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Everything posted by energizzzer

  1. Tritium front and rear if possible. I'm currently running glock stock (non-night) rear and TruGlo Tritium / Fiber Optic green now.
  2. My EDC is a glock 23. I want to install night sights, but haven't found the right ones yet. In fact, I have a BNIB set of XS Big Dots and set of used TrueGlow fiber optic / night sights that I will be selling soon. Don't laugh, but I'm a big fan of the glock stock sights (non-night). The typical 3-dot configuration just isn't for me. I've researched Novak, Meprolight, Glock, Ameriglo, Trijicon, XS, TruGlow and Warren Tactical. Nobody seems to make night sight in a 'box' / dot combo like the stock glock sights. Anybody familiar with anything close?
  3. Indoor soccer is over. My son and I are coming out of hibernation to shoot this one. Those of you afraid you'll come in last don't need to worry, we'll have those spots covered!
  4. nysos - Two suggestions: 1) make sure you get a red dot with a MOA that will fit your needs. I find that anything bigger than a 2 MOA will all but cover your target at 200 yds. 2) depending on your weapon configuration the optic mounts you choose will dictate what you are able to install. I've got an Aimpoint red dot, Aimpoint 3X magnifier and BUIS all installed.
  5. Thought I'd post a follow-up. I bought a FNH SLP Mark 1. Cleaned it, then proceeded to run 140 rounds through it. Not a single issue. I didn't clean it and ran another 50 rounds through it the next week. Again, flawless. I fed it Remington and Winchester birdshot, 00 buck, 00 buck 3" magnums and slugs. Fed them all flawlessly. I couldn't be happier. I highly recommend you consider one if you're looking for a shotgun.
  6. Thanks for the feedback thus far. MacGyver - it would be great to catch up with you and shooting the M4 would be a treat, but tomorrow won't work for me. I really appreciate the offer though. As nightrunner points out, the limited shot cap of the M4 is a negative. Can you buy an extended feed tube for the M4 to at least get cap to 6+1 w/ 2-3/4" shells? nightrunner - prefer shoulder stock only, but pistol grip + shoulder stock is ok. Pistol grip only isn't for me. Mac - the FN-SLP seems like an excellent choice, but what's with the heavy vs light cylinders? Most of the reading I've done has folks running the light cylinder for everything? What has your experience been?
  7. Thanks guys. I'll try the torch. Yes I'm using a bench block. Removing gas tube from front sight base to replace with a low profile gas block. A necessary step to install my 10" LaRue handguard.
  8. Need some advice on which semi-auto 12 ga shotgun to buy. Will be primarily used for home defense, but I also plan to use it for some 3-gun matches. I'm thinking along the lines of: 1) FN SLP 2) Benelli M4 3) Mossberg 930 SPX 4) Remington 1100 Tac 4 5) Beretta Tx4 Storm I'd like the model to have an integrated pic rail for mounting a micro red dot and also a pre-drilled receiver for a shell carrier. Thanks in advance for the feedback.
  9. As the title states, I can't get the gas tube out of the front gas block....and yes, I have knocked out the roll pin. I read somewhere that you aren't supposed to twist the gas tube out? Rather than damage something, I thought I'd ask here for advice. Also, is it necessary at reassembly to use a new gas block roll pin? Thanks
  10. willis Mark and crew will do a fine job. My safe weighs 1,470 lbs. Two of them moved it in without damaging a thing. If you can get access the crawl space / basement under you bedroom I recommend adjustable floor jacks. Concrete base plates + 6x6s spanning joists and 4 floor jacks worked great for me. Nice and solid.
  11. For those of you in this camp, Costco has an on-line sale going on the Bighorn Classic 19.1 cu ft safe. The safe has a 30 min fire rating (careful here - fire ratings are often not calculated the same way), electronic lock, LED puck light and door organizer. $599.99 includes shipping and handling. This is no Browning, but better than a closet. Costco - BIGHORN Classic 5928ECC-SPL Safe
  12. The hidden, back-up safe is a great idea. That will also be my next safe purchase. Fernando Aguirre makes a similar point in his book The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse. An easy read I highly recommend. Content is based on his first hand experience of the 2001 economic collapse in Argentina. BTW - I didn't mention in my previous post that my floor is supported to sustain the weight of the safe. I'm fortunate to have access to my crawl space. There, I installed 6x6s and four structural jacks to accommidate the load. I found the decision of safe placement to be more difficult than I anticipated. For me, it was all about striking a good balance between easy access and keeping it out of common areas in the house.
  13. I didn't wan't to bolt through my hardwood floors so I had my alarm company install a magnetic switch. It feeds into the safe through small opening used for supplying electricity to the interior light kit. It is ALWAYS armed. Combine that with the 1,470 lb total weight and dog makes me feel ok about not bolting it down. Crazy part is, I don't have much in it. Just figured it was an investment for a lifetime. Plus, there is no such thing as a safe that's too big.
  14. I've got just about every color in both cotton and TacLite in both pants and shorts. No shrinkage issues, but I hang dry them all. What I will say is sizing isn't necessarily consistent. Right out of the box some pants are snug and others are bit lose. Otherwise, +1 on 5.11 pants. For what it's worth I also own range bags, backpacks, gloves and shirts. All have held up and served me well.
  15. energizzzer


    Sig P238HD
  16. I agree with Plainsman. Something between the butt of the gun and your skin will impede your ability to get a good purchase on the gun for an efficient draw. I wear a wife-beater under my shirt when carrying IWB. Have you tried that?
  17. Some good 'ol Wyoming porn!
  18. Bought a really fast cigar style boat from a friend when we lived out west. The boat was named "the energizer". The energizer bunny was painted on the back with flip flops, sunglasses and a beach towel draped over his shoulder. I decided to use the name when setting up an e-mail account back in the day. Energizer was taken so I added 2 more z's. My oldest son is embarrassed when I provide my e-mail address to school, etc. Can't wait until he brings his first date to the house so I can show him what embarrassed really looks like....
  19. Great looking stages. My son and I won't be able to make it - mamma's birthday. That means we're not going to be there to ensure one of you doesn't come in last place...
  20. IDPA permits shooters as young as 12. According to the IDPA website, Rattlesnake Ridge is a sanctioned club in the Clarksville area.
  21. ? I swear I heard it differently?? Something like "Touch me like you know me". I pretended not to hear and walked the other way. I was so distraught over it that my shooting suffered
  22. My shooting skills were less than impressive going into the match, but yesterday was exceptionally poor. I was going to ask some of you for a lesson, but the last time I did that was with my golf pro. He watched my swing a few times, then told me to take 2 weeks off and sell my clubs.... Regardless, I had a great time yesterday. Kudos to Chandler, Michael, Greg and crew for a smooth, well run match. I appreciate your hard work.
  23. George - Thanks for posting. Hell of a story. I sent the two links to everyone in my e-mail database. I've never asked them to forward anything I've sent - 'till now. I hope he sells a million of them! And yes, he'll get the keys back if one of my tickets is drawn too.
  24. Practical Shooting - Beyond Fundamentals by Brian Enos Practical Shooting Books for USPSA, IPSC, NRA, & IDPA Competition
  25. Can't go wrong with Bushmaster, Noveske or LMT


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