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Everything posted by analog_kidd

  1. Tax lien auctions are a great way to get real estate on the cheap, but there are some gotchas. First of all, the current owners, the ones who didn't pay the tax, have a whole year to try and wrangle up the money to pay you back and clear their name. They have to pay you back what you bought it for plus some percentage on top of that. Meanwhile, they get to live in or use the property for that whole year. So, even if you get paid back, you get interest on your money, and it's a win for you. For land, no problem, but if it's a house you want to use for rentals or for your own residence, they could pretty much destroy it before you legally get to take possession. Even so, if you paid $10,000 for the house, the land is probably going to be worth that, so, you'll probably come out ahead, but it could be frustrating. And getting them to actually move out may involve an officer. Still, it could be a great investment, if you have the year to wait.
  2. I had a '72 Ford Pinto. My dad bought it for me for just a few hundred bucks, and thought that it would keep me out of trouble by keeping me in the garage. Backfired on him because other than an oil leak, the car ran great. I'd put oil in it when I put gas in it, and it kept on running. The car had an AM radio that someone had added some kind of FM receiver add on. You had to tune it to a certain AM channel and turn on the FM receiver. IT also had an 8-track player on a separate system, with separate speakers. You could play the radio and tapes at the same time. And this one never exploded
  3. I made it too. Very nice. Pages seem to load very quickly.
  4. Article says the ad will call for a crackdown on illegal sales of guns. Hmm, didn't Bloomberg have his guys go out an illegally buy a bunch of guns? Maybe he should start the crackdown by arresting himself. Also says the ad will only run regionally, not nationally. Probably didn't want to spend all that money on a national ad, when a bunch of people from places like Tennessee would just laugh at it.
  5. Floyd would be my first pick to see live. I had an opportunity to see them after their last studio album. Money was tight back then and I didn't go. I kick myself all the time over that. I always thought Pink Floyd was "too big to fail" and would be around forever. I still have hopes that the band will patch it up with Waters and reunite (minus Richard Wright, of course). I know, I don't live in reality. I think I read an interview with Gilmour, who said the band is done. I've seen Rush several times too. they always put on a good show. Jethro Tull is another one that, while their albums were fantastic, the live shows were even better. Other groups I wish I had seen before they were gone: Led Zeppelin The Who Rolling Stones. I'm not a huge fan, I like them OK, but their live shows are great.
  6. Thanks, PM inbound. It was a couple of recipes I found on the Web, and just used the 100% real, frozen grape juice concentrate containers from the grocery store. I think the first one was 2 containers of concentrate and 1 cup of sugar, the second recipe was 1 container of concentrate and 2 cups sugar. Both were done in 1 gallon water jugs, with enough water to fill it up after the juice and sugar were added. I used special wine making yeast from the wine making supply store in town. Of the two recipes, the one with more sugar went crazy, fermenting really fast for about a week, then slowed down to a slow bubble for another three weeks or so and then stopped. The other recipe bubbled at a steady pace for about 6 weeks. I really need to start again. I don't have a good place to keep it other than my unfinished basement, and it gets cold down there, which I understand is not good for the fermentation process. Once spring rolls around, I'll probably start up again. I went to the used book store and found a wine making book. It has several recipes in the back. Most of them are pretty involved, using real fruit, or other natural ingredients, like flowers, or honey. Right now I need to keep it simple. I may try some of the concentrate they sell at the wine making store. It's enough for 5 gallons I think.
  7. I tried it a few months ago. Just made some HOBO wine from fruit juice concentrate. We bottled it up in November. I tasted a little bit of it while I was siphoning it into the bottles. It was not very tasty, and burned in my stomach. I'm hoping that after it sits for 6 months it will be better, but I have a feeling I will be disappointed. I have a buddy who is pretty good at it. He is going to have me come over the next time he makes a batch so I can learn from him. The whole process is pretty cool though. I love watching it bubble up during fermentation.
  8. I was living and working in Boynton Beach, FL, which is just south of West Palm Beach. Even though we were 200 miles south of the launch, on a clear day we could easily see the rocket glare and the vapor trails. We almost always stepped outside to watch it live, so we knew what a normal launch looked like. I knew immediately that this was not a typical launch. I will never forget the way the vapor trail broke off into a Y shape. Very sad day in American history.
  9. I got my renewal notice in the mail about three months before my permit expired. I mailed it right in and got it back about two weeks later. Best way to go.
  10. MILLER: I bought a gun, but... - Washington Times Here's another entry in Emily's blog about her quest to get a gun in DC. She's jumped through all their hoops and done everything by the (not very well written) book, adn finally ordered her gun. But it's not over yet. There are more fees to pay, and tests to take before she can claim the gun she bought and paid for. Unbelievable!
  11. To me, they always seem so amature-ish. Every week it's the same thing: We got this gun we're going to build, we got a strict timeline, and something goes wrong. It's always a last minute rig job at the range to get it working. I know that part of it is the drama factor, but if it were my company and I was trying to sell guns, I'd want to look like I absolutely knew what I was doing. Looks like this season we're going to have the love story angle too, what with the "Family arm band, made from Wil's own hands". Puleeeze.
  12. If that had happened to my son, my new hobby would have been sitting in front of the store on weekends with a sign that said, "My son got fired for having cancer". Then once I was there, I call a news station or two. If the manager came out and said he could have his job back I'd tell him to get lost.
  13. Go to the police department, which is where you have to pay and get a key. They have maps they can give you to get the rest of the way. Here is where the police station is: Google Maps
  14. Very clever of Boyd to get thrown back in jail. I was wondering what he was up to. All in all, I thought it was a slow opener, but it looks like it will build up nicely.
  15. I'd definitely be up for some backpacking. I did three days two nights on the AT this past fall. They were 10 mile days, which most people would probably find do-able. My knees gave out around mile 5, so I determined that I no longer enjoy long hikes. The rest of the trip was miserable for me. I had a hard time walking for weeks, and my knees hurt for months. So, my idea of a great hike these days is 5 or six miles to the shelter, and relax. I might go long again one day, but I'm going to have to work up to it and see if the knees will get stronger. I've hiked a lot at Frozen Head, and done many overnights there. The fire tower is worth the hike, and the view is great, but the campsite is aweful. It is at the base of a Cell Tower, with all kinds of electric wires and humming sounds coming from it. It would be better to stay at Tubbs Springs, just down from the tower, and then side trip up for the view. Tubbs is right next to the water source, has room for a few dozen campers, and it's nice and flat. My favorite site there is just a half mile from Tubbs at the rock house. Its a big rock house cave, adn the site is in the cave. I've been there before in downpours, and been able to enjoy a nice warm campfire and stay perfectly dry.
  16. MILLER: Why I still haven Emily has another new post on her site. She's determined which gun she wants and is hitting roadblocks in being able to buy it. It's D.C. so that is no big surprise. I found it odd her comment about the post office not delivering mail to police HQ. But, like I said, it's D.C.
  17. You'll probably have to fiddle around with the camera settings. Set the ISO up high, starting around 800 or 1000. The higher you go, the grainier the picture will be, so keep going till you find it unacceptable. Set the camera for shutter priority and start with 1/250 of a second and work up. You'll want a fast shutter speed to stop the action. Try mixing high ISO with high shutter till you get the combination that works for you.
  18. I'm sooo looking forward to this season. Justified became one of my favorite shows. I really like the Boyd character. I'm kind of disappointed that he has left the "straight and narrow". I thought it made for great tension him being all reformed. You never quite knew if he was serious, or just playing some angle. Now it seems that he will be on the wrong side of the law, I'm a little disappointed. I hope he and Raylan "team up" for action. I like it when the good guy is a little bad, and the bad guy is a little good.
  19. Well, the final show of the season aired this week. This show actually turned out to be one of my favorites. Even my wife, who could care less about it when I told her about it at the beginning of the season, is looking forward to season two. Has anyone paid attention to the names of the actors at the beginning of the show? Anson Mount, Colm Meany, Common. Those names sound like they should be the character's names.
  20. Some people just ain't right
  21. Then he loaded a full Clip into it.
  22. Microsoft Clamps Down on Virtual Guns on Xbox LIVE Apparently Microsoft is taking an anti-gun stance on it's XBox Live Marketplace. Vendors will no longer be allowed to sell avatars that are gun related. Ones that have previously been purchased can remain, but no new ones can be sold. Sheesh, first Google, now Microsoft. What's this world coming to?
  23. I saw the Oakridger article online yesterday: Incident involving Oak Ridge officers going to Knox DA - Oak Ridge, TN - The Oak Ridger If you read the comments section, there is someone who claims that he has inside knowledge, but won't say what, but that everything is not as it appears in print. Time will tell, I guess.
  24. I saw on the news last night that Tebow threw for 316 yards, and had an average of 31.6 yards per completion. They were asking if it is a coincidence that he frequently wears a John 3:16 reference during games.
  25. How to Choose the Perfect Survival Knife: 6 Features to Look For | The Art of Manliness Nice article on what to look for when selecting a survival knife.


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