit from the rear. Never had that problem with mine, thank goodness. My dad bought it for me for $400, and he thought it would keep me out of trouble by keeping me in the garage. Funny thing is that car ran great. Had an oil leak somewhere, but I always had a couple of quarts of oil in the trunk, and I'd just top it off when I filled up for gas and kept on driving. One funny thing about the car, it had and AM/FM radio and an 8-track tape player, but they were'nt on the same system. It had seperate speakers for the radio and the tape. Don't know why the previous owner did that, but I changed it not long after I got it. Had a lot of great times in that car. Probably did a lot of things I shouldn't have in it.
  7. I didn't realize this was such a problem that it had to be legislated. Bill would allow fish tanks in TN barber shops Knoxville News Sentinel
  8. I haven't bought Levi's in a long time. I always thought they were overpriced. I can get Lee or Wrangler for under $20, Levi's are usually double that. Now I've got another reason to dislike them.
  9. Perfect! That's just what I needed. Thanks. Thanks, that pretty much confirms Glockster157's link.
  10. So, I'm just getting into reloading. I went to the Knoxville gunshow this weekend and picked up some supplies. One of the items I bought was a box of Rainier Bullets. When I was at the table, the guy showed me the round target bullets he was selling me, but when I got home and opened the box, it was hollowpoints. I looked on the rainier website to finds their reloading data and this is what it says: Rainier Ballistics, mainframe For some reason I don't think this applies to the hollowpoints. Their FMJ bullets are leadcore with .005" of brass electroplated over them, so they seem like they would be more like the lead bullet they recommend loading for. In my reloading book, there is a huge difference in load grains between FMJ and HP, so I'm concerned about improper loads. I'm looking for some help from some of the more seasoned reloaders out there. The bullets are 115 gn, 9mm hollowpoint, and I'm using Alliant Unique powder. Can someone recommend the charge I need to use? Thanks
  11. I picked up a bag at Gander Mountain that I like quite well. It looks about the same as the Midway bay everyone is so fond of. It is very sturdy, holds everything I take to the range, and came with an extra pistol pouch. Think it was about $25
  12. OK, that was just weird. Kinda reminded me of one of those '70's variety shows.
  13. Frozen Head is awesome. One of my all time favorite campgrounds. Of course it's only 30 minutes from my house, so it's quite convenient, but i'd still go if it were 3 hours away. If you go there, make sure to visit the Obed ranger station in Wartburg. Get a park map and go visit Lily Overlook. There is a short, very easy hike to an unbelievable boardwalk / overlook of Clear Creek canyon. If you do a long hike in Frozen Head, make sure to hike up to the Rock House. very cool place where the bluff is undercut enough to camp under.
  14. I like this bill. The judge with the agenda thought we were too stupid to figure out what a restaurant is. That was the whole premise of her arguement. This way we use a law that already exists to help clear it up for us numbskulls. Sometimes the law of unintended consequenses can be a Mother. Restaurants may be getting this lesson.
  15. If backpacking, the Keltek P3AT goes along because it is nice and light. If car-camping, I bring my Springfield 9mm. Went camping this past summer in the back of my pickup. Got woke up by a bear eating nuts outside my truck. I have a campertop, so I was in no danger, but after watching him for about 45 minutes in my cramped quarters, it was nice to know I could put a warning shot nearby when I was ready to scare him off. Fortunately it was not needed.
  16. If you are looking for an interesting place to hike, The Honey Creek trail in BSF is amazing. It's a little difficult, but worth every step. It's got an old cave that use to be inhabited by indians, a ladder bolted to a 60 foot cliff, you hike up a creek that forms a canyon that is maybe 30 feet wide in some places. Best hike in East TN!
  17. So is that first proposal officially off the table? I hadn't heard one way or the other.
  18. The Pres, in his State of the Union speech, recently said we are going to strengthen America by increasing our exports. That's his big solution to all of our problems. Only thing is, now China, one of the largest importers of the world, has said we are going to decrease our imports and produce domestically. We can't sell to someone who's not buying.
  19. With press secretary Gibbs publicly stating as a fact that these guys are guilty and are going to be executed, he has effectively polluted the jury pool. These guys, guilty as they may be, could never get a fair civil trial, and their lawyers would use that to get them off. Eventually, the Pres will have to send them back to a military tribunal, which is how he'll save face from the idiotic suggestion of a civil trial.
  20. When my wife took her class, I found out the class' exact method of their shooting test, size of target, number of shots at what distance, what constituted a counted shot. Then I made several targets just like they use, and we took them to the range and did the same drill they would use. We practiced until she was certain she could pass, which was pretty easy by the way. At the test, the requirement was any hole in an IDPA target counted. She got 100%.
  21. The Wolf will bring Hope and Change
  22. The "Phil Show" talk radio program in Knoxville was talking about these shirts yesterday. Said he wore one into Walmart and had several young ladies flirting with him, which has never happended before. He could not believe the power of the shirt.
  23. It would be funny to create your own annonymous email account and send emails about each boss saying you saw them with a hooker on company time. Then you could say how easy it is to send BS emails about anyone.
  24. At least he's being honest about how he feels.


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