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Everything posted by brent_strong

  1. Looking for some advice and your experience on how to sell and ship a pistol to a buyer in California. I listed a pistol on armslist and have had a couple different people in CA asking about it and whether I'd be able to ship it to an FFL there. What would the process be to protect myself and do this legally? Should I have an FFL here ship it? What sort of paperwork do I need to protect myself? Thanks for any help!
  2. Great, thanks all! I'll be making some more notes in my log on things to try. I fired about 20 of each of these last week with no issues :)
  3. Nope, just plinking. I haven't shot anything yet, so I don't have a feel for how much is needed to cycle my gun. CZ 75 SP-01 No more than 25yds (indoor ranges). May try 50 someday. Looking to plink with good accuracy. Definitely agree witty your philosophy of not abusing the equipment!
  4. Compared to my manual, Alliant's data is quite hot.  From what I remember (no manual nearby), the range was 4.0min to 5.0gr max for that 124gr bullet in the manual, but Alliant specified 5.8.  I think both the Hornady and Lyman are significantly lower than Alliant, but I'll definitely double check.  I also seem to remember that Alliant's data recommends longer OALs, so I guess that might explain how they can recommend so much more powder without an overpressure.   On COAL, ok, that seems reasonable.  I tested the max COAL my barrel will accept with the 124g RN, but I need to for the other bullets.  I'll see about standardizing on a relatively long COAL and then tuning the powder like you suggested.   Thanks!
  5. Load #3: Projectile: Berry's plated 114gr RN Powder:  4.5gr Unique OAL:  1.110" OAL Primer: CCI Small Pistol
  6. Worked up a couple 9mm loads based on Alliant's website, the Lyman manual, and the Hornady manual, but I'd really like some confirmation that these are reasonable loads.     Load #1: Projectile:  Berry's plated 124gr RN Powder: 4.5gr Alliant Unique OAL: 1.125" Primer: CCI Small Pistol     Load #2: Projectile:  Montana Gold 124gr JHP Powder:  4.8gr Unique OAL:  1.110" Primer: CCI Small Pistol     Any recommendations?   I'm working with spare bullets that a member here gave me, so I loaded all 28 of the Berry's RN with Load #1.  I loaded 22 with recipe #2, but have plenty more of the Montana Gold if someone thinks I should work the charge or OAL up or down.   I'm prepping another 100 cases and would like to load the spare 10-20 Berry's 114gr that I have and another 80ish of the Montana Golds based on feedback I get.   Thanks for the advice!
  7. Right now it seems like you can get 40 per thousand for decent 9mm brass (with the brands you listed). Not too bad for just scooping it up off the floor. The people I've seen selling it for around that price seem to have high demand and eventually sell out of it.
  8. That's just outstanding customer service! I just spend some significant money on RCBS products, so hearing things like this makes me pretty happy and confident in them!
  9. Sounds good, that fits my schedule well too. I should have my setup nailed down by then and have the room organized :).
  10. I would definitely take you up on this. I'm finishing up my reloading room now and am only lacking primers from being able to assemble a full cartridge.
  11. It's seems like a good deal and is from a vendor. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/66295-rcbs-supreme-master-reloading-kit/
  12. Yup, I just checked mine from Academy too and they're 40rds. Oh well...
  13. Thanks for the heads-up! I picked up one of the 325 packs and there are now two left!
  14. David, what hours are you open? And is the address to your place posted somewhere? I didn't see it on your website. Thanks!
  15. I've had good luck with AT&T U-Verse for home service.
  16. Should be very easy...not much harder than removing the steering wheel. Disconnect the battery before you do it and you won't have to worry about the airbag, should be a few bolts to remove the airbag from the center of the wheel, then one bolt around 20-30mm depending on the car. Take that off and you can remove the steering wheel. Might take some "encouragement". Worst case, an auto parts store will loan you a steering wheel puller tool. Once that's off, the clock spring should be right there...
  17. No luck on the 9mm.  Said maybe next week.  
  18. Man, I'd LOVE to have a crack at buying one of those.  Just picked up a Buckmark for the wifey and we're both dying to break it in!   If anyone has a crack at a brick, I'd be happy to reimburse you for it and a little for your time/hassle!
  19.    Hah, yeah. I'll swing by tomorrow and report on what I find. Cool Springs. Get off of I-65 on exit 69, head west on Moore's lane. It's in a little plaza about a mile down the road, near General George Patton Dr.
  20. They're supposed to be getting in a massive shipment (I think they said something like 150k rounds) of 9mm on Wednesday.  Hoping it's in the 0.30-0.35/rd range...but I have no idea.  
  21. Probably should have posted back here a while ago with my but I'm finally doing it now. I would 100% recommend Steve and have been thrilled with his work. I'm very happy I checked here for a recommendation!
  22. Very cool! Some .45 would be great!   Thanks!
  23. My friend is an automotive engineer in Detroit right now and is really hoping to be able to move down to Nashville, but hasn't been finding a whole lot of openings around Nashville.   Does anyone know of any leads, companies, contacts, or ideas on finding something like this?  It doesn't need to be automotive based...   He's extremely talented and has at least dabbled in most portions of automotive engineering, lately he's been working on designing OEM cooling systems.  He's got about 10 years of experience and is proficient in a few different CAD systems as well.   Thanks for any help...don't leave this poor guy stranded in Detroit!!
  24.   Bolded this...it's the absolute truth!  I got paired up with a great guy named Brian who helped me a ton with learning to pull targets well.  Ended up employing an Australian guy who just came to watch as my scorer, since the relays were a bit unbalanced...it was really cool of him to pitch in and help even though he wasn't a part of the match!
  25.   Yup, he was!  Shooting a blue AR-10-type 6.5 Creedmore custom deal.  I was there on Saturday, but spent Sunday with food poisoning...but way worse was knowing that I had all the equipment and ammo sitting in the next room over, if only I could drag my a** out of bed and get to the range!  Oh well...   Sounds like your son had a great day!  1000yds is no joke - I had plenty of trouble gauging conditions on only 600!  Managed to shoot a great set of 10, but followed it up with a mediocre next 10 because the wind was changing more quickly and sprinking in some snow.


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