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Everything posted by analog_kidd

  1. First concert I ever went to was a Cheap Trick show. My best friend's mom took us. I loved Nielson's guitar, and how he used to do that jump move. And the drummer, who always looked like he just got off work at the office. Here is one of my favorite CT songs, that never got any airplay:
  2. The definition between posts is perfect and that made it 10 times easier for me to read. Maybe it's just my monitor, but I still can barely detect any shading in the quote box. The quote text is italicized, and slightly dimmed, so that does help a bit, but still if the background of the quotes could be darkened up just a touch, I think that would help. Overall, though, I really like what you've done with the place
  3. Because that is the new formula for every TV show now. To be a successful show, they have to be racially diverse with at least one black person. they have to have a strong female lead that makes the male lead look like a doofus, and she can do anything the men can do, and do it better. And they have to have a gay character. Another show I watch recently revealed that the black female lead was also gay. They went for the trifecta. What bugs me is the dramatic "Surprise!" that they always do to introduce them as lovers. It's almost like they have to dramatically reveal it and make a big deal over it. If it's so natural, then why make a big deal. And the fact that they have to keep showing it with way more regularity than they show straight couples being amorous. I'm sorry, but seeing two men kissing just skeeves me out. Let them be gay, I don't care, but I don't want to see that.
  4. I think what everyone is perceiving as being washed out is a lack of definition in the grey areas. For instance there is a border around each post that is slightly darker than the white background of the posters text. To me, it's not enough contrast to really show the division between the posts. It's so faint that it's almost a distraction instead of a help. Also the box that contains quoted text is barely visible to me. Its almost like it's a part of the actual post. I really have to squint to see that it is darker than the post. Contrast in this box really helps as a visual queue to something I've already read, sparks the memory and I can read the reply without having to determine that it actually was a quote and a reply. The other place I really notice it is on a multi page thread, the page numbers at the bottom of the page. The page you are currently on is ever so slightly darker than the rest of the pages. So slight that I just have to read the "Page X of Y" pulldown just to see where I am. If these could be darkened up a bit, I think it would be a big improvement to the readability of the pages. Caveat: I am pretty color blind, so I never know if what I see looks off because it's me or if it really is off. (I can't tell you how many purple things I own because they looked blue when I bought them) But in terms of grey scale I'm usually pretty good.
  5. There are a couple of things I'm loving so far: When I read a post and go back to the forum, I immediately see that post as marked read. On the old software I had to hit refresh, or leave that forum and click back into it to see the posts as marked read. I really like being able to hover over a thread and get the popup for the first or last post of the thread. The old software had that ability too, but I felt it was clunkier. I also like the paragraph spacing when you hit enter. Used to have to hit enter twice to get any real definition between paragraphs.
  6. I noticed quoted posts in other threads are not showing up correctly. In general chat, some threads the quoted text is just indented, not enclosed in a shaded box. This thread here in support looks good, tho. I noticed all posts were marked read for me around the time of the upgrade. It had been a week since I logged on, and only posts from the last day or so are unread. One cool thing I like, when I read a thread and use my back button to get to the forum, that thread I just read has been marked read. They were always marked read, but didn't show up as read until I refreshed my browser.
  7. I commend AIM for owning up and providing the credit monitoring, but I don't have a whole lot of faith in most of those services.   I've been caught up in two hacking incidents at work, and the one from Home Depot a while back. In all three cases, I was provided credit monitoring services. A coworker (who was included in one of the work hacks) was buying a house, and the bank refused him a loan, due to his massive credit card balance. He told them he didn't keep a balance on any credit cards. Apparently, someone had opened a credit card in his name and racked up a ton of debt.   He called the monitoring company to find out what was up, and they said "Oh, sorry, we missed that one." He said "That's OK, you'll make it right, right?" to which they said, "Oh, no. We are just a MONITORING company. It's on you to get it all cleaned up"   It's not like they are the ones out there that guarantee you won't get hacked. They just let you know that the damage has already been done.
  8. #5 looks very similar to the mine entrances you can see from I-40 at Crab Orchard, just East of Crossville. They cut stones out of the side of the mountain there that are used for siding and patio stones.   #4, I swear I have been there, but can't recall where that is. For some reason, I want to say it is in Pickett State Park, just West of TN side of the Big South Fork.
  9. Nearly 30 years ago now, my wife an I got married outside at may parents house. They lived in the country and the setting made a nice out doors wedding. Right in the middle of the ceremony, one of those ice cream trucks came through the neighborhood.I think every kid in the neighborhood must have rode their bikes down and converged right in front of the house. That ice cream truck must have stayed for 10 or 15 minutes, blasting the stupid song.     The music must have set off something in one of the neighbor's chickens. As soon as they drove away, the chicken started clucking and bawking, for another 5 minutes while it was squeezing out an egg.   You can hear it all clear as day on the video someone took. Once the commotion died died down, we all kinda had a good laugh. All these years and we still remember those things and recall them fondly.   So, no, the ice cream truck doesn't bother me. But I can't even remember the last time I saw one around here.
  10.   Thanks for that! Very interesting sounds. I love discovering someone I've never heard of, whose music I find that I enjoy.
  11. I recently had to go to a specialist for a "procedure" (I turned 50, you older guys know what I'm talking about). I had to fill out a form with all kinds of stupid questions. While there weren't any gun related questions, the questions were not relevant at all to the procedure I was having done. If it wasn't a question that helped them with billing (name, address, insurance, etc.) or my medical history, I left it blank. I was ready to put up a fight when I delivered it, but they never even gave it a second look.   Somewhat off-topic, but what I really want is an option to opt out of having all my medical info stored up in the Government cloud. The government does not pay for my insurance, nor any of my healthcare. It's none of their damned business what my blood pressure is, or what prescriptions I am on. I always worry that eventually they will say "Anyone taking prescription XYZ should not be allowed to own guns". And if they know who owns guns thanks to doctor's questionnaires, they can say "Sorry, your spouse is taking XYZ, you can't have guns in your house at all".
  12. I really liked this episode. Everything Carol did while a captive was just an act. She is a master of psychological warfare.   Her crisis at the end of the show was a realization that she is just like Red, and at any moment could become heartless and unfeeling just like her. I think the fact that she knew her kill number was 18 was something for her to hold on to that lives still matter. whereas Red had just stopped counting.   This business of everyone being Negan is interesting to me. Carol knew the secret, but Rick was hasty to off the guy at the end who said he was Negan. He would have been better off keeping him alive a bit longer. I think he was about to spill it.
  13.   You know, It occurred to me that this happens occasionally on my wife's laptop; the trackpad just stops working. There is a little switch on her laptop to disable the trackpad that somehow accidentally gets set to off. Many times there is a function key combination that will also disable it. You might check the laptop documentation and see if yours has either of these. Perhaps your trackpad is just temporarily disabled.   As an alternative, plug in a wireless mouse. My work laptop has Bluetooth, and I have a mouse that works with it. I've gotten to where I hate using the trackpad now.
  14.   I don't know about the fingerprint scanner, but likely it and the touchpad just need an updated driver. Go to the manufacturers web site, and look up your model laptop and see if they have a new driver for each, made specifically for Win10. You might also look in the system tray, the area next to the clock in the bottom right corner and see if there is an applet running for either of them. You might just discover that the devices are turned off. You may need to click the little up arrow chevron in the system tray to reveal more applets. Hover over each applet and look at what it is. If you find one that looks like it might be for the device, right-click it and see if there is a settings or options menu item.   As far as the networking, were you connecting via a Homegroup? If so, then did you upgrade the computer that was the master? You may just need to recreate the homegroup, and then go to each of the other PC's and rejoin to the new homegroup. I recall I had to do that when I upgraded. Click in the Cortana search bar next to the start button and type "Homegroup". Click on the homegroup control panel and verify your settings. You may need to leave the current homegroup and recreate a new one. If you do recreate, remember your password, and then go to each of your other PC's and leave / rejoin there as well.   Good luck
  15. Run with it for a while, and keep at it. Eventually you'll figure it all out. Google is your friend for trying to find info quickly. Just start all your searches with "Windows 10 How do I ..." and you'll have lot of info. after a while it will feel normal. You'll use an old PS with Win 7 or XP on it, and it will seem archaic and clunky.
  16.   I think it was at the very end of the show. It was Walkie-talkie lady, another lady and a guy, all holding Maggie and Carol. 
  17. The savior lady on the walkie talkie looked familiar to me. Not sure if I recall her from a different show (Justified perhaps) or was she one of the ones that Darryl had a run-in with when he was in the woods that one day. The one where a lady was diabetic and after escaping, he brought her meds back.   The interesting thing to me is, so far the Saviors have been a blood bath against our heroes. Every one of them they have gone up against has been killed, with none of Rick's group getting killed. For all the hype of Negan being such a badass, his group has not proved it yet.
  18. I was convinced (and still haven't ruled it out) that some critter was getting into our hen house and eating their food. I put a game camera in front of the food dispenser and left it there for a day and a half. It captured 1572 pictures! I looked thru every single one of them. Never saw a single critter, but got some great chicken butt pics.
  19. I know the Google Photos app will upload photos and videos taken from your phone or tablet to your Google Drive. It can be set up to do it automatically always, or only when on Wi-Fi. The only thing is, if someone gets the password to your phone, then they likely will have access to your Google Drive area too, and could delete files from there as well.
  20.   The trick you need to know is, once you search for the app in Cortana, right-click it and select either Pin to Start, or Pin to Taskbar. The first one will add it to one of the tiles you see when you click on the Start button. From there you can rearrange the tile or resize it. The second option will add the app to the task bar at the bottom of your screen. It will always be there, whether it is running or not. You'll know it is running if there is a light bar under the icon on the taskbar.
  21. Stumbled upon these guys the other day. Reminds me a bit of Stevie Ray   https://youtu.be/fz2wWwJwzsw  
  22. I'm an IT guy, and I have to keep up with the latest MS stuff, so I forced myself to use and get used to Win8.1. I didn't like it at first, but I learned to get around in it. Eventually when I got the interface kinks worked out, I was OK with it.    I did upgrade to Win 10, and I think it is SO much better than 8.1. I know folks that resisted the Win8 upgrade due to the drastic interface change, and they have been able to deal with the Win 10 interface much better. They just jumped right in and figured it out. Mostly that is due to the Start Button being back.   I've not found anything that didn't work after the upgrade. There may be some tweaking to do to make it more user friendly for me. All in all I really like Win 10. It's what Win 8 should have been. This interface is just enough different than Win7 to make it feel more modern, but just enough like it to still feel familiar in getting around.   I'd say give it some more time and see if you can't work out the kinks.What specifically don't you like about it? Perhaps we can help make it more to your liking.
  23. I would love to see manufacturers start holding the Gov accountable for the price of stuff. Something along the lines of a note on the label that says something like "$0.35 of this can of tuna goes to cover government regulation" or $0.65 of each gallon of this gas goes to tax". or at the very least one of those square barcode link things that could take you to a web site with current info. I think it would open up the eyes of some consumers.   Of course the next thing that would happen is a law prohibiting that practice.  :tinfoil:
  24. Reminded me of this: How to leave your hotel room
  25. If you are just backing up a few gigs of personal data, a free solution like Dropbox, Google Drive, or Microsoft One Drive will probably meet your needs. They all have a program you can install locally. You edit the setting of the program to point it at the folders where your files are and it will automatically backup your files. I personally use Google Drive. They start you off with 15gb of space. The last two years Google ran a "Internet Safety Day" and if you participated they kicked in another two gigs each time. That is plenty of space for me to keep my personal files. I also have my phone linked up to Drive and any pictures I take end up there as well. If I let Google down-convert my pics to something like 12 megapixle resolution, the y don't count the files against my space quota.   Your PC is made of of dozens of gigabytes of files, most of which are Operating System and Programs. Really all you need to worry about is backing up your personal data. If your PC tanks, you'll reinstall the O/S and all the apps. Your files are what is not easily replaceable.    Right-click on the folders that hold teh files you are interested in backing up and select properties. That will tell you how much data you are looking at.


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