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Everything posted by analog_kidd

  1. In my earlier post, I was responding to the OP comment about state parks. I have never seen any bears, or evidence of any, in in state parks I've been backpacking in. I did a 3 day / 2 night trip last fall in the GSMNP, and while I personally did not see any bears, we met folks on the trail who had just crossed paths with a few. They all said the bears saw them and ran away. I have seen bears from my car while driving through the park. So, it would appear from my limited experience that the park has a fairly good population of bears. It may be due to the fact of the greater contiguous land mass, they have a better chance of reproducing and staying out of peoples way. I do carry a pistol when backpacking. I do also know that the GSMNP rangers take the bears very seriously, and don't like it when anyone else gets rid of them. I'd say if you actually used a gun to defend yourself from a bear, you would have a pretty good chance of spending some time in jail, or at the very least spending a lot of money on a lawyer. I still think the bear spray is the best option - for bears.
  2. This is exactly how we do it too. I get my check, we take it to the bank and deposit it, and withdraw cash. My wife has it all figured out exactly how much and what bills. For instance, for a two week period, we each get a hundred bucks for gas and twenty for incidentals. I like mine in 50's and a 20, my wife likes hers in all 20's. She walks into the bank, hands them a list that says 7-$20, 2-$50, etc. When she gets home she puts the cash in envelopes for each of us.
  3. In all of the backpacking I've done, I've never seen a bear in the back country. That's not to say that they are not there or not something to worry about, but I just think they hear me and move on. I have seen a pack of wild hogs, which probably scare me more than a bear. They moved along with a bit of shouting. I really think the bear spray, as mentioned above, is the best option for you. They make it with holsters, so it's easy to strap on to your waist or your pack, they spray quite a distance, and would definitely be a deterrent to all dangerous critters, two or four legged.
  4. If any of your friends have a carry permit, just have them carry a spare in their pack. You don't get to handle it unless there is an emergency. I carry when I backpack, and there is never a good way to carry it that it is readily accessible. I've always thought that it might make sense to carry each other's firearm. If I carry mine in my pack, I have to take off the pack to reach it. If it's in a buddy's pack, I can take it right out as long as he is next to me.
  5. Looks like someone has a little bit of common sense in DC. Emily reports that changes are coming... http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/feb/29/victory-for-gun-rights-in-dc/
  6. Last time I had this happen to me, I saw the guy hitting up another customer, so I was prepared. He started to walk towards me, and I just stopped him in his tracks. I shouted out to hi to "keep on walking." Every time he started to speak, I would interrupt him, with something like "I don't care" or "I don't want to hear about it". It totally threw him off and he walked away mumbling something under his breath.
  7. You can kind of do that with a Google Voice account. I think you can set a list of people that can call you directly and your phone rings, another group that get sent straight to voicemail, and another group that are blocked. They also just announced that they have a new texting and phone Spammer blocklist that you can enable. Of course you still have to have a real phone, with a number that anyone can call, but if you were to get a new phone number that no one ever knew, and then tied your Google Voice account to that new number and only gave out the Google number, it might cut down some of the junk. I always give businesses my Google number, that way I can block them later if needed.
  8. I always have fun with them. If a telemarketer calls and asks for me by my name, I start acting all freaked out and then tell them that I'm in the Witness Protection Program, and that they contacted me with my old name on my new phone number, and if you can find me then they can too. They usually get real concerned for me. We used to get the phone company calling to get us to add long distance to our plan. My wife signed us up when we moved here so they always asked for her. I would tell them that she was in, but her phone privileges had been taken away. They would always ask if she was my WIFE, and I would say yes and that she might be allowed to use the phone in a week or so. Freaks them out. If it's a man on the phone, I'll sometimes make up a story about how they sound real familiar, and didn't we meet at such and such place one time, and aren't you the guy who likes to cuddle. That one usually gets me called some bad words.
  9. That's why I carry a gun with a grip safety, so I know it won't go off when I'm twirling it around.
  10. I love how you'll be watching a movie that takes place in Chicago or NY City, and a cop pats down a thuggish citizen and finds a gun. The citizen says "I've got a permit for that", adn the cop lets them go. I always laugh because I know full well there is no way that could be true. I'm certain this is why most people think you have to have a permit for a gun.
  11. AND, even if it did turn around after years or decades, the SCOTUS Judges rarely if ever overturn a ruling by a previous court. So any rulings that a left leaning court ruled on would likely remain forever.
  12. I think the law says its illegal if you deface a bill with the intent to make it unusable, or alter it's value. A slogan or picture in an inconspicuous area would probably not break that law. That said, I don't know how effective it would be either. I mean really, how often have you received a $2 bill in change. So, you would get the bills from the bank, mark them, use them at the store, where the clerk doesn't have time to look at it, and probably puts it under the till because there is no slot in the register for the $2 bill, then the bills get bagged up and sent right back to the bank. The bank may reissue it to someone who requests it, or they may see the markings and send it back to the reserve to be destroyed. Regardless, it's not going to get much circulation.
  13. My question is, why did the arm fall off? They used guns to kill all the Walkers. They didn't hack any of them up, except the Mom who got a sycle through the head, not the arms. The arm was attached to the Walker when it got shot. Maybe I'm over thinking it.
  14. Seriously? You think I'm not smart enough to just buy two of the smaller ones? So now, instead of buying the 250 calorie big bar, I'll just get two of the 150 calorie bars, for a 50 calorie increase. Brilliant! I'm sure Mars thought of this too. They can now sell two bars, make more money, and blame it on Michelle.
  15. If I find some big guy aggressively arguing with MY pregnant wife, I'm pushing him away too. Sorry, I side with and protect my wife every time. What really sucks is the husband got arrested for battery. If I was the cop and had time to cool down, I don't think I would have pressed those charges. If I was the cop's boss, I think I would have recommended he not press those charges. There's no way it can go good for him when a jury finds out the husband was protecting his wife who was expecting any day.
  16. They've been talking about this guy on Fox News the last few days. Seems that several years ago, he was a staunch conservative, railing against the evil Clintons.Now he is a die hard liberal and Fox is the evil foe. He was straight, now he is gay. He did a stint in the looney bin (so he probably couldn't get a carry permit), and a lot of his ideas come from conspiracy theories. Sounds like he is seriously bi-polar, may even have a bit of schizophrenia.
  17. Has anybody ever seen $1 bills marked with a Where's George stamp? They usually say something like "www.wheresgeorge.com currency tracking program", and the words are formed in a circle around the seal. If something like this were done to mark the $2 bill with some pro 2nd amendment phrase, it might be worthwhile. Otherwise people would just go "Huh, a $2 bill, neat"
  18. Nope, clearly gun bans are working, as indicated by the fact that the robber didn't use one. It's quite obvious that we aren't doing enough to support the down-trodden, otherwise this poor misguided individual would not have been forced into a life of crime. It certainly was not his fault. </sarcasm>
  19. http://www.washingtontimes.com/blog/guns/2012/feb/8/miller-emily-got-her-gun/ It only took several months and several hundred dollars, but Emily finally got her gun! All I can say is DC is messed up. Like she says in her article, a criminal can get a gun in a few minutes with no paperwork, but Law-abiding citizens have to take a five-hour class that is only taught outside of the District, pay $465 in fees, sign six forms, pass a written test on gun laws, get fingerprinted, be subject to a police ballistics test and take days off work. Here is the link to her blog site with all of the articles: http://www.washingtontimes.com/blog/guns/
  20. First house I ever bought, we looked at the house, looked at it again, drove around the neighborhood a couple of times, and decided to buy it. We went to the Realtor's office and put down our earnest money, which was a lot for us at the time, then we decided to take one more drive past the house that was soon to become ours. That is when we realized that the airport was due east of the house, and the flight-path for the big 747's was directly over my next door neighbor's house. We could practically see the people looking out of the windows of the plane. It was a big disappointment, but we learned to live with it. We had fun with it sometimes. They were very loud, and sometimes set off peoples car alarms. Always made phone calls and watching TV interesting. Occasionally if the wind was wrong, the planes would take off in our direction instead of landing, which made it 10 times louder. We always joked that it was because Donald Trump was in town, and he lived on the other side of the airport from us.
  21. Do a Google search for "Free Avatars" and there are tons of pages out there that have them. Find one you like, right-click it and select "Save Image As". Pick a folder and name that you can remember. Then follow Garufa's directions to change your avatar.
  22. Tax lien auctions are a great way to get real estate on the cheap, but there are some gotchas. First of all, the current owners, the ones who didn't pay the tax, have a whole year to try and wrangle up the money to pay you back and clear their name. They have to pay you back what you bought it for plus some percentage on top of that. Meanwhile, they get to live in or use the property for that whole year. So, even if you get paid back, you get interest on your money, and it's a win for you. For land, no problem, but if it's a house you want to use for rentals or for your own residence, they could pretty much destroy it before you legally get to take possession. Even so, if you paid $10,000 for the house, the land is probably going to be worth that, so, you'll probably come out ahead, but it could be frustrating. And getting them to actually move out may involve an officer. Still, it could be a great investment, if you have the year to wait.
  23. I had a '72 Ford Pinto. My dad bought it for me for just a few hundred bucks, and thought that it would keep me out of trouble by keeping me in the garage. Backfired on him because other than an oil leak, the car ran great. I'd put oil in it when I put gas in it, and it kept on running. The car had an AM radio that someone had added some kind of FM receiver add on. You had to tune it to a certain AM channel and turn on the FM receiver. IT also had an 8-track player on a separate system, with separate speakers. You could play the radio and tapes at the same time. And this one never exploded
  24. I made it too. Very nice. Pages seem to load very quickly.
  25. Article says the ad will call for a crackdown on illegal sales of guns. Hmm, didn't Bloomberg have his guys go out an illegally buy a bunch of guns? Maybe he should start the crackdown by arresting himself. Also says the ad will only run regionally, not nationally. Probably didn't want to spend all that money on a national ad, when a bunch of people from places like Tennessee would just laugh at it.


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