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Everything posted by maddog909

  1. I have a SW990L in 40 that i carry regularly. No problem with the round at all. Still get fairly tight groupings.
  2. Something similar happened to myself and a friend. We were pulled out of our car and beaten badly. While my friend was being beaten with chains in the middle of the street about fifteen others were doing everything they could to kick my brains out.......still have a knob on the back of my head forty years later. Why people act like this is beyond comprehension. Good to hear that in this instance the man had enough sense not to pull his piece out and start shooting..........could have made a really bad situation even worse.
  3. Maybe one of those bellyband things would work. I've been considering it but haven't tried it yet.
  4. So that explains the annoying pain I have in my shoulder, knees and hands. And here I thought it was just arthritis. First thing tomorrow morning I'm going to buy half inch steel siding for the home, rolls of heavy duty aluminum foil and wax paper for hats......everyone knows it's the wax paper layer that diffuses any radio frequencies and cosmic rays from turning brains into raspberry jelly. All that and I suppose I should begin digging a tunnel deep into the mountains, assuming I don't run into the tunnels dug by the reptilians who, as everyone knows, have made a pact with the authorities to shrink our heads so they can dangle them from the rearview mirrors of their UFO's.
  5. ??????? Who can add anything to that?
  6. Another state on my list of places I'll never visit or drive through.
  7. The family members...." He wasn't a bad person." No, not at all, just good kids armed and committing robbery. Considering the concerned citizen.......he's not a cop. Unless the robbers where actually threatening him he probably made the wrong move. Not sure about Pennsylvania law though.
  8. Obviously an example of............."alien technology". I can just imagine the look of astonishment on the face of a thug if you were to pull that thing out.
  9. Renewed mine last spring and it has my DL # only....... When did this start?
  10. I carry owb in a crossdraw position......no problem drawing from the driver position. Works for me.
  11. Apparently the first amendment or the constitution in general has no meaning in New Jersey. Must suck living in that sad excuse for a state.
  12. Even though I ride a sport bike it amazes me how some folks like tale gate. Scary because I can stop a lot faster than cagers. What I have discovered is how fast they back off when a wad of chew splatters on their windshield.
  13. The problem is.....you just don't know. Someone might start a fight, you don't know if he's going to let up after he nails you. A friend and I were pulled out of a car by a gang from below the border years ago. At least a dozen of them formed a circle and began punching me till I went down. Then they took turns kicking me in the head till I stopped moving. My friend was pulled out in the middle of the street and was beaten with chains. They obviously didn't kill either one of us but I did receive a fractured skull..... My friend received broken ribs and more. We weren't cruising for a bruising, just stopped at a stoplight. We were apparently lucky because this same gang literally kicked the brains out a customer on the front step of a pizza parlor a week later. You just don't know what an attackers intent is. Back then I never considered being armed but since then I don't go out without protection. If I get attacked the weapon will come out and the perp can decide if it's worth it. As much as some folks like to live in denial there are some pretty rotten nasty people out there who have absolutely no conscience.
  14. Great. That has to give you some anxiety relief. Hope you get it back soon.
  15. Sent my e-mail of to Senator Corker reminding him of his promise to defend our 2nd Amendment rights.......and reminding him that he let us down once and it won't happen again if he wants re-elected. We'll see how good his word is.
  16. Even more disturbing than the guy explaining his petition are the people signing it. What is happening to this country?
  17. I had an extractor problem with my SW990L. S&W sent me a Fed-Ex shipping label and two weeks later I received the firearm back good as new. I was impressed with the no hassle way they treated me. Wish car warranty work was as painless.
  18. How do people this profoundly stupid get elected? How do people this out of touch with reality dress themselves each day. Unbelievable!
  19. Sorry, I didn't know this was a beaten to death topic.........been out of commission the past few weeks due to surgery and haven't been checking the inter web lately. Didn't mean to get people riled up.
  20. Interesting but these are the type of stories they don't put on the news. I've often wondered how many potential crime situations were stopped before the bad guy got his way. I had a jerk try to rob me in Minneapolis. He had a knife I had nothing but it was one of the worst weeks I'd had......car broke down, having to ride the bus, land lady's dog crapping on my bed amount other irritating things. I pretended to be reaching into my jacket for a wallet and noticed he was not paying attention. I hit him square in the nose as hard as I could sending him down on his knees, hisnhands covered with blood. I did not report it to the police although I imagine the doctor may have that evening when I found I had broken my hand on this crackheads face.
  21. Considering the source of the study it doesn't surprise me in the least. The AMA is one of the most biased organizations around. They have a knack for tying together two unrelated events and finding an amazing correlation. Unfortunately many believe everything they are told no matter how illogical it may seem. In 3rd quarter biochemistry we had to read many of their supposed studies only to find that many were poorly designed which led me to believe they were created to prove a point either political, social or economic. None the less there are those out there who don't rely on critical thinking before making decisions.
  22. The little lady and I were at the Bristol Tn walmart today to pick up a few supplies. We had decided that each payday we should probably buy a box of ammo for each of us and build a little stock pile. I went over to the cabinet where they keep the ammo and was shocked to find that there was absolutely not one box of handgun caliber ammunition to be found, just hunting rounds for rifle and shotgun.....and not much of that. I've had the feeling that the anti-gun crowd realizes they have an uphill battle trying to eliminate our 2nd amendment rights and they might use the easiest way to get their way.........limit accessibility to ammunition and tax it to the point where no one can afford it. I've got a bad feeling about this, especially after reading this morning that homeland security has recently purchased a billion rounds. Is this how it will begin?
  23. Haven't handled a lot of firearms but when I looked for mine I was particular to how it felt. I was leaning towards a Walther P99 but found a cheaper SW990L that was similar in feel. Fits my hand nicely and doesn't end up punishing me after 200 rounds.
  24. I've got a SW990L and from what I understand it's DAO. No decocker and always has the same trigger pull. When I first bought it about four years ago it had a fairly gritty feeling to the trigger but after about 500 rounds it's nice and smooth. It has a fairly long trigger pull but not even close to my wifes LCP. Really like the 990L now, same trigger pull each time so no surprises and is proving to be a very accurate firearm once the trigger anticipation has been eliminated.


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